Episode 3

'Why are you sitting in a corner like a slave' Lucifer was as much irritated as Amal was sitting on the same place on the corner,For some reason he get attached to that place.'And what is this system it is pathetic,Who is that person that is writing on that wall'."It is something we have to tolerate for about 20 years to get job" Amal replied to Lucifer in his mind.

'Well sounds pathethic'

"Yeah,it is"

'What was the thing that you are smoking on the morning it is making me slow and dizzy' Lucifer says in a irritated manner

"Are you really the ruler of hell,You don't kno anything about earth"

'Well my duty is to punish the evil'

"How you categorize people as evil...?"

'Well,There are certain propaganda for that.Nower days Iam busy because most of them are coming to hell'

"I see so actually a heaven and hell exist...."

Amal replies in a relaxed manner,From yesterday nothing seems to surprise him anymore.

'Well,It nothing compare to people who are experincing the phenomenon called life'

"So,You actually knows what us going on in the planet,are you playing trick with me you jerk.... I think you are a loser of hell"

'Well,mind your words boy,You don't know who you are talking to...' Amal just felt Lucifer's wrath enranging in surface

"You are sinister..... How come I can feel that you are angry" Amal frowns.

'You have still a lot to learn boy... We both can exchange empathy'

"So you are saying,You know when Iam sad or angry" Amal's curiosity has been spiked.

'Even,If you are lying I can feel it,I can take over it but for some reasons,You are lacking empathy,All I can feel is cold....darkness' Lucifer's voice almost irritates Amal as he was getting struck by memories.

"Okay students that is all for today.We will meet you in next clas" The tutor rushed outside as the students stand up as for the usual thanking procedures.Time ticks as a lot of conversation had happened between Amal and the Devil.

As the lunch bell strucks Amal slowly walks out of the class.As he slowly moves towards the canteen buying his usual Cavin's and Burger.

'You humans have a lot of phenomenon's,You need to eat and a lot of that'

"You are right about that" Amal have a bite from his burger."So,Tell me your story how did you end up on earth..?"

'Well,It is a long story' Lucifer replies in a exhausting manner

"Iam all ears"

'Well,we are borned a long time ago because of you humans'

"Us,Don't you guys created this whole world and other..?"

'That is pure Hogwash,It is a scientific phenomenon let's say all the deities and demon is formed due to the energy that you people give from a long time may be eras,The deities have formed an alliance consist of higher gods like my father Jehovah,Allah and The Thrimoorthies,Zues,Odin,Amun-Ra and so on'

"What about you..?"

'Well we demons are borned by the hatred you people give us,It is an equal emotion to that of love,May be even deadly,As The hell also have alliance consist of Me the Emperor of hell,Even Yama,Anubis ,Hades and lot more,Shiva was the core for the alliance between the demons and deities...'

"Wait so you are saying you guys are friends..?"

'Not really,We are like two opposite countries who want to co-exist on certain agenda as all gods was afraid of Shiva The mighty thrimoorthi and even Jehovah supported him'

"I see so there is no religion among gods"

'Actually no deities power is decided by how much mass people are believing in them,So Jehovah and Shiva makes up the decisions most but each deities is unique and there will be even conflict between deities'

"What about you" As Amal almost finishes his burger and cavin's tosses it on the trash bin and starts moving towards his class,As his eyes are set on a sexy girl who is passing near him.

'She looks worth having for your lust'

"Iam not lustful,Iam just curious its a nature law" Amal averted his eyes away from her and walks on

'You don't talk to Woman...?' Amal can feel Lucifer's curiousity increasing

"Well,I used to" Amal doesnt the way the conversation is going

'Well I can feel a broken heart here'

"Shuttt Uppp" This time his voice came beyong his mind through his mouth catching the attention of crowd around him.Slightly in a shock Amal moves away from from there as soon as possible.

'That prooves it well you kno as the devil I desire sex and vaginas you know that don't you'

"Then most of the Men in this world must be devils" Amal replied in out of frustration

'So you are a virgin too' Lucifer starts to dig deep into the mind of Amal.

"Well,Does it matters" Amal was a little irritated by the conversation that he is having.

'You shouldnt loose you temper like that boy.. Your eye may change and you have hard time maintaining your form' That word felt a ton of seriousness

"So,that you can stay hidden inside me" Amal makes a point clear

'You are absolutely right,Because you didn't hear the full story of me'

"Well,You make me loose interest in that" Lucifer can feel Amal's frustration rising.

'Iam,telling this very seriously the current world is in absolute danger' Amal stopped walking as Lucifer's word struck him like a thunder storm.

"What do you mean..?"

'Well you have to hear the rest of the stoey then,For your quick information some guy just made a device to open a portal to heaven and meet up with god as he was blessed by Jehovah for the divine power.Later taking a part in the ministry,As my father believed that with a human who is intelligent as him by their side they can understand humans more and to solve probkems easily.But he have other intentions'

"Like..?" Amal have a lot of disbelief in his face he can't belief that humans have acheived so much in technologies that their lust for knowledge is infinite.

'He started his own experiments within heaven collecting enough wisdom from several gods and created a machine which converted his body into deity.. He even prisoned the Gods like my Father,Allah and Shiva killing Shiva's daughter Kali in a fight'

"That is totally unbelievable" Amal have this disbelief in his face that he forgets to get inside his class as he was standing on the corridor for a long time.

'Well Deities like Zues,Odin,Amun Ra had supported him because they where tired of the ruling by my father and other superiors'

Together they are almost invincible They attacked Hell unexpectedly heavily injuring me for the thorn.. I even don't know my subordinates are still alive or not...' A silence was filled almost in atmosphere as Lucifer stopped his words

For a moment Amal can't say anything as he just came back to senses as the bell ring.For the classes got over.He missed it but the world have certainly other things to worry about.

The evening was having breezes as Amal decides to walk rather than sitting in his apartment.Thoughts was strucking him as how much more humans will go to push their extend in search of power.As he was searching for some golgappa's as he stops in the chat shop around corner,It was crowded as for the normal days.As Amal ordered a extra spicy golgappa plate and moved to a corner there was a small Television that he fixed in front of the counter which usually plays news.

"Attention A dozen of naked deadbodies was hanged upside down in broken bridge having their genitals remibed and eyes gauged each bodies"

Amal's attention turn towards the screen

"Each body have carved a Message in different languages as police are lifting the bodie up"

As television shows police lifting bodies using crane and by ropes as the news is going live on air as everyone in chat shop have started to make discussion about the news and the reorter have making a detailed report of the news

"We can see that there are a dozen of bodies each is tormented brutally as each bodies back have the same message.One is also written in tamil.Let us go into that spot"

As we can see police is making strict protection among them as the reporter asks one of the officer.

"Sir what was the messages about"

"Well,I find this as the activity of some secret cult saying that Lucifer if you don't show up we will make the world a living hell"

Amal's eyes gazed as he broke a golgappa on his mouth as it makes him cough harder as he can't control his disbeliefs and the burning sensation in both throat and in his heart.