Meeting problem all the way~

A week passed, Ryuuji altered his Dragon King armor to peasant outfit. Even he wear peasant outfit, it turned out the outfit did not cover him at all. Moreover making him more stood out than the rest. Not to say his appearance only. His Knowledge and battle experiences far apart than Leon's village. His attitude could be said a good samaritan.

"Brother Ryuuji! This old man need help in herb."

"Ryuuji! Help me carry this sag of flour to my bakery."

"Ryuuji, I challenge you to duel!"

"R-Ryuji, would you like to have a date with me?"

Ryuji sighed and sit on wooden bench looking at the sky. Leon sat next to him laugh. Nowadays because of how Ryuji Treated Leon as if his buddies. Leon also did same.

"Hey, man of charisma! How are you?"

"Tired mentally."

"Because of a girl?"

"Yeah, I don't want to hurt her feeling."

"Wow, you're such a caring person. I feel like I will fall in love with you."

"I'll make sure to tell your wife later."

"I'm joking! I'm joking! Don't tell her. She will really kill me!"

"Let's go to pub. My throat thirsty."

"Damn, what is your body made of? Magic?"

Ryuuji and Leon went to pub to have a drink. The atmosphere in the pub is quite rowdy. A drunkard saw Ryuuji. He shouted.

"Look! Our beer champion! Hip! Hip!"


Everbody replied in synched. Ryuuji joined them. They repeated three times before went to their own business. Ryuuji and Leon went to barstool and order beer.

"How's your life staying here?"

"It's not bad. This village is stable for all income i checked."

"You can calculate!?"

"Of course, it's fundamental to my country."

"Your country! Which name is it!?"

"Let's just say a terrible things happen and they gone for good."

"Ah, sorry to pry."

"It's okay, nothing can be done after all."

'Damn feel bad but I need to bluff him.'

Suddenly a man full of wound appeared in pub and shouted.

"Dark Wind!"

"Are you sure!?"

Leon asked and the men nodded. The rowdy atmosphere turned to silent as graveyard. Everbody had frown at their face. Only Ryuuji who raised his brow in question.


"The group of bandits. They are stronger bandits. Even if we were to fight them, they will win against us easily."

"Ho, looks fun."

"What the hell are you saying !? It's suicide if you're alone! Even you're good at swordsmanship, doesn't mean you can win against them!!"

"Thanks for caring about me but chill down, Leon. I'm not that weak."

'Yes, I can assess my power!'

Ryuuji went out from pub. A group consisted of three swordsman and three lieutenant. Ryuuji went to them.

"Hey guys!"

They looked at Ryuuji with smirk. They started to think of kidnapping him and sell him highest price to slave trader. Ryuuji smiled at them,little did they know actually the victim-would be them not him.

"What is it?"

"What're you doing here?"

Ryuuji looked at them. Their status showed as around level 10 and 14. When he compared to villagers, he could understand the reason.

"We're protecting the village. We are now collecting tax."

When Ryuuji heard tax, he eyes flashed with disdain.

'You? Collecting tax? Are you kid? You just exhorting people. This why retard people is such a headache.'

"Well, your guys can collect tax. How about I collect tax of your guys since your guys lived here leeched people's money."

Ryuuji smiled but his smile didn't bring any radiance of good samaritan but an analytical economist, showing disdain to these people to call this 'tax'.

The lieutenant pissed and ordered three swordsmen to kill him. The first swordsman came while slaying horizontally at Ryuuji but he lowered his body avoiding the sword before his hands fluidly hitting every joint in the swordsman's arm. He cried in pain before a fist swing straight at him making him faint. What scary the most is this thing happen as if they in script.

"How about you two? I believed there is phrase like, 'two brains is better than one' or something like that."

Two swordsmen enraged and dashed to Ryuuji with two saber at vital spots. Ryuuji moved a few step back before jump at them knocking the swords away from their grasp. A strong jab landed on both swordsmen simultaneously. Both down. The lieutenant sneaked attack from behind to hit him but he moved a side before gift him a fast high kick knocking the lieutenant into dream. The surrounding quiet as if saw a death god walking in their village.

'What? Can't I have a fight here?'