There is mission! It's story mission!!!

A HUD appeared in front of him. Ryuuji bit surpised and read the HUD.

'Mission complete: The return of King Sage Emperor'

'There is reward! And it is.... EXPERIENCE POINT!!!'

Ryuuji opened up his information however the level changed back to 1 but all stats still same. Ryuuji breathed in relief.

'That's mean the limiter has been reset.'

Leon ran toward Ryuuji. He held Ryuuji's shoulder and shake it. Ryuuji just let it be since it looks like this guy is a serious worrymart.

"I'll be fine! I want to deal with these 'tax collector'."

"Are you kidding me!?"

"Of course not! How can I'm kidding?"

Even though Ryuuji replied in happy tone but everyone know, he didn't happy at all. Everyone could guess that it was bandit kept saying 'tax' in front of genius economist. Moreover, the village elder pass the responsibility of tax and stocks to Ryuuji.

"I'll just knock on their door and ask properly."

A wooden staff appeared in his hand. It looks ordinary but nobody can doubt that the magic Ryuuji just use is space magic, moreover he did it as if breathing. Ryuuji went to the lieutenant and woke him up.

"Oi, wake up. I'm gonna slap your face if you don't."

"Hmm. Wha? What are you!?"

"Okay. Answer my question, where is your hideout?"

"Heh, there is no way I'm gonna t-"

A slap landed perfectly on his face. Ryuuji's face was smiling.

"What the f-"


After the second slap landed on the lieutenant's cheek, he went quiet didn't dare to get another slap.

"Answer my question, I wouldn't kill you if you want a second and honest life."

The lieutenant started to sob. Villagers flabbergasted when saw this old man cried without even dignity in front of Ryuuji, as if he just a kid got caught by his scary dad for doing something bad. The lieutenant started to tell all of it.

"Okay, thanks for your cooperation. I'll take care all of it, if you try to do funny. I promised..."

Ryuuji moved closer to lieutenant's ear. The last word scared a shit out of him.

'Your body will be nowhere in this world.'

"Got it?"

Lieutenant was shaking crazy after Ryuuji went to Leon's house. Leon went after him.

"Ryuuji, what are you gonna do?"

"Hmm... I'll continue roam to other places."

"Oh, you know. It is blessing that a sage like you appeared."

Ryuuji got curious, raised his eyebrow. Leon got scared when remember the lieutenant reaction when Ryuuji speak to him.

"Legends told that in the past there is King Sage Emperor, whose always at peak of his world and nobody could fight them. Well that's just jew thousand years ago, The Revolution Of Tech"

Ryuuji's body froze, he forgot even to ask about year. Yet he remember to ask about recent movement of current power holders. Ryuuji cursed his mind for always ignore the past.

"Tell me in detail."

"The Revolution of Tech is Age that's where it is known as legendary age. Rumour say it is agewhere all equipment is stronger than national and the strongest equipment on par to fight with gods of Zaras."

Ryuuji nodded in understanding. It is as Leon said, it is on par to fight on gods of Fleurel' trial.

"And based on magicstone of artifact went near on the great grass plain, a guild known as Light Order and Black Chaos is a manifestation of greatest power holder in past. No one could hinder them even they are genius few thousand years old."

"I see."

"The guild master of this guild is known as King Sage Emperor, his knowledge on par on mechanic and wizards. His strength would make the lancer, knight, and dragon slayer surprised. And of course best of things. He made a ton of heaven treasure every week of his life."

Ryuuji suddenly froze and got silent heard about it. He started to remember how he kept complaining the stats of the item just low even though it is already heaven ranked.

'I guess you can say I'm rash and enjoyed that life.'

"Well, I need to pack up to meet these fellow."


Before Ryuuji went out from village, everbody got emotional. Ryuuji wondered whether because sad or there will not be a good samaritan helping them. Ryuuji bid farewell before went to Dark Wind hideout.

On the way to the place he heard a few shout, girls shouting in detail. Ryuuji got curious, he went to take a look. A scene straight from hentai appeared. A beautiful knight got caught by a stinky old bandit. Ryuuji cursed,

'I want to do it too bastard!!'