The Old Man

On a sure busy road on Earthbury city there sat an old man by the corner of the street. The Old Man was a man of elegance blue; sleek hair gently hanging over a beautiful, radiant face. Glistening blue eyes were set deep within their sockets while watching over the street; freckles were spread neatly across his cheeks, looking at him one would not think he was older than 50.

However, he had existed in the historical records of the Auguste Clan since the time of The Ninth Clan Head, earning him the nickname The Old Man. His power was unknown his personality, however, was well known, Selfish to the utmost core and sadistic. He was what Erasmus called the perfect Military Trainer.

The Cavalry Commander of the Golden Horde watched The Old man from a distance. Yannick was sent to bring the Old Man before his Comma- No his General no matter the cost. He had already been observing him for the last couple of days, and Yannick was baffled by his attitude and behaviour. The Old Man was merely a beggar in Earthbury City which was an anomaly. The city was situated in the northern border of the Endless Mountains and was known as one of the most beautiful cities in the world.

The city of Earthbury was built amidst the ivory fields of snow and is a trade centre. Its appearance was only matched by the backdrop of grand forests which have helped shape the city to what it is today. The trade resources these forests brought were of great importance, but they were also influential when it came to architectural designs as the vast majority of buildings have been built with timber from those very same forests.

The skyline was scattered with Tall buildings which were designed to adorn the city and each other. The culture was rising in Earthbury, and it had attracted much attention. Countless cultures have left their mark not just on business, but also upon the city's identity. What historically was a city of plain, ordinary people had grown into a multicultural hub, and it's this that united the 8 million people to this day.

It's this multicultural identity that has indeed left its mark. Hundreds of food carts and restaurants offered a plethora of culinary choices, and those who feel hungry for something else can enjoy musical activities, dance, a life and battle arena or one of the many other recreational activities. It was also a famous spot for many merchants dealing in iron as the city was known to have significant quality of black iron mine.

Yannick had to be careful in this city as it was under the jurisdiction of Vincent Burns Auguste. The youngest child of the Auguste Clan and the most ambitious. He was known to always contend with His brother Erasmus, and if he found out that a subordinate of Erasmus was in the city, he would make sure Yannick did not leave the city alive.

It was the fifth day that Yannick was observing him and he had finally decided to meet the Old Man. As he started walking towards the old man, he saw a faint smile on his face wondering whether the Old Man had seen through his disguise. The answer came to him Yannick sooner than he would have thought.

"So young one you have finally decided to show yourself." A deep and melodious voice sounded out.

Yannick who was shocked to find out that he had been discovered could only ask the Old Man "How did you figure out I was watching, I was using a Tier 5 Spell perfect disguise to hide."

"You may be able to hide your features but did you never learn to not stare at someone for too long."

"Learn, what do you mean by lear-"

"Do not play with me boy, your footsteps completely reveal that you are part of the military, a high ranking member at that too, so tell me who sent you huh, Is it the Barbarian Lords or is it Someone from the Auguste Clan huh."

Since he was already discovered he saw no point in hiding himself anymore, Yannick took off his disguise revealing his bloodshot red eyes "I have been sent by the Third Young Master of the Auguste Clan and the General of the Golden Horde to escort you back to the Auguste Manor."

"Huh now, why would I wish to come with you" The Old Man replied with a tone filled with greed in it.

"The General asked me to give you this letter; it would make sure you visited him."

In a displeased tone The old man spoke up "Hmph if I do not wish to go I won't, nothing can force me, now hand me over that letter."

While handing over the letter Yannick smiled and thought in his "Oh we'll see about that old geezer."