New life , new begining!

'hugh where am i?.. wait didnt the system say i was resurrected into... what she called it.. Adelarn.. in the kingdom of Azura.. *sigh* lets look where im first'.

when i looked around i saw a worn down house with low quelity chairs and a table who looks like it was about to brake , i tried to recollect my thoghts and call the system.

"Yo system are u there?" i called for the system cheaking if it was realy there.

[Ding! yes host what do u need?] ... "YES YES YES i realy got a system ahahahah finnaly after i dremt about it for so long!" i was realy happy that i got the system beacuse every MC from the novels i read that had a system beacame an Op overlord.

"system can u tell me about ur factions?"

[Ding! yes host , the system factions are : status , shop , Quests , Proffesions and skills ..

with the status faction the host can cheak his current caultivaiton lvl , and the xp needed to lvl up to the next stage , the shop faction is basicly a shop that has anything in the multi-univarse from pills to the most strongest skills or wepons the Quest faction is basicly giving out tasks for host to accomplise , host can get rewords or get a panelty based on his preformens.

proffesions and skills are for cheaking the proggres or the chosen proffesion/skill]

'... Dam that alot to take in.. okay so its like a standart system from the novels , at least the system dosent have a personality beacuse system with personality in novels tend to be... hard to deal with ahahah'

"so syste, what should i call u?" i asked the system how to call it beacuse it will be akward to call it system all the time.

[Ding! system dosent have a name , host can choose a name for the system if he wishes] when i hered the system i started thinking of a name..

"how about rin?" i though rin was a good name , when i read a light novel once , i dont remeber the name but the mc name was rin and i remember liking the name

[Ding! system name is now rin! thank you host for choosing a name for the system! does host wish to open the starter pack?]

"yes Rin open it"

[Ding! opening starter pack.. Congrataltions host for getting : 10,000 system points , 10 low grade qi stones , 1 low lvl escape talisman ( alwas host to escape to anywhere in a 5 km radius ) , skill book - 'blazing tiger punch'- low grade earth rank ]

"Rin explain te uses if the qi stones and the system points" after seeing the rewards i was getting excited to see what they can do

[Ding! the uses for qi stones are simple : host can use them to gain XP to lvl up low lvl qi stone gives 100 xp mid lvl qi stone give 1000 high grade qi stones give 10000 . Ding! further lvl of qi stones aren`t accessible to host as host lvl isnt high enoguh. host can use system points to buy wepons, skill books pills proffesions and more higher lvl stuff cost more SP to buy them , host can get XP and SP from killing beasts and finishing Quests]

'HAHAHA so its like this , im excited to start my journy , now Rin show me my status'

[Ding! yes host]


name: Robin Wood

Age: 17.5

Lvl - 0

Exp- 0/50

caultivation-None ( cripeld meridians from birth )

SP: 10,000

evaluation- week , host cant even kill normal beasts


"WTF IS THIS ... calm down , calm down me... *sigh* well we gotta work with what we have , well i have the system so I dont care! ahahahaha.

now Rin tell me about the state of this world and his kingdoms , i heard u say im in the kingdom of Azura , where is that exactly? and what are the caultivation stages?" while asking that my exprassion went from Mad to calm to pure happines as i wonderd about the world

[Ding! host is in the world of Adelarn , in this world the strongest kingdom is the Divine kingdom where the strongest sect and families live. the qi purity and the volume of it is the thickest there.

host is in the kingdom of Azura , its a low tier kingdom with the strongest caultivatior at the peak stage of meridians unlocking realm , the sects in Azura are the sword immortal sect and the Wandaring spirit sect. the strongest clans are the : Yi Clan , Shen Clan and the Lin clan. the caultivation stages are as following body refining stage ( lvl 1-18 ) , Dantian building stage ( lvl 19-27 ) , meridians unlocking realm ( lvl 28-42 ) , martial warrior ( lvl 43-62 ) Martial human ( lvl 63-73 ) Martial king ( lvl 74-83 ) for farther info host strenght needs to improve]

"... Im so week right now .. F*ck! , well got nothing to do with it " while sighting i wanted to go out of the house to look around but then a sudden pain in the leg , i picked up the sheets and saw a bondage on my leg , looks like its broken *sigh* " Rin what huppend to the previos owner body? "

[Ding! Restroing Original body memories 5%...10%..70%...100% , it might hurt alitle host]

"what do u mea. AHHHHHHHH! , Fk , what is this! Hughh " after 5 min

" ha... ha.... ha.... that was something ... i wouldnt want to feel ever aquin "

after i said that a flow of memories flew into my head , i could finnaly remeber the previos owner memories , its seems like this guy was an orpan , his mother left after giving birth to him and his father died lets year , his sitation in the house was never good beacuse they almost couldnt efford food and were in a worn down house since they couldnt afford a better house and ever since his father death it became even worst. after suffering for so long he met a girl he loved and got togther with her , he finnaly could laugh and put a smile on his face despite all that went in this life ,yesterday he found the love of his life with the prince kissing , he went into rage and tried to attack the prince , but after less then a second the prince pined him to the ground and crippeld his leg , beacuse of the girl request not to kill him he only broke his leg ... next day he suicided beacus he couldnt put up with this world anymore.

'dam... this .. *sigh* i guess this is how the world is.. the strong eats the week and the week cant do anything about that.." while regaining the memories i cried beacuse with the memories came the previos owner feeling as well , sadness , despair , rage , loneliness all together , no wonder the previos owner couldnt keep up with this.

"Rin use all Qi-stones and show me my status" i said it with a frown as i was still trying to get my feeling under control.

[Ding! right away host!]


Name : Robin wood

Age: 17.5

Lvl - 8

Exp: 50/1000

caltivation - body refining stage 4

SP: 10000

evaluation- not so week , but getting there.

"Rin can u heal my body to peak preformanse?"

[Ding! host dosent need to talk , host can talk to me using his mind. and yes it will cost 10 sp , do u wish to use it?]

'ah now this is useful , now i will not look like a freak outside , and yes Rin use the sp'

[Ding! i understand host , taking 10 sp from host , host have 9990 sp left]

[Ding! host body has been healed]

'thank you Rin! . i will go to sleep now im quite tierd from all of the stuff going on'

[Ding! good night host]

'thank you , good night'

as Robin was asleep the system suddenly said

[Ding! *sigh*hope u can become strong fast host , the univarse is in great need for u....]