
Ryuuji opened his eyes to see three opposite gender of his were sleeping soundly on him. Ryuuji pushed himself up letting ladies continued their sleep after 'worked hard'. Ryuuji went toward business district to look for new thing, he found nothing. He turned to adventurer guild to get any quest.

"Ah, this sounds good."

He said as he stared at the mission. A galloping sound appeared. Ryuuji turned around to seeing a wounded man fell to ground. Everybody rushed to the man except Ryuuji. Ryuuji raised his eyebrow looking at the wounded man.

'Some plot story appeared.'

Ryuuji sighed, he been at this game with for almost a year. While his life being filled with what he desired, he noticed that has not been any challenge, even defeating SS rankers was easy as munching cookies. Ryuuji thought this as real bullshit since consciousness being sent to game is not your ordinary scene as anime. It was like charged your body with many volts into your brain.

Ryuuji opened the HUD.


*How the King Sage emperor protected the world.

Difficulties: Impossible

Reward: Back to the start.

Ryuuji frowned,

'back to the start?'

While Ryuuji pondered about this, a guildmaster appeared. He had a huge body same as berserker class. As a normal body type, he sighed as he look up to meet the guildmaster's face. The guildmaster had serious expression.

"Ryuuji Cloudking, We need your help. The demon monarch just ordered demons to conquer the world!"

Ryuuji sighed as he nodded,

'Can't do about it.'

"Alright, lead the way."

Someone hugged Ryuuji close, Ryuuji turned to see Eruna had a worry look. Ryuuji chuckled as he asked,

"What's wrong?"

"Master! Don't leave me again!"

Ryuuji surprised by Eruna remark, he chuckled little bit. He didn't know whether his creation npc is a fate or just a pure coincidence in his heart.

"Even I had impregnated thousand women, I'll always be with you."

Ryuuji held Eruna's hand. even though the wounded man quite a terrible scene, the people there watched both Ryuuji and Eruna had their drama. Ryuuji noticed and shook his head. He pulled the ring that suppressed his power.

The godlike aura released after the ring being pulled away from his finger. Ryuuji's body started to dazzle everyone with its shine. Ryuuji turned to them and said with lax tone,

"This gonna be the war. Prepare yourselves."

He said before he went out. Ryuuji also noticed that his semens still inside both Mya and Lily. Ryuuji made the semen turn to energy that help them fight. Ryuuji walked away from the capital and straight to demon monarch. Eruna followed after him.

"Master, are we going to fight demon monarch?"


"Why you didn't ask for them to appear?"

"Gharf and others? I rather want them to find their life here."

Eruna had a question symbol and her head. Ryuuji sighed.

"What if I said that I'm not from this world instead from another world, what will you do?"

"I will love master."

"Even though I don't have this body?"

"Master always had a perverted aura. I won't miss it!"

Ryuuji chuckled, they continued their venture till arrived in a demon territory.

Ryuuji glanced at Eruna.


Eruna nodded as she raised her long needles. She is poison user after all.

They ran toward deeper territories of demon.

A group of demon appeared but it was slaughtered without second thought. Ryuuji used his hidden sword staff to hit the demon. No demon could expected that swing come from Ryuuji was fatal. Feeling fear, they backed away as the intelligents approached Ryuuji and Eruna.

"What do you want, human?"

They asked with a loud tone but their betrayed in front of Ryuuji's glare.

"I want to meet your monarch or..."


A demon head appeared on Ryuuji's hand

"Your head will be next."

The intelligent demons shuddered in fear. The leader of them moved his mouth shaking.

"Y-you.... D-Demon!!"

Ryuuji smirked. To be called demon by demon was amusing moment for him.

The leader of intelligent demons obeyed Ryuuji's word, Ryuuji and Eruna followed after the leader. While on the way, they met the demon monarch.

"So, you're the foolish human who seek to kill me. I praised your courage for fighting with a slut."

The demon monarch said while softly giggled at her own words. Ryuuji had the dead eyes fish.

"How dare you call me slut! Aren't you same for wearing something like that, old hag!?"

Eruna never had sex with anyone other than her master, Ryuuji. Even though she acted like one (obviously) she never had sex with anyone.

"You know, if i meet you earlier, i would love to train your body."

Ryuuji smirked, he had vulgar face. Ryuuji's expression made the demon monarch's instinct shouting in her mind.

'This guy is dangerous.'