
On earth , in the begginning of winter in a small town , u can see a group of Teens walking to school on a cold day , there names where Gim , Michel and robin

~on the road~

"yo michel do u have any new stuff to read , im bored with my corrent ones"- Gim

Gim is a standart teen , black eyes, brown hair , stands at 1.78m , a good looking face , not that handsome but u will feel pleasent being around him.

"Nah man i dont *sigh* i want something new to read as well..."- Michel

Michel is the short one in the group only at 1.65m he likes to wear oversized clothes , has an averge face , but nice to anyone around.

After saying that both looked at Robin with pleading eyes.

"Guys stop dont look at me like thats , it so wierd . And no i dont have any as well ...*sigh"- Robin

Robin has an above averge face with a good build , stands at 1.79m he is quite tall , and works well in school , he has a gf (A : yes people , he likes novels AND have a gf , shocking! )

When they get to class they saw robin gf on his seat near the window ( clitch ;) ) .

Robin gf is the smartest one in their grade ( i forgot to say they are 16 ) and also the class presidnet , she is pretty and have a caring and gentle personality.

Robin and her met up in summer a year before and started dating shortly after.

Her name is ....

"Hi Serah how u doing , im sry i didnt answer last night .. i was with my little brother and only saw it this morning... " robin said with a sad expression.

Serah looked at him and the anger she felt for him before was gone " dont worry " she said with a smile " how are u doing anyways? "

When robin saw her smile his expression became soft as he replied " im good thank you "

As he said that the teacher came in " ok everyone sit down , were goona start the lesson"

And like that the day went by...

~Now lets go to our MC :)~

"Hey robin were goona go to our clubs okay? So u go home alone today , cya later bro " i heard Gim say from a far..

'Well lets say goodbye to Serah and head home' Serah and robin houses are in diffrent areas from one another so they cant go home together.

As i was walking to the gate i saw serah waiting for me at the gate , as i walked to her I said " hi Serah " with a smile " wanna go out tonight? We didnt go out on a date in quite some time". When serah heard me her face went allitle red as she replied with a big smile on her face " Yay ! U finnaly ask , last time we went on a date was last month and i was thinking u didnt want to be with me anymore...." after saying that her face went sad, when i saw her expresaion my heart ached and i went to hug her while comforting her " silly girl *sigh* why would i leave u ? I love u and i love being with u , and i didnt forget what u did for me last year , u helped me alot back then , so dont worry about that anymore ok?"while saying this i got an strong pain in my head , i mentally sighted ' the pain is only getting stronger ... even the doctors didnt know whats wrong with my brain...' " come lets go , when night comes i will pick you up ok?"

She nodded her head slowly and we went to our home`s.

When i got home , nobody was there so i got some snacks and went for my room.

My family can be said to be middle class , not poor but not rich .

my house has 3 floors first one is the kitchen a living room and we have a backyard as well.

the second floor is where theres a bathroom , 2 bedrooms and one closet room , my mom and dad as well as my littel brother sleep there.

the third floor is where me and my outher littel brother live , its similer to the second floor but smaller.

when I went to my bed and started reading a novel I already finished once , I felt the pain in my head again but this time it was much stronger and it didn't stop .. I lost the concept of time with all the pain in my head , it felt like millions of ants crawl and bite my brain, I lost my consciousnes.

when I woke up I tried to open my eyes but couldnt , I felt so powerless , after some time I could open my eyes and saw a black space , there was nothing but me there.

I tried touching my self but couldnt , I felt like I wasent even alive. I tried moving aroud and found out that i couldnt , my legs didnt respond , if what i have could be called legs I had one of those ghost "legs" 'okay lets think about it... I probably died on my bed after the pain in my head and this is my soul? could be...' after thinking for a while i used my knowledge in light novels to fighure out my situation when I heard a voice in my head

[Ding!... system loading 5%...15%...100%]

[Congrataltions , host has being chosen for the beta testing of the GodRealm System , good luck on host journey to be the strongest!]

[Ding!.. host is goona be resurrected in a low tier planet - Delaran , searching for a body for host....

Ding! Found a body for host in the kingdom of Azura ]

[Be ready host , ur goona be resurrected in 3..2...1... ]