*Warning!* Let this sage teach you

Ryuuji sat on the wooden throne while staring them practicing magic. He heard a group of bandit that had aptitude with magic learn magic, moreover it's hypnosis magic. It was one of the forbidden magic that need a heavy comprehension and can't be learn that easily.

"Hypnosis is like whispering sweet to the victim and slowly push them to do as it said. Do it patiently."

Ryuuji stood up and moved to the leader of girls knight. Ryuuji covered his face with black mist to avoid being recognised. As he moved closer, the girl backed away. Ryuuji's black mist slowly uncovered his onyx coloured eyes.

"It's fine. It's okay, nobody will hurt you..."

The leader had a soft blonde hair with soft blue iris. She had a developing body, It can be said she will become beauty when she matured. Ryuuji moved step by step moved closer to her, with a hypnosis magic ready to be released. The moment the soft blue eyes met Ryuuji's black iris, the magic released. The girl's eyes went lifeless as if she is a doll.

"What is your name, sweet girl?"

"My name is Lily Crowmell, the first daughter."

"Alright. From now on, every time we have kiss your body will turn more in heat. Your body will become more addicted as we had more sex. You will obey and always believed that I, Ryuuji Tougi, is your only love. You will not accept any man other than him. After we kissed your other self will slowly merge with your real self."

Ryuuji's hand caressed Lily's face before kiss her deeply, neither too fast nor slow. The atmosphere is so quiet. The girl knights and the bandits dumbfounded to see how Ryuuji executed this move, it was women killer. After quite a long time, saliva's drip from both mouths.


Lily's eyes met him with longing eyes. Ryuuji continued caressed continued kiss her deeply. The tongue interwined. Lily's tongue lost to very dominant movement of Ryuuji's tongue. Lily's hands held Ryuuji's cheek softly. After another long kiss, Lily fidgeted a litte.

"Let me undress myself."

Lily slowly pull her armor away, then her clothes then her undergarments revealing a quite beautifully shaped waist, a quite plump ass and a big than normal breast. Lily's face flushed,but she moved slowly to Ryuuji's pant and pull it down slowly. Ryuuji removed his black mist from his face as he look at Lily with caring eyes.

"Lily, what you wanted to do?"

"I-i... I want to have sex with you."

"Let me loosen your body, Lily."

With a soft yet caring, the girls couldn't help but turn red as they imagined gained their leader's place. They hand started to rub their pussies. Ryuuji moved his hands and rub softly, Lily moaned in pleasure a little.

"Do you want more?"

Lily's face red but nodded want more.Lily's body faced Ryuuji's. Ryuuji grinned.


The pain and pleasure mixed in Lily's voice as Ryuuji pounced inside her pussy. Ryuuji felt a strong euphoria as he piston harder.


"Aaahhnn!~ Aahhhn!~Aaahn!~"

Ryuji pistoned fast nonstop while Lily kept moaning same bitch in heat. She had ahegao face with happy smile as her hip kept moving. Lily face had absolutely in happiness as He pussy being pierced by someone she fell in love (Hypnotised). She couldn't help but released orgasm.

"I'm cumming!!!"

Lily shouted and moaning without care as Ryuuji's dick released a lot of semen filling up Lily's womb. Lily's body started to slowed down fatigued but her feeling and instinct told her to do more. Ryuuji kept piston inside her as Lily kept moaning without care. That time the knight girls' face started to flushed as their will started to wavered as they watched their respected leader had sex with Ryuuji. Moreover, she seemed happy without care.

After a while, Lily panted heavily as she touched Ryuuji's face. Her eyes desired longing for him became stronger than before. Ryuuji's evil aura seemed dissipated as he smiled kindly and peck on Lily's cheek. Lily's face flushed when she remembered how horny she is. Ryuuji patted her head before pull out his friend and carry her in princess style.Lily held Ryuuji's body close to her as if afraid he'll gone. He looked at the dumfounded bandit turned to be wizard hypnosis with a glance.

"That's how, you hypnosis."

With Ryuuji's word Lily realised but she accepted it easily. She knew that when Ryuuji said it, she can supressed the feeling. Yet she doesn't wanted to do it, she just want to be with this man. Ryuuji sat on the throne with Lily on his lap.

"Now that I teach you how to do it. My wish is easy. Make them treat your lust as their responsibility and treat it with full of their heart."

The group of bandits bowed in respect. No one expect the new leader of them gived them a way to their paradise. The girls started to shivering in fear.

"However, I'll teach your guys true discipline."

Ryuuji's eyes didn't show any life in it, only calculating.


Moaning of females filled the cave. It's forced and nonstop but the girls had no blank face but ecstatic. The men also did their best to satify both. Ryuuji nodded, while Lily kept making adorable face attract Ryuuji's attention.

Ryuuji nodded in solemn.

"First step is success."

The bandits heard it surprised.

'Wait, there is more!?'

"Of course there is."

Ryuuji had a mischief smile at his face. His mind full of strategy as he started to imagine making girls that can lactate milk and lustful body. Not to forget, a strong desire to have sex and extremely sensitive pussy and breast. He nodded fully agree with his twisted mind. If hate their ugly body, why not modify their body to their favourite? Ryuuji nodded at his own thought.

Lily stood up and stood next to the wooden throne. Ryuuji raised from his carved wooden throne with extreme detail picturing a great sovereign with magic's formation carved in extremely small filled in every nook and crook.

"By the way don't go wildly, I stil didn't make control birth pill."

The bandits understood. They had one who went overboard almost kill the girls and have his body minced to meat paste in front of them. They didn't dare to take place of their ignorant friends.

At the private room, Lily sat on their bed. Ryuuji sat next to her, while she snuggled at her. Ryuuji pat her head.

"I'll make the birth controling pill and managed this place. I need to wander around the place to modify people's body. I'll need test subject and the ingredient. Will you be with me?"

Lily pounced on him and kissed him deeply as saliva's connecting each other's mouth.

"I'll be your test subject. Will you please don't throw me away?"

"I promised not to."

They had sex intensely that defeated the bandits and knight girls. Both men and girls had blank face when heard once a strong and dignified knight leader, Lily, moaning without care like a bitch.