Day 11

Kate woke up, rubbing her eyes, she looked around her surroundings, then looked over to the middle-aged woman, and then stood up. Cakes, walk around the island for her daily walk, she had a similar process to the other middle-aged woman, but instead, I'm only going 6 km, Kate goes 25 km. Along per 25 km walk, she founded a tunnel that she had never seen before. Naturally, her island was the hardest Island in the alternate dimension, and most of her Island revolves around the air element, but she revolves around the earth element. She walked right next to the entrance of the cave, she didn't know if it was worth the risk, even though there were a lot of cave systems on her natural Island. She stood at the entrance, not knowing what to think, she I wanted to go, but on her home Island, going into any situation was dangerous. That was a long amount of time, and a long train of thought thinking about the situation, but eventually, she decided. She decided that should go into the cave. She stepped inside the cave, the corners were filled with spider webs, and the spider webs help dozens and dozens of spiders. Kate had an eerie feeling about this place all she wanted to do, it was just to walk out of that cave, but little did she know this would be one greatest Discovery, on this island so far.

After about 25 minutes of wandering around the cave, she looked around a corner, and she saw a small spot of gold and, she ran out of the cave only taking 5 minutes to get out, because of her incredible speed. Once she got out of the cave she saw the only other middle-aged woman on the island, and she ran up to her, face filled with excitement, but also you could see that she had an adrenaline rush going through her. She tackled her, excitement going through her. She finally stood up with the other middle-aged girl, and she finally stood up with the other middle-aged girl and spoke so fast that she couldn't even understand it herself. After she finished her barrage of slurred speech, she tried to calm down, but she couldn't. So the closest she could do was, hyperventilate, and point in the direction of where the gold is, and so, the middle-aged woman followed Kate into the cave.

The two girls walk-well Kate runs and the other middle-aged woman tries to catch up with her. Once the two women got to the cave and, caught their breath back, they went inside the cave. The two girls walked around, the spider webs on the walls, and the floor filled with water, along with the roof being littered with Sharp icicles. The cave held in eerie Silence, the only other noisy could hear other than the girls breathing the occasional squawk of a bat. Both girls were absolutely petrified, but they were too intrigued to stop going in the direction they were going in.

As they continue to walk along the walls of the cave, for protection and a lot longer and a lot slower than before. They continued walking, surprisingly not seeing any obstacles in the way, but they were always checking behind their backs just to make sure, but you never knew what could happen in this alternate dimension. So they continued walking across the side of the cave until they got to the spot of gold, but this time the gold wasn't there. "WHAT THE FUCK!?!?!?!" Kate said, in complete shock, she didn't know what to do or say, neither did the other middle-aged woman, so they stood there in an awkward silence.

After about 10 minutes of the awkward silence continuing, Kate had enough of it. So, she walked over to where the gold was directly before and punched the wall. And hurt her fist incredibly, but she wanted to see what was hiding she wants to see if you can find more gold., but she wanted to see what was hiding she wants to see if she can find more gold. There was no result from that, so she was ordered to kicking the wall with her foot. After about 50 kicks of her right foot, she felt exhausted. She collapses two the ground almost passing out, and the other middle-aged woman walked over her giving her a comforting hug. They hugged for about five minutes, before Kate game enough energy to kick again. Kate felt the sudden urge to just kick the ball of all her might. So, she jumped up with an immense amount of determination within her, and kick the wall one last time, and the wall collapsed. The two girls looked inside of the whole that Kate had just made with her foot. The whole was probably only around about, 50 cm by cm, so the girls are going to have a rough time trying to get through it, but their curiosity got in the way of their safety. The two women made their way through the hole that Kate made, and they saw a small cat-like animal, talking to another cat-like animal, and Kate seemed to understand their language perfectly, and, she started to talk to the cat-like animals.

After about 5 minutes of talking to the cat-like animals, she finally spoke in English, "The mandala's said to follow them." "How can you speak their language?" The middle-aged woman that was not Kate said, "They migrated from my home island and, they were the only things that cared about me, and the only other things on my home island that also had the earth element." After Kate spoke, there was a long awkward silence, neither you woman knew what to say, so they just stood there, staring at the cat-like creature.

A couple of minutes later another cat-like creature and to the vicinity, and it started talking and its own language once again, but this time Kate know the other woman could understand it. It was like the King Of The Colony, spoke a different language to what The Peasants do. So, both girls just stood there confused as hell on what the hell to do, so the middle-aged woman, that didn't know her name, started looking around at the scenery. It was a beautiful sight, different rocks and minerals, colours were just popping in her face and, she had only seen them just then. The middle-aged woman looked in aw, and couldn't focus on the anything but the drop-dead gorgeous environment that surrounded her, "Wow..." She says, not paying any attention to anyone else. Then the peasants started to talk to Kate asking what the hell the other middle-aged woman was doing. No one in the room knew.

After about 5 minutes of the middle-aged woman that didn't have a name according to everyone else, looked around the fascinating surroundings, she finally turned back her attention to your life karma but by that time everyone was already hiding. They were trying to scare her.

The middle age woman looked confused, she didn't know where everyone else was. So, she went to look for everyone. Little did she know, everyone was hiding in the same room as her, and just as she was about to exit the room, the mandala's, and Kate jumped out all at once, making the other middle-aged women jump into the air, and fly little bit, and when she got down he, she fainted. Kate and the mandala's rushed over to her and, Kate tried to feel her pulse, but she couldn't feel one. Kate started to freak out, and she picked her up bridal style and rushed her up to the surface.

Once Kate got up to the surface and placed her down, she attempted to feel her pulse, but couldn't feel it. Kate started to go on a spree of panic, and she started doing CPR, trying to say her life, adrenaline coursing through her veins. She tried, and she tried, and she tried, but she couldn't save her, she ended up curling into a tiny ball, and crying her eyes out. She rocked back and forward for hours, never stopping the tears streaming down her face, she just couldn't stop crying. She ended up falling asleep crying.