"So, how are we scaring her or rather making her spill her guts out?" Jiang Wui questioned.

"I will corner her and provoke her." Zhen Xiu told them.

Lu Jian agreed. "It will work. Jiang will monitor Shen Rui so we will know if they have any secret plans."

Zhen Xiu nodded.

"We should plant a bug in her devices." Jiang Wui suggested.

Zhen Xiu and Lu Jian agreed. It will help them in a long run.

"Then I don't need to monitor her. We can ask she-devil for this." Jiang Wui excitedly told them his inner plans trying to put his responsibility on Shen Ya so that he can freely enjoy his aunt's demise.

Zhen Xiu knew that he was trying to leave his work. "No! Not so easy! Young Master Jiang."

"You should go and monitor Shen Rui. I will plant a bug in their cell phones and computers." Jiang Wui ordered.

"But brother!" Jiang Wui howled.

"Out now." Zhen Xiu pushed him out of the door.

Now that he was out, Lu Jian breathed in relief. He wanted to spend some alone time with his wife. He knew that his earlier behavior might have upset her but she was only pretending to be calm.

"Xiu!" Lu Jian placed his hand on her shoulder. "I know that you were hurt and only trying to help me."

(What rubbish? He is lost in his own world.)

Zhen Xiu forced a smile on her face and placed her hands on Lu Jian's waist.

"Darling! Don't worry; I know that you care about your mom. It's natural. She is your mom after all while I am some woman that you don't have much feeling for. There is a big difference in the love of thirty years and three days."

Lu Jian frowned. It was not like this. "No, it is not like this. You are right about that I was conflicted because she is my mom but please don't compare yourself with her. I love you and you are not some woman that I am obliged to; please don't be hard on yourself and me."

He knew that she was not assured of his feelings and worried that he might leave her in between for her mom so he needs to explain her position in his heart carefully. He will avenge her.

Before he couldn't understand why she was so affectionate with him? According to him, it was her desire, to possess him and he was not interested in that; he tolerated her because of his grandpa. She was too naïve for him to eliminate her from the scene.

He has never tried to look after her. It was because of his indifferent attitude that she was almost molested by some thugs and even went to as far as Yama's door. He didn't realize her importance until now.

Yes, he was attracted to her. He admits it. After she came back from the hospital, he has seen a new side of hers, a fascinating side and an evil charm which greatly attracted him.

He started having feelings for her when he felt her indifferent attitude towards him. The girl who mindlessly followed him craved for him was now not even interested in him.

Lu Jian can see that she was still attracted to him but there was no love in her eyes. He could not see that expression in her eyes anymore.

It stings his heart. He now understands how she must have felt before.

Today, while he was confused in his decision because of his mother; she didn't force him to choose her. He knew he has lost her.

It confirmed his suspicion that she was not in love with him, not anymore. That's why he has revealed his heart, his feelings in front of her to give himself a hope that she might start loving him again if she knew what he feels.

"I LOVE YOU. Please don't think that you are alone in this battle."

Zhen Xiu was shocked. He said 'I LOVE YOU'.



(Does this mean that I have completed my mission? This soon! Suddenly! Why? Good!)

She excitedly asked Zoru. After all, the main wish of the original was that she wanted to hear 'I LOVE YOU' from her husband. Lu Jian has clearly expressed himself.

Zoru was dumbfounded at this sudden situation.

It was way too sudden for him to accept.


What happened exactly?

His new mistress was way too powerful; the thing that his fake master was not able to do in one year and seven months of her marriage, his true master did in just four days.

It was sudden.

Too sudden!


In the entire primordial spirit space, a sudden change occurred as soon as 'I LOVE YOU' was out of Lu Jian's mouth. A bright light flashed in the entire space and two strings of silver light which were connected to the unstable soul of the new Zhen Xiu and Zoru broke apart in an instant.

The energy released from the silver thread entered rapidly inside Zhen Xiu's unstable soul link and one-fourth of the power went inside Zoru, solidifying his body in that instant.

Zhen Xiu – the evil princess who was excited all of a sudden felt a jolt in her space and a devastatingly huge power rapidly came running inside her. It was the same energy she felt while her soul entered the original's body.

Does that mean that she has cleared her task and the last step to fully take this body? She was excited. Now she will truly have a new life.

But her excitement was short lived as the power was too huge and uncontrollable to be taken lightly.

The power rapidly entered inside her body instead of her soul link and was continuously going berserk. On the other side, Zoru was also in great pain as he was experiencing his spirit burning into pieces while forming a solid body around his spirit.

Zhen Xiu tried channeling the power to her soul link inside her space but it was still getting out of control. Alas! She could not stop that power from escaping out of her control and she felt a powerful pain invading her body.

(Help me! I will die if I can't control it.) She screamed.

"HE-E-LL-P… MEE" Zhen Xiu whimpered in pain before collapsing down.