A mission HUD appeared in front of him.

'Story mission:Making debut

Sabotage their action

destroy them

assist them

or lead them'

'Waah~, The action to completed them is really flexible. Whoever made this mission, Thank you. May you be blessed with thousand loyal waifu in your next life.'

'ah back to main track. What should i do.'

"Don't insert in!"

'I should stop them first. It's kinda annoying actually.'

Ryuuji went out from bush. The old bandit and the knight girl froze when see him. Ryuuji altered his Dragon King Armour to mercenary outfit earlier before moving out from Leon's village.

"It's Jack Of Trade. What are you doing lad? Don't you see what I'm doing!?"

Ryuuji smiled. He never thought to meet this kind of character in his life. He is neither good samaritan or society trash but he prefer to follow his desire properly.

"Old man, this style of work is no good. How about you let go of her now."

Ryuuji flashed a scheming smiled at the old bandit. The bandit replied with a smile and let the girl knight go. The girl knight frankly bold out but she didn't notice Ryuuji knocked her unconscious perfectly.

"Old man. I'm no good nor bad man. I'm just like to follow my desire, if you want to rape her think this through. What would happen if you get a sickness from your action?"

"Lad, this old man is still strong-"

"Listen carefully old man. You shouldn't share her with other except let the semen in her body clean before fuck her again. This is for medical purpose."

"If you want to lead this old man. Fight me."

A thousand of bandits appeared with a group of female knight still unconscious. Ryuuji looked at them,

'there are many women, you just assault knight? How stiff your guys can be?'

Ryuuji's eyes glance at the old bandit. The level is too much around 59. No wonder the villagers couldn't fight them, luckily Ryuuji's limiter already reset and left his stat intact.

"Old man you strike first, I'll give you chance to defeat me."

"Then, don't you regret it!!!"

The old man swang his saber vertical but Ryuuji moved to side perfectly dodge the blade. Ryuuji snickered, making the old man enraged and swang his saber faster in many direction. The battle looked like one sided-battle because not only Ryuuji dodged the blade but taunted bandits' leader.

"Old man are you done?"




In three moves, Ryuuji parry and knocked the old man with a wooden staff. The bandits started to murmured among themselves. Ryuuji grin when saw the faint girl knight that old man tried to rape.

"Who's next?"

Everbody silent when Ryuuji opened his mouth. There was a calm breeze pass them like that.A black shroud passed them. Ryuuji glance at the black shroud. Ryuji clapped his hands once.

"Alright, if you want to do this girl. You must know how to hypnosis and turn them to cock-lover or their mind will started to turn blank or simple word, 'broken'."

Ryuuji explained in matter of fact. Everbody heard in focus. Ryuuji raised his index finger on his right.

"That's why i need a scientist and a group of magicians."

Ryuuji smirked could be described no as malicious like some of antagonist of hentai character.


"Eruna, what are you doing?"

Eruna who masturbated on Ryuuji's bed. She froze when heard a high elf there. Eruna glance at the high elf before continued her masturbation. The high elf sighed before closed Ryuuji's door. A dwarf appeared with worried face. his worried face couldn't be hidden by manly beard.

"How is she?"

The high elf shook her head. Eruna still depressed and wanted Ryuuji but nobody knew where their masters went and gone too.

"Gharf, I'm worried too. Even if she is not the leader of us. She always treated us kindly."

"I understand too, Aria. Even I know that much."

Both the Gharf the Dwarf and Aria the high elf sighed. They still couldn't do about it. A pure black demonic dragon appeared and landed near them before changed to female who not less beautiful than Eruna. She smiled at them.

"Did you know that Master Ryuuji is alive and kicked in but I didn't smell any others master."

When both Gharf and Aria heard, they sighed. The young female before her is a mount and spirit companion of Ryuuji, Dragon of Annihilation, Zeryl. Gharf sighed but Aria assured them.

"At least Master Ryuuji still alive. If I remember correctly, he are more than one immortal herbs. I believed he will be fine and kickin'!"

Aria tried to assured Gharf and herself. Eruna appeared before them.

"is it true? Zeryl? Master is alive."

"Of course! I bet on my life for it."

Eruna smiled and went to his beloved master's bed to clean her mess.