I am not a bad man.

Jiang Wui was clear about this now. The cold-faced brother of his was changing his colors too soon when he was in the vicinity of his wife.

He knows that Lu Jian was experiencing the new phase in his life. He was now learning what it means to be in love. It was a nice feeling, something great, just like he feels when he is with his she-devil.

"We know that the way Mrs. Lu Qiqi is behaving with Xiu is abnormal and we need to find why?" Jiang Wui said and pulled his sleeves up getting ready to be a detective.

"Xiu, I think you are the best solution of this grave problem." He complained.

After all, Lu Qiqi has some problems with Zhen Xiu and it was so big that she even tried to kill her. So, the victim that is Zhen Xiu should know the reason behind this hate.

Lu Jian pondered about it for a while and he too came up with the same point.

"Exactly, if she has a problem with you and even tried to kill you then should not you be aware of the motive behind her hatred and deprave actions."

Zhen Xiu was quiet. She was considering their words. After all, they were right. She was the target so she must know something about her mother in law that was not known by them but when she got her new memory she didn't find anything strange regarding this.

She only knew that Mother Lu and Shen Rui were behind her accident because the original has heard their plan.

Was there something that even she as Zhen Xiu was not aware of?

"I don't know. I was coming to tell you about the hotel incident when I heard them planning my attack. After that, I was scared and wanted to meet you as soon as possible. So, without wasting my time I quickly sat in my car and started following you." Zhen Xiu told them the scene before her accident.

It was true that she knew that they were trying to kill her but why they wanted to kill her? She was not aware of that.

(Do you know something?)

Zhen Xiu asked him.

[No, I had already given you her memory. There was nothing else.]

"We need to find it out." Zhen Xiu said seriously.

Lu Jian was conflicted. "You don't know."

"If you don't know anything major so why did she try to kill you. I smell something fishy." Jiang Wui commented.

Zhen Xiu rolled her eyes at his childish act. "Stop your nonsense! We should try to scare your mother and see if she spits something."

"En." Lu Jian agreed immediately. He too wanted to know the reason behind his mother's criminal act. He was hesitating in preceding their plan because of his responsibility as a son. He wanted to give her a last chance to explain herself and her wrongdoings before going behind the bars.

"Great! How are we scaring her?" Jiang Wui was excited to do this job.

He was way too excited to plot against his maternal aunt. Although that woman was his family his inner gossipy heart and childish brain could not care about it. He wanted some excitement.

Lu Jian was worried about his cousin's mental health. Sometimes, he could not understand whether he was talking to a thirty-year-old man or a three-year-old child. He was way too hyper for an adult man.

"Hahaha… You are not doing anything to her." Zhen Xiu laughed, scaring Jiang Wui.

"You need to monitor Shen Rui. I am sure after today she would try doing something more to harm me." Zhen Xiu said.

Zhen Xiu knew too well these kinds of women. They can do anything and everything to fulfill their wishes. Her mom was just like Shen Rui – deceptive and malicious.

"Monitor, Shen Rui? No!" Jiang Wui screamed.

He was more interested in the demise of his maternal aunt. Shen Rui was too boring for his taste.

Lu Jian wanted to smack Jiang Wui after all his thoughts were clearly written on his face. They were talking about his mom. She was a bad person and needed to be punished but she was still his mother. How can Jiang Wui think like this? His mother has treated Jiang Wui as her own son.

"Shen Rui is boring. I think you are nuts. She is the big boss of mother Lu." Zhen Xiu snickered.

Jiang Wui was truly stupid. She couldn't reject this anymore.

Lu Jian spoke in his cold voice. "She is like your mom too. Remember! She is your maternal aunt."

Jiang Wui knew that Lu Jian was feeling bad about all this but he couldn't stop his excitement. He has promised Zhen Xiu to avenge her wrongdoings. Now that they were starting their mission; he can't think about anything else other than his promise.

He will never accept that he wanted to see the scared face of his aunt after Zhen Xiu is done with her. That woman was too pompous and arrogant. She might be his maternal aunt and mother of Lu Jian but she was never like a mother; he has never seen her behaving like a true mother.

If she was so good then Lu Jian would not turn out like this – a stone-faced cold man with full of indifference.

He didn't see any goodness in her. Whatsoever!

The thing about caring about him like a son was the biggest joke he heard in his life; that woman has never cared for Lu Jian then he was not even her son. She was only pretending to be a virtuous woman in front of Lu Zheng, her husband who cared about his mother like a sister.

"I know she is your mother and you respect her." Jiang Wui said and continued.

"But she is not what you think she is and you know it too. So, I will suggest, you should harden your heart before doing anything else."

Lu Jian knew that his cousin was concerned for him and didn't want to hurt him but it sting. His heart was in pain. He knew that Jiang Wui was right in believing that his care about his mother was nothing for her. She has never cared about him anyway but it still pained him to imagine that he has no place in his mother's heart.

Zhen Xiu was surprised to see the pained look in Lu Jian's eyes. She has never seen him behaving like this; was he close to his mother and it pained him to do anything against her.

(Zoru boy, wasn't my husband a cold-hearted jerk? Why is he behaving like a poor kid standing on the deserted road?)

[I don't know. Maybe he cares about his mother. We need to bring him to our side. It will be bad if he has a change of heart.]

(Don't worry! I will change his heart. He will see the disgusting side of his mother with his own eyes.)

Zhen Xiu assured him.

Zhen Xiu held Lu Jian's hands and pressed them together with her hand. "If you don't want me to do anything against your mother tell me. I will not do anything to her. You are my husband. I can do this much for you." She gently asked him as if patting her kitten.

