
Soulmate, where have you been? True Identity

Her heart.





"Meet you at the bar,!"

, Ethan finished his conversation with Ben, then, he steps on his expensive car and speeds up.





.at the bar, in his private VIP room:

"Tang Shi died two years ago because of congestive heart failure."

"She studied abroad, Country A."

"Born, February 25, 2001."

"Died, February 14, 2016."

"She's top 2 in her class."

"She's half Chinese, half Filipino"

"Mother, Ling"

"Father, Ju"

"Siblings, eldest sister-Amanda, married to Mr. Rain Angeles but not shown to the public."

"Elder brother -Aniel"

"Bestfriend, Venus Imperial -the heir of Imperial Corp."

"Those are all facts, my men gathered all the information in a secretive way."

"It seems that the Tang family's wealth declined when the eldest daughter married Rain Angeles"

"Their old Villa is the only thing that left," Ben stated to Ethan,

"You know bro!? These data are confidential."

"The Tang family said that their daughter Tang Shi is still alive when they have an interview for the past two years."

"One of the high officials covered everything."

"And also," Ben paused.

"Venus Imperial suddenly disappeared after her grandmother passed away, that same day when Tang Shi also died"

"And there's more!" Ben said in a very interesting tone.

"What?!" Ethan glared at him as if telling him to proceed immediately.

Ben saw the irritation on Ethan's face.

He then continued,

"Venus Imperial is faking her identity as Tang Shi!"





"I knew it! That lying witch!" Ethan said as he gulped down his wine and emptied the cup.




"Oh well? Don't tell me?. Have you already meet the fake Tang Shi??" Ben sounded like teasing him.




"They seem to look alike anyway, you see? One of my men happens to be their schoolmate at Country A's best school," he stated.

"Here's a picture of them, way back on February 08, 2016. There's also a note at the back of the picture, a codename, as my men told me" he added.

Ben pulled out a picture and hand over it to Ethan.

Ethan looked at the picture, both of them hold a pair of big brown eyes, but the other one got long curly black eyelashes, dimple on her left cheek, and a brow that perfectly arc above her eyes.

"Her smile, so sweet, she must be Venus," Ethan exhaled deeply, at the thought of Venus faking her identity.

"What's for???" He voices out.

Then he flipped over to look at the pictures back, there were a rose drawing and a written note.... ????

"Soulmate V.?????" his jaw dropped.

Ethan dropped the picture.




"Soulmate V??? It must be V? Venus?"




Ben shocked, as he saw Ethan's reaction, " he's going crazy!?" He thought.




Ethan sat helplessly while grabbing and pulling his hair.

After searching for the painter of his favorite painting that his late grandma gifted to him, on his birthday.

And after he Promised to himself that makes Venus live a living hell, after his conversation with his grandpa, knowing that he will soon Marry a woman he doesn't know,

And worst! After he gave her a blank check for what happened last night,??

"Venus!!!" He uttered. "My dream is no other than, you!!!!"




"Ben?! Go find her for me," Ethan murmured weakly. He's been emotional.




"Look at you! Going crazy over a schoolgirl?" Ben exclaimed, not knowing the outcome of his words.




"Find her!!!!!!!!!!!!" he yelled.

Ethan burst out like thunder!

Thus, made Ben run off his feet And leave without a single word again,

And follow his orders, immediately!!! Before he exploded again.

As his friend, he knew that Ethan is really quite serious at this very moment.





"I held you so close, but I'll let you go away..." Ethan uttered, drowning himself in alcohol.



Ben, on the other hand, is panicked.

"What?! You can't trace her?!"

"Search the whole City!" He yelled.



Ben contacted all his connections, to find Venus.

"Ethan's woman! Show yourself before that crazy friend of mine become wild as a beast" he said, gnashing his teeth, while his thought is occupied by the negative results if his team couldn't find Venus.








Ben clenching his fist, Ethan burst out his anger, through the phone!

"The high officials blocked all the information regarding Venus's whereabouts!" Ben yelled back.

"I can't deal with it, someone's secretly backing her!"

"All my teams' system files have been hacked!!"

"The hacker is not easy to deal with, and I am afraid to say, there's also no trace of who backing her right now" Ben stated firmly.




"Time to contact Eagle!" Said Ethan in an authoritative tone.




Ben, let out a deep sighed.



"Contact my twin brother again? After five years!" he exclaimed. Shooking his head.




"You contact him yourself!"

Ben exploded. "You must bear in mind, Ethan! Eagle and I, we're not on good terms!"




Ethan paused.

He then realized that his friend still hold grudges to his twin brother.



He ended the call.



A minute later his phone rang.



An unknown caller ID?

"Hello?" Ethan's deep cold voice.



"Give her space! Don't chase her! She's still young! Don't ruin her future!"

A male voice coming from the other line.



"You!!!!" he yelled holding his phone firmly.




"Tut, tut, tut,"




Before he can say a word to the caller, the other line ended the call.




