Episode - 4

Amal walks away from the chat shop as fast as he can.

'Boy,I kno what you are thinking..?' Lucifer replied in a calm manner

"You,know right people are being killed because of me I have to do something"

Lucifer can feel Amal's rage in his voice.

'You,even don't kno what powers I got and how to use them'

Amal just freezes for a moment.

"Then teach me...,How come they know you are here.We used that time drift thing right..?"

'Well,It is different for deities they know even when a time drift had happened we cannot undo their memories'

"Well,then teach me how to use your powers" Amal's frustration rises

'It won't work that way boy,For that our spirit should sync each other for now we are far apart from each other'

"Well,I can't let people die because of me" Amal shouts like a child who wants candy from the store catching the attention of pedestials,He calms his mind and walks slowly

'U can't show your self to them like that,We even didn't kno who they are If it is someone like Zues or Odin you won't stand a chance' Lucifer's voice is not concerning Amal anymore he just wish he could do something about it.

"Well can we use time drift now and stop them from doing the crime..?"

'Well time drift wont work that way boy.It is used as a postcaution after a fight.Using time drift now is useless the person will know that you used time drift and can find you immediately.And it can't undo the things that are done by you and the damage happened to your body,You think god won't come to earth they do and after their job is finished they use time drift they are always watching us boy'

"You are having a long speech now"

Amal walks into the lift and think anxiously he saws his left eye had changed into pitch black and appeared a triangle eyeball,He looks at his arm it have attained the demon form as well.

'Well,If you don't suppress your emotions I can take control over you' Lucifer warns Amal again,He calms his breath and emotions as he returns to his oldself again the lift door opens as he rushes into his room opens the door in a hurry and rushes towards the bong.

'See,you are always angry you depend on something for it'

"Well,what the fuck you wanted me to do..?You are no prince of hell you are a coward running away and leaving your comrades to save your life are no moron you are an selfish pathethic coward...." Amal shouts as the echoes have heard his ear over and over .There was a awkward silence for some moments as he desperately hits a shot from the bong.

'You may be right boy I just may leave my comrades,But I ain't a coward.I fight as much as I could as some one stabbed me behind the back... Like people do nower days.....'

"Who..?" Amal replies after some seconds ticks on his watch.

'I don't know,I can't even turned back he hid me with a divine weapon which paralyses gods and demons'

"Then how come you came to earth.?"

'Yama send me here taking my weapon away,He said I have to live,Iam no hero boy I knows how you feel.... But you can't just go and show off like this to them if something goes wrong they even destroy your soul and may be your loved ones' Amal can feel the pain and honesty behind Lucifer's word.

"I thought demons where the bad guys"

'Well we all have a demon inside of us Kid,Iam bad for how humanity greed and lust for power and the extend they go for it.... It continously increases my wrath over and over again I wants to slaughter all the humans for what they done'

"Well,Enough of the philosaphy for now I take back my words you are pure evil"

'Iam being honest'

"Maybe that is what evil called nower days,Well what ever I can't let people die for me like that"

Amal goes into his bedroom and searches the wardrobe and takes one of his old black hoodie and a black pant the also searches more and takes a black hand kercheif he ties the hand kercheif around his mouth.

'What are going to do kid,Are you trying to become a superhero huh..?'

"Iam not a hero never been in my entire life I been a loser lonely man and I can't let people die for a loser like me"

Far away on the St.thomas cemetary Joseph,George,Adam and Hawa was sitting on different tombstones as Joseph is patting the head of the watchman which was oozing blood freshly on his lap,The face was disfigured as he gauges out the eyes of the watchman.

"You are enjoying this aren't you" Hawa comments for the action

"Well,we are about to become the new rulers of hell isn't it,Iam just practicing"

Joseph has a evil smile as replies

"You are just being Sadistic" Adam was the one replies this time.

"Oww,Nothing compare to what you did to those people in the morning,Too cruel"

Adam smiles as he looks in the sky

George walks closer to Adam.

"You think we can trust him..? He even betrayes the old gods"

"Old gods..? A fancy term isn't it.Iam having the same thoughts now and I have a back up plan for that as well...." Adam doesn't takes his eyes from the sky.

"And that is" Georges eagerness increases

"Betray before getting betrayed" Adam has a wicked smirk as he pronounces the words

"And how you think he is going to find us.?" Hawa was curious as much as she is excited.

"Well,that is the power of the devil if he isn't stabbed by the divine needle no one can't handle him is is powerful as Jehovah is.... He uses his eye the iluminat eye to create,change and sense all kind of life forms on the planet,Take control offer the desires of beings and even hypnosis,Amd it is majorly upto the host to decide" For some reason Adam was enjoying his star gazing activity he just fell in love with it.

"That was a good lecture indeed" Joseph mocks in a fashionate manner

"Mind your words Joseph or I will kill you" Adam replies in a calm manner,Joseph doesn't like what he just said he scratched his moustache.

"Well,George is the one who is asking why you are always being on the top" Joseph pointed his finger towards George.

"Hm,You are prooving you are human after all pointing fingers on others to hide your blame" George replies in a frustrating manner

"Well,we can't change that" Joseph squashes an eye that he was rotating on his palm all this time,Adam looks in the sky and takes a deep breath.

Amal's eye now can sense the aura of all peoe in chennai city he was in a shock a suddenly he spots the enemies he wants.

"Golden,four of them I think it is the cemetary"

'I thought you didnt know any of the places'

"Well it is near only from my college,So do u have flying powers..?"

'No,we can call one of my pets draw a pentagram on the ground and hit on the center yea with my arm'

"Wait,I have to go to the terrace now.So how is this pet look like"

'U will find out soon'

Amal rushes towards the terrace as he was also making sure that no one is watching him.The cool breeze from the terrace was hitting his face as he was looking like a typical theif on the rooftop. Amal draws a pentagram with his dark hand as it glows as he hits on the middle making the light glow even bright as it expanded the circle and a three headed hound just jumps out of the pentagram.


'You, kno it..?'

"Yeah,I read a lot of books but isn't it the pet of hades.?"

'He gave me this as a gift'

"Hm,a worthyone"

Cerberous is growling,Making Amal think twice about a ride in the demon hound

"Well,Iam bad at horseriding.."

'That is not a horse..?" Lucifer's voice have a touch of mockery.

"Who's there..? A person from the neighbouring apartment flashes light towards them.Amal quickly hopes on the beast as it dashes in air quickly before the guy can't even get a glimpse.Cerberous dashes in the road with extreme speed.

'Boy,We don't have any guarantee that we will win this fight'

"Well,I didn't expect this thing to be this fast how will I give it the direction"

'It can understand human speech and languages'

"Cool,To the St.thomas cemetary boy"

Cerberous howled crashing the wind as it dashes like a canon with hypersonic speed.