She knew that Lu Jian was conflicted in going against his mother. She knew how it feels when you love somebody and they don't respond to your feelings. Lu Qiqi was his mother. It was difficult for him but Zhen Xiu was his wife. He needs to be responsible for both mother and wife.

If he will choose his mother; she will leave him and teach him how does it feel when you actually experience heartbreak?

Just like the original Zhen Xiu. She was also somebody's daughter and sister; why was she treated like this? He has already sided with his mother and neglected his wife and if he will again choose his mother; she will make him realize the wrath of a woman.

Lu Jian felt good after Zhen Xiu clasped his fingers with hers. He can feel the warmth coming from her and even more ashamed at his conflicting heart.

She was so loving and understanding; for him she is even willing to forgive his mother. He was truly ashamed of facing her.

Without truly knowing what is going inside her mind both Jiang Wui and Lu Jian has immediately placed her on a high pedestal.

"No!" Jiang Wui immediately shouted. "ABSOLUTELY NOT!!"

Jiang Wui immediately pulled their hands apart and tightly clasped Zhen Xiu's hand tightly with his left hand and used his other hand to point a finger at Lu Jian.

"How could you? You bastard just because your mom is at fault, you want to let it go. I didn't know you were scum."

Lu Jian was speechless at the sudden outburst of Jiang Wui. He accepts that he was conflicted because his mother was involved but he never said that he wants to forget everything. He was a principled man.

He would not leave his mom just like this; he was Zhen Xiu's husband and the person she was depending on.

"I.." Lu Jian tried explaining. Tried.

Jiang Wui didn't give him a chance. "What I? Me? MOTHER? You just don't know how to speak."

He turned towards Zhen Xiu. "I am telling you no need to back down. I am with you. We don't need this mommy's boy. Don't you dare say anything else? Leave him; he does not care about you."

Zhen Xiu was surprised to see this side of Jiang Wui. He was such a sweetheart. She was anyway planning to teach Lu Jian a lesson if he answered her otherwise but she never expected that this silly joker will care about her this much.

Even going as far as to cross Lu Jian!

He was really a sweetheart.

Zoru shed silent tears for Lu Jian. After all his master was such a cunning princess and to support her now there is one more brain-dead supporter.

(Who is the cunning princess? Your family of primordial spirits is cunning? I knew it. You are such a backstabber.)

[What? I am not a backstabber. I just think Lu Jian is pitiful. It's not like you were being generous before then why is Jiang Wui behaving like this? If he knew what was going inside your brain he will drop dead now from the shock.]

(Whatever! I was just thinking about your master. You decide! Whether you care for your master or for the lover who snatched your master; I am good anyway.)

Zhen Xiu taunted. She was thinking about the original's pain and heartbreak that's why she was testing Lu Jian. It's not like she has some old animosity with Lu Jian.

[Of course, I care for you. I was just saying that Lu Jian is really miserable in between you two.]

(Of course, he is!)

Zhen Xiu was about to clap in excitement and assure Jiang Wui that she will not leave her idea for Lu Jian but controlled herself. She didn't want to spill the beans now after she set a trap for Lu Jian.

"It's okay Jiang Wui. I can take it. It's nothing." Zhen Xiu pitifully said. Her voice trembled as if she was hiding great pain behind her strong words.

Lu Jian felt bad for her. His behavior might have upset her. He needs to clear the misunderstanding.

"No, you don't have to forgive anybody on my behalf, even if the other party is my mom."

Lu Jian came near her and tried embracing her but Jiang Wui was faster than him and placed Zhen Xiu behind him.

Lu Jian's eyes darkened at his nuisance.

"You can speak from there too. No need to get close." Jiang Wui defended himself.

He can't allow Zhen Xiu to be trapped in his honey words. Lu Jian was a mommy's boy. First, he needs to show that he truly means what he is saying otherwise Jiang Wui can't trust him.

"I am sorry. Please, don't misunderstand me. I didn't mean to go back on my words."

Lu Jian calmly apologized. "I know you must have felt bad because I was unsure but it doesn't mean that I will not stay by your side. I am with you. As a son, I was confused and didn't want to harm my mother but as your husband, it is my responsibility to remove those people who mean you harm. Please trust me. I apologize for my previous indifference and negligence. I am not a bad man."

Zhen Xiu was surprised that Lu Jian chose her instead of his mother. Earlier, he was clearly conflicted about their plan.

(Is he lying?)

Zoru was surprised that his mistress was asking him. [I think he is not. This man never goes against his words. If he is apologizing and taking your side then he means it.]

(How can you be so sure?)

[I know him more than you mistress.]

Zoru rolled his eyes. Sometimes, his mistress was too gullible.

(Fine, if you say so.)

Zhen Xiu nodded in understanding. "It's okay Lu Jian. I don't doubt your sincerity."

Without batting an eyelid Zhen Xiu innocently smiled.


Jiang Wui wanted to say but was cut off by Zhen Xiu.

"Don't worry. He will not go against his words. I am sure of it." Zhen Xiu used Zoru's words to soothe Jiang Wui's worries.


(Who me? Oh please, you are my helper means I can use your words as mine.)

Zhen Xiu proudly informed Zoru. It was her right as his master.

"Lu Jian, don't feel bad. I never judged you."

Lu Jian was finally at peace that his wife understood him and his intentions. She was willing to trust


"Now let her go. I am not going to eat her." Lu Jian ordered Jiang Wui.

Jiang Wui pouted in disagreement. "Who knows? I don't know your new side. For all I think, you can gobble her up completely. She will stay by my side."

Zhen Xiu laughed at the silly Jiang Wui.

He is too sweet.

[Just because he wants you,] Zoru snickered at his master's proud smile.

(Yes, I am good to my loyal followers.)