"Come on, Zhen Xiu, tell me." Jiang Wui pleaded and used his puppy eyes to melt her heart.

He was dying and wanted to know everything, his gossiping heart was beating abnormally.

Zhen Xiu chuckled after watching his shining eyes thirsty for information.

"Your aunt and Shen Rui wanted to defile me at that night by using those goons. At that night, I was waiting for Lu Jian because I wanted to apologize for my bad behavior in front of his business partners." Zhen Xiu started retelling him about that night.

Jiang Wui patiently waited for her to complete her story.

"I was waiting and waiting but Lu Jian never came but your aunt planned it out well. She drugged me and brought me inside that room where Shen Rui was supposed to send some men to rape me. There was some miscommunication and the hired goons didn't reach there on time. Your mother was guarding me so that I should not leave that room."

Jiang Wui was speechless after he discovered more and more garbage like things regarding his aunt. He knew Shen Rui was a scoundrel from the beginning but at least she never crossed any lines before but after knowing that she can do something like this to a female when she is herself a girl he was depressed.

What is wrong with all the women these days?

They are becoming more daring day by day.

"You were raped." Jiang Wui murmured silently.

Zhen Xiu rolled her eyes again at his stupidity. When did she say she was raped? She just told him about all this cheap planning.

"I was not." She told him calmly.

"But I saw they were trying to do that…" Jiang Wui stuttered in between. "You were trying to escape from them and because of that, you entered a blind spot region inside the room. After that, I was not able to see the full video and neither was able to know what happened after that. So, if you were not defiled then who saved you in the end?" Jiang Wui asked her in confusion. His aunt left the room when those goons arrived and even gave them thumbs up but soon after she left and those bastards were trying to tear her clothes open Zhen Xiu woke up from her stupor.

They were all large and bulky in physique so who was there to save her?

"I don't need anyone to save me. I jumped from the balcony after beating those bastards and that's why you were not able to see anything because I deliberately went there." Zhen Xiu proudly declared. She really liked this badass side of previous Zhen Xiu.

Jiang Wui gave an incredulous look to Zhen Xiu not believing her. She is petite and frail so how is this possible?

"Don't tell lies, Zhen Xiu. Look at you and look at those bulky monsters. There is no way you can beat them?" Jiang Wui said seriously.

Zhen Xiu brought her fist near his face and asked him: "Would you like to have some?"

"Wait! Are you serious? It is true." Jiang Wui cried out in desperation. "When did you learn to fight?"

His gossip queen woke up inside his heart. He really wanted to know everything about her now. She

is so interesting and he was a fool to not interact with her in the past.

All of this is because of that scoundrel Lu Jian. It's all because of him that he has to stay away from his awesome sister in law.

"Sister in law, tell me all about your cool experiences." Jiang Wui practically begged her now. "Wait, you said you jumped from twenty-eight floors. How are you still alive?" He asked her, with his face full of suspicion.

Zhen Xiu was irritated after hearing sister in law. "Don't call me SISTER IN LAW. I DON'T LIKE IT and yes, I jumped from the twenty-eight floors."

Jiang Wui: "But why?"

Zhen Xiu: "You don't understand human language. I told you I don't like it."

Jiang Wui: "You are one of a kind but Zhen Xiu looks too distant for me."

He really wanted to call her sister in law. His inner fangirl was boiling after hearing her awesome experiences. She is practically a superwoman just like a black widow.

Zhen Xiu: "Call me Xiu. It is better than calling, sister- in- law."

Jiang Wui: "Your accident is also linked with Shen Rui and some traces leads towards Aunt too. Do you know about all this?"

He asked her concerned. She is strong and can deal with those guys but what about the mind games and treacherous plot played by others? Can she handle this?

Zhen Xiu smiled brilliantly. "Don't worry I know all about this. I am not that naïve. You need to follow my plan and all will be well."

She assured him. After all, she is doing all this to torment her mother in law.

"Jiang Wui, don't tell all this to Shen Ya. She will feel bad about this." Zhen Xiu warned him.

"What are you not telling me?" Shen Ya asked her.

Zhen Xiu and Jiang Wui were stupefied to see her at this time. Zhen Xiu cursed at her luck. Why was this happening again? Earlier Lu Jian entered inside her cabin suddenly while she was dealing with that old hag and now when she wanted to conceal everything from Shen Ya this girl from nowhere suddenly appeared behind them.

She gave a look to Jiang Wui to alter their situation.

Jiang Wui blinked in response but his mouth was shut tight and he had no idea what to do now that this she-devil is here.

"You don't need to know this." Jiang Wui told her straightforwardly, gathering all the courage inside him.

"I am not talking to you." Shen Ya sternly told him.

Zhen Xiu was dumbfounded to see her best friend behaving in this way. She is exactly like Lu Jian. They must be brother and sister in their previous lifetimes.

"Trust me you won't like it if I told you." Jiang Wui confidently assured her.

Shen Ya was not interested in this loafer. She just gave him a cold look and gently smiled at Zhen Xiu.