
With his unanticipated move, the girl was caught off guard! She did not expect that he would suddenly grab her. Not giving her a chance to react in time.

She tried to struggle. Pulling her arms from his gripped, she uttered, "Lou ShenRu! Let me go!" She look at him with anger in her eyes.

He is her big brother's right hand man, Lou ShenRu. He has been looking after her since the day she woke up from coma less than two years ago.

Not letting her escape, Lou ShenRu reminded her. "Young miss YuYan, please come with us peacefully and don't wait for the young master to come and take you personally" his tone serious.

YuYan immediately stopped struggling. She knew that Lou ShenRu will take her personally whenever the guards are unable to get her back.

Watching YuYan behave like an obedient child, Lou ShenRu loosens his grip and lets go of her arms. YuYan did not speak. She turns around to look at him with pitiful eyes and grabs hold of the side of his sleeves.

Lou ShenRu: "..."

A cute pitiful face appeared before Lou ShenRu's eyes. But he knew all too well that it is her trick for him to let her go. Just like what she used to do whenever he tries to take her back.

Suppressing the urge to pat her head and comfort her, Lou ShenRu clenched his fist. His heart always turns soft whenever she makes this face in front of him.

Unfortunately, he had received a strict order from his young master to take her home. Therefore, he cannot let her go, so he tried to explain. "I'm sorry, but I cannot let you run this time."

Shaking her head in disagreement, YuYan tried to bargain for her freedom. "But... I promise I'll be good this time. I will never run or sneak out and I won't cause any trouble anymore."

Everyone: "..." Young miss, you've said that a hundred times!

Lou ShenRu sighed. He was about to speak when an old man, who is about 70 years old, came out from the old antique shop and walked towards their direction.

He was wearing an old Chinese robe that made him look like a monk. But by his firm stance, anyone can't help but pay respect to him.

Stopping his footsteps beside YuYan, the old man patted her shoulders with gentleness while he looked at Lou ShenRu with dissatisfaction.

Feeling the old man's gaze on him, Lou ShenRu frowned. Still, he looked straight at him while he greeted with respect. "Elder Quin.."

"Why do you guys keep on bullying this little girl?" Elder Quin said with annoyance in his voice.

Guards: "..." Bullying? Who's bullying her? Isn't it she who's bullying us?

But the guards can only speak in their minds. They do not dare to sound disrespectful to the old man.

Lou ShenRu is about to answer when in a blink of an eye, YuYan turned around and quickly run across the street. Leaving them all dumbfounded.

Elder Quin chuckled, his eyes is gentle. He holds Lou ShenRu's shoulder whose watching Yu Yan disappear from his sight. "Let her go for now…" his voice is soft, comforting Lou ShenRu.

With a complicated look on his face, Lou ShenRu turned his head to look at the old man. "But..."

Elder Quin shook his head to stop Lou ShenRu. He sighed when he said: "It appears to be a serious one, follow me and tell me about it. I'll tell you later on where to find her…"

After his words, Elder Quin turns around and started to walk towards the old antique shop. He has been looking after YuYan and her big brother. Watching over the siblings, especially YuYan when she tries to sneak out or run away from her guards.

Lou ShenRu looked back to the place where YuYan disappeared. He took a deep breath before he waved his hand for the other guards to follow.

On the other side of the street, the youth with silver hair is still watching the scene until a black car stopped in front of him.

A middle aged man came down from the car and stood in front of the youth. He is Butler Shen that serves the Gu Family.

Butler Shen made a bow to give respect to the youth as he greeted with smile. "Young master, I'm sorry I'm late... I didn't expect that you will arrive earlier than scheduled."

Unfortunately, there was no reply from the silver-haired Youth. This only made his heart pumping fast while waiting for his young master's answer.

Trying to ease the atmosphere from his cold expressionless young master, Butler Shen continued to speak. "It's been three years since the last time you visited the city, we always hoped you can stay longer like before."

With a cold expressionless face, the youth ignored his words while he speaks with a cold voice. "Go."

"Yes, young master..." Butler Shen immediately answered then he opened the car door while he took a sigh of relief.