Ah, The main heroine Appeared!

Ryuuji sat on chair with a light novel on his hand. Ever since, the battle with Lily's ex-fiance, him became well-known as a prodigy wandering sage. he sat in cafe, while being accompany with two beauties. Ryuuji was reading his light novel ignoring them quarrel.

"Why you are here with master Ryuuji!? I'm the first one he devour me."

"If that's true, he is the first one to give me the feel of heaven! He is master to me!"

Ryuuji raised his head to see a seductive fox female in sexy outfit and Lily in her usual knight outfit. He shook his head as he continued to read the novel. Even though he wanted to do something, he also need to take a breather once in a while.

"Moreover, I don't understand what speacial is beastman. I see only animal's part only."

"Hmph! Beastman body can endure extreme torture. How about your human body? Except master who been a human which i really doubt because he didn't have any weakness like your human!"

Ryuuji who still reading the novel retorted in his mind.

'Sorry to say, my mind is an old man in 21-century. No way I'm gonna fight like some idiot.'

He meant the overspirited main character. He actually didn't like it but he couldn't judge the author without good reason. Moreover, it was still one of his favourite story plot he read. Ryuuji stared at them.

"Ladies, cut it out. It's bothering everyone here."

Lily and Mya stopped their bickering and sat by Ryuuji's side. Ryuuji sighed as he looked up to see something big and black.

"Zeryl, what you doing here?"


Both the girls looked above to see a black dragon carried a beautiful woman that could be described as embodiment of lust and beauty. The girl jumped down and landed gracefully. Zeryl's appearance scared the hell out of people surrounding Ryuuji.

'The main heroine appeared!!!'

Ryuuji sighed when he looked surrounding,these girls really made a mess...

Eruna dashed to land a french kiss toward Ryuuji. Ryuuji accepted it without care. He created her after all.

"Master Ryuuji!~"

"Miss me?"

Eruna hugged him tight, Ryuuji had a smile on his face. He smiled was neither scheming or evil one but kind smile waiting for his beloved. Ryuuji pat her head softly. Ryuuji felt wet on his chest. Ryuuji then heard a sobbing from Eruna.


"Master....I'm.... Glad you're.... Safe.."

"Sorry for making you worry."

"It's fine. Master always worked the hardest. Even other master could not say something bad at master..."

Ryuuji shrugged about the statement. He didn't do anything much except doing everything in his guild while his guildmates busy with IRL. He could only sighed in his mind.


Ryuuji noticed the Eruna sniffed his outfit.

"Do you have any other woman?"

Ryuuji turned to side looking somewhere as he whistled like nothing wrong. Eruna gazed at Mya and Lily. She then turned to face Ryuuji.

"Master... Why..."

'Ah, the pervert mode already turned on!'

"Why?~ Why you have another woman other than me?~ Why?~ Why you cheating me?~"

Ryuuji wished he could go to past to beat himself for creating way too pervert npc. Not that he hate it though. Just not good for his heart who had always intend to ntr every main character's heroines. He didn't want to face those same thing as evil dudes did to his woman.


A man in commander jacket went inside a room with grim face. He then looked around and smirked.

"Welcome, my fellow. As you all here is due to fateful and same ambition we have dreamt, to control this world. And today I'll asked this to you; what is the most important news?"

A sexy woman with blue sky coloured long haired raised her hand. She had domineering aura around her.

"I heard that a SS rank got defeated by a so called Ryuuji Cloudking."

"Hmm... It seemed that indeed dangerous."

A young man with regal aura said as he rubbed his chin thinking. The young man had a blonde wavy hair. His body could be called sturdy. The young man gazed surrounding.

"We need to know about him. We never encounter someone like him."