Jiang Wui was waiting for Zhen Xiu in his room. After coming back home the butler informed him that Zhen Xiu was sleeping and requested that no one should disturb her.

He wanted to refute butler Lu but after giving it a thought he conceded.

Zhen Xiu woke up from her good sleep.

"Madam, Master Jiang is waiting for you in his room." Butler Lu respectfully conveyed the message.

Zhen Xiu nodded and asked him to send some refreshments for her and Jiang Wui in his room.

Butler Lu nodded and left her.

Zhen Xiu also went to talk to Jiang Wui.

"Sorry, I am late." Zhen Xiu apologized for the inconvenience. She was dead tired after her emotional outbreak and in midst of all that she completely forgot about this matter.

Jiang Wui was not a petty person. He knew all this was hard for her.

"Why didn't you inform Lu Jian about all the things they did to you?" Jiang Wui asked softly but with full determination to know the complete truth from Zhen Xiu.

Zhen Xiu raised her eyes at this question because this was really silly question in reality. Before she was nothing for Lu Jian so why would he believe her instead of her mother?

The main reason was that the original Zhen Xiu never wanted to sow discord in between the pair of mother and son. She loved Lu Jian and always wanted him to be happy.

The horrendous things his mother did to her were nothing in her life if she got Lu Jian's acceptance so she never complained about anything.

Zhen Xiu: "It doesn't matter."

Jiang Wui: "You are wrong. It matters."

Zhen Xiu: "Young master, you are too green. Did you bring all those proofs?"

Jiang Wui was frustrated after this approach of Zhen Xiu. He wanted to know if the things he saw really happened in the end.

Jiang Wui: "I have them but first you have to tell me exactly what happened that night?"

Jiang Wui proposed. He wanted to know the truth. It was not that he didn't believe Zhen Xiu rather it was difficult for him to accept this reality. This is so hard for him.

Zhen Xiu: "You want to know but why?"

Zhen Xiu was curious. She knew that Jiang Wui was a loyal person and he treated Mother Lu just like his own mom and even cared about her more than Lu Jian. So after watching her monstrous side he was really feeling bad and was in dilemma about his own beliefs.

She wanted to know that why does he want to listen more about her horrifying side.

Jiang Wui was in a dilemma whether to tell her or not but he still decided to tell her: "I know it may sound weird but I want to hear your side of the story. I am sorry I was a fool back then but now I can see who was a true monster and who was a real victim."

"So now that you know about her bad side you will believe me. Are you giving me some charity?" Zhen Xiu asked him clearly. She was a blunt person from the start so she can't believe this hypocrisy of Jiang Wui. When the original Zhen Xiu was good and wanted to be accepted by him she did what not but Jiang Wui treated her like a dog and even did things according to the wishes of Mother Lu just because she forced Lu Jian for marriage.

But now that he knows that Mother Lu is not as good as she seems he changed his side as fast as the wind.

"No, it's not like this. I know it may be hard for you to accept this but I truly am with you from bottom of my heart. My apology was for my hypocrisy. I should have seen her true side and should not treat you like that back then. I am really sorry." Jiang Wui really apologized for all the wrongdoings he did back then. He knew that Zhen Xiu was pointing towards his pietism towards her.

"Why is this sudden change?" Zhen Xiu couldn't believe him just because of his apology. He can change his side in a blink of the eye so how can she possibly trust this kind of man?

"I really want to help you. I can assure you that this is not sudden and I will not expose your plan in front of aunt. Just give me a chance to get to know you. After knowing everything they did behind our back I can't be that foolish to stay with them. I know you want all these pieces of evidence because you want to retaliate against them and trust me when I say that I am with you. Let's be friends and have a new start." Jiang Wui anxiously pleaded.

Zhen Xiu was surprised after she observed his sincerity. It was something new that she has seen in both of her lifetimes. She can see that he is truly feeling bad for all the things that happened in the past. Besides, he can't really do anything to her if she will use her family's power against him.

"Fine if you say so." Zhen Xiu agreed. She believes that everyone deserves a last chance.

Jiang Wui was happy that she has accepted him as a friend. Now he can see why Shen Ya despite their family background cares for Zhen Xiu. This girl is too innocent for her own good. She didn't even suspect that he may spoil her plans and excused all his past behavior just like this.

And just like this a nice misunderstanding formed in his mind. This poor soul believed in Zhen Xiu's goodness and never expected that all of this is happening because this girl follows her principle exactly like taking breathe.

Now, Jiang Wui wanted to know the back side of his aunt and that scum woman, Shen Rui.

Jiang Wui: "So, what happened exactly?"

Zhen Xiu rolled her eyes. "Young master, you are really tenacious."