
Soulmate, where have you been? Blank check

She really wanted to sleep, but then her mind is battling with her body.

She felt so sore between her thighs.

She must get rid of her pervert boss after all.

She gathered her strength, she entered the bathroom naked and take a quick shower. She put on the towel that she sees on the bathroom hanging cabinet then hurriedly look for some clothing and undies in the closet, luckily there are plenty of it. She chooses light pink shorts and a sleeveless shirt with a rose design, then dried her hair, then without thinking she hides underneath the bed as she heard someone is coming in.




She heard the footsteps gone. But she is still thinking if he already left.

"No, I must hide here. I'll find my way out as soon as he left his damn mansion" she thought.

"Let's play hide and seek you pervert! If you can find me!" She thought again.

But out of a sudden, she began to feel nervous. It's her own instinct again.



Her heart beating rapidly. "Why?"



But before she could think, she felt a strong force drag her out below the bed and make her stand, she felt pain on her shoulder, but before she could protest, she saw the anger beast mode of her boss.




"How dare you tricked me?" He said and strangled her neck like she's a piece of scratch paper.

He tightened his grip, but as soon as he saw her tears he loosened it and pulled her closer to his embrace.

"Damn! Her tears hit me!" He scolded his own behavior in his mind.

Unable to stand straight, she just let him hug her.

"His behavior? From anger to??" She cut out her thoughts,

"No! I must avoid this psycho," he commanded her own mind.

"Grab your things! I'll drop you at Rees street!"

"Don't work at my bar anymore!"

"Your service is no longer needed!" he said firmly, anger written all over his handsome face.

"Here's your check! Name your price!" he hissed.

And lastly, he said angrily before he let her go from his embrace,

"Don't ever dare cross paths with me!!!" He said firmly with a dark glare.


From the time that she stepped out of his mansion, sat in his car, and finally dropped her at Rees street, and now that she's at the school dean's office, she's totally helpless.

"Venus? Hey dear child? Are you okay?"

A voice coming from the school dean, wake up her wandered self.

"Uhm, yes uncle," she answered back and tried to smile at the man in his late fifties.

She's inside his private office, which explains that they can talk about some private matters.

Yes, indeed, he calls her venus! This school dean is Tang Shi's uncle.

The twin brother of aunt Ling, Tang Shi's mother.

His name is uncle Long.

Uncle Long managed to gave her true identity school records and school ID.

And also a school record and identity for Tang Shi, his niece.

But all along, it's only Venus Imperial that's attending the school classes.

Because, his niece, Tang Shi is already dead.

"It's about time, that you will live your life as suppose to be, my child," uncle long said as he let out a sad sigh.

This girl is not a stranger to him, he treated her as his own child, since the day she played the role of her niece, Shi.

"How is it possible uncle Long?" Venus asked.

She doesn't want to leave the family that helped her.

"There's a memo from the higher-ups, regarding exchange students from country A" Uncle long stated.

"Well? Your credentials are great! And apart from that, all expenses will be shouldered by the school, that the exchange student came from," uncle long added.

"Country A?" Venus thought, that was the country where she and Tang shi met.

She's only five years old when her grandmother takes her there to study.

"That means, far away from him?" she remembered the blank check. Then an idea struck her mind.

"Yes, uncle, I'll take this opportunity, when can I leave?" She asked.

"Tonight. I've already arranged everything that you need," uncle long said, and hug her.

"You see my child, everything will be alright soon, chase your dream! It's about time for you to spread your wings and aim to succeed in your goals," he said, trying to hide his sadness, although he felt happy, now that venus will live her true identity.


Venus is now in a rush.

She must encash the check now and hand over the money to uncle long.

She trembled, as she waits for the check confirmation.

The teller, hand over the three million check to the manager.

The manager called Mr. Ethan Ang, their multi-billionaire big boss, the CEO of the C bank, and also the governing person behind the Ang company that reigns all over the country, and also have businesses across the different countries as well. "This Bigboss is really quite impressive," he thought, as he waits at the other lines answer.

"Bigboss? Manager of C bank ask for your confirmation, regarding a three million check encashment?"

"Under the name of..... ..."

"Confirmed it!" He cut her out.

His secretary felt a little surprised by their Bigboss. Three million is just a small amount for him.

"Huh? Three million only? Really?" He chuckled, "that woman really doesn't know that she's worth a billion," he thought, a smile plastered on his lips.

"Three million only! Tsk! Tsk! Tsk! Silly girl. I'll see you again, sweety," he thought.

"And I will give you, what you really deserve," he then realized how he felt about the woman.

"She's so tight, Damn!" Ethan cleared his thought and reached out his phone.

"Must call Ben now," he thought, as he dialed the private number of Ben.





Uncle long really surprise by the amount of money given by Venus.

But, Venus told him everything.

He felt sad upon hearing her story, it felt like he is not worthy as one of her guardians.

"My child," he sobs, "go and chase your dream now, live as you've never been hurt, reach your goals and I wish you to succeed," he stated sincerely.

Venus tried hard not to show her emotions, she let a loud laugh, it's her own way to hide her feelings. A laugh that caught the attention of the people that passing them, thus, those who heard it cannot stop but smile, as they look up at that contagious aura of the beautiful young lady.

"Time for me to go, uncle Long, you take care of yourself, I promise I'll be good," Venus said between her tears.

"Tell them I will be okay, she added and thought about her aunt Ling, little sister Anika, big sister Amanda, big brother Aniel, and uncle Felix and her aunt Rosie," those people really matter to her.

In that letter to uncle Long, she reminds him and waves her last goodbye with hope in her heart.

She must endure it all for now. It's not yet time to be exposed. The enemy is watching.