Reforming the Golden Horde

The golden horde as it was currently was messed up. The ranking was not fully solidified. The units were not all United there was a lack of leaders. This led me to start thinking about reforming the army. To do this, I would need the help of my Army Leaders, therefore, making me summon a war council (of only the Golden Horde members).

I sat in the Grand Hall waiting for the military leaders to arrive, The first to come was the Cavalry Units leader Commandant of Cavalry Yannick. He was a fairly tall man, Red, shoulder-length hair tight in a ponytail revealed a full, cheerful face. Bloodshot Red eyes set graciously within their sockets,

A red beard beautifully complimenting his eyes and a thin line scar that ran across his left eye left a captivating memory of his luck in battles.

A soon as he saw me he bowed in military-style all while greeting me "Good Morrow Commander."

"Good Morrow Yanack, take a seat."

I sat in silence waiting for the others to arrive, not long after Yannick came in My Chief of supplies Hybald came in Followed by my Lieutenant-Colonel Pariach and last but not least Commandant of the Artillery unit Elmer Davenport. All of the high ranking members of the Golden Horde were in one room

Seeing as they were all here, I wasted no time and started speaking "I'll be frank and direct with all of you, for the past ten years we have always seen the Golden Horde as my army. One that had the main objective to protect me, however, I want a change, for the Golden Horde to truly grow powerful it needs to become a real army, and for this, we need to have a reformation."

After I finished speaking, I turned to look at all their faces, letting the news sink in. Hybald spoke up

"Commander how do we go about this, after all, to reform an entire army of ten thousand soldiers is no easy thing."

"Good question Yannick, the first we would have to do is changing the military rankings, we currently do not have a clear hierarchy, in front of you is a paper, on this paper you will find the new military rankings."

The new military rankings went like this:


Sergeant (White Star)

Officer (Black Star)

Corporal (Blue Star)

Brigadier ( Green Star)

Major (Orange Star)

Third Lieutenant (Red Star)

Second Lieutenant (Violet Star)

First Lieutenant (Yellow Star)

Colonel (Red Flames)

Commander (White Flames)

General (Black Flames


After a couple seconds of silence Elmer spoke up "Commander if i shall ask, what is the meaning behind the stars and flames."

"I was waiting for someone to ask that question, they signify the symbol your ranking is. For example, an Officer will have a Black star drawn on their armour, before I go onto the topic does any have suggestions."

"Commander I suggest adding titles" Locating the location of the voice I saw it was Pariach who spoke up."

"What exactly do you mean by titles."

Pariachs responded almost instantly "I think that if an officer made a major contribution we could give them a title that would put them a cut above the rest. A prime example of this would be if a colonel tricked an opposing enemy and if it was a significant contribution we could give them the title Colonel Of Deception."

" Pariach good idea, it's times like these where you shine, I'll take it, and we will see where it gets us. Now onto the second matter military expansion, we only have ten thousand troops which are not enough numbers; we would need to find ways to recruit, any ideas?"

Looking around the hall the first to answer was once more Elmer "Commander I think I could solve our problem here, the simplest solution would be to host a tournament reaching out to the thousands of fighters across the Endless Mountains and even the Barbarian."

With a frown on my face, I could only respond "A good idea, but that doesn't solve our aim which is military expansion."

"It can work out. First It will attract tens of thousands of people at least, and we can recruit and train them. Second, if we hold this tournament annually, we would have an influx of recruits every year." This time it was Pariach who spoke up

With a broad smile on I could only say "Brilliant idea, love it, now onto the third matter we need to raise the army's individual and collective prowess. I would normally take charge of them personally and train them however I am currently focusing on improving my power. Yannick go find the Old Man and bring him to me; he'll train the army."

"The Old Man huh commander are you sure that we should bring him in, he can be a "but" hectic."

"No don't worry we need him, moving onto the last matter from now on I will be known as your General. Hybald you will be my Left-wing commander, Yannick you will be My Cavalry Commander, Elmer you will take up the post of Artillery Commander and last but not least pariach you will be my new military advisor. You will all be granted titles after you each make a significant contribution. This meeting is now over, and you are all dismissed."