Tea Time

Inside the old antique shop, Elder Quin prepared a tea for everyone while he asked Lou ShenRu to sit next to him.

"Tell me what is going on." Elder Quin asked with curiosity after he noticed Lou ShenRou had a complicated look on his eyes after asking him to let Yu Yan go.

Before answering the old man's question, Lou ShenRu sipped his tea then looked straight at Elder Quin. He started to speak in a serious voice. "I'm afraid it's something that I cannot share with you."

Elder Quin wrinkled his brows while he frowned, he had been watching and taking care over the siblings like they were his own grandchildren for the past few years.

"You don't have to tell me everything. It is just that this time the little girl's tears are real. I can't help you if you won't give me an idea of what's happening." Elder Quin said with assurance.

Lou ShenRu: "..."

'Her tears are real? How would I know if its real? She's been doing this to win me, so she can run away!' Lou ShenRu said on his thoughts, he looked at Elder Quin with a serious face.

Lou ShenRu opened his mouth to speak, but no words came out. He is hesitating if he should tell the truth or not.

When Lou ShenRu saw the old man's firm eyes, he can't help but take a deep breath secretly. "The young miss will be taken away... Out of the country..." He hesitated.

Elder Quin did not speak, that prompted Lou ShenRu to continue to explain. "Her other brothers just arrived an hour ago... I just sent them back to the Villa... They… They were sent by the head master to take the young miss."

After hearing the situation, Elder Quin sighed before he finally asked. "Is it the twins?"

Lou ShenRu nodded, he didn't say anything more and continued to drink his tea while he looked at the old man who seemed to be in a daze. He did not dare to interrupt the old man's thoughts.

The twins that he was referring to are YuYan's other brothers; the second and third young masters. Though they lived outside the D Country together with their father.

There was a deep silence for almost an hour. No one dared to break the ice until there was a sudden heavy "click" on the second floor that sounded like a big door has been opened.

With the unanticipated sound, everyone subconsciously looked up at the stair case. But no one who came down, no footsteps can be heard either.

Finally, Elder Quin asks in a hoarse and worried voice. "Will she be safe?"

When Lou ShenRu heard the old man's question, he turned his head to look at Elder Quin who had a very worried look in his eyes. With his simple question, Lou ShenRu understood the meaning behind his words already.

Lou ShenRu honestly answer. "I'm sure the young miss will be fine, she will be more secure if she lives with her family. Besides, this place is starting to be more dangerous for a silly little girl."

He remembered that for the past two years, YuYan is unaware that there are people who are trying to kill her. But her first big brother continued to protect her.

"She's no longer a child... You and your first young master should stop treating her like a baby... She's turning 18 and She can even.. have... a child..." Elder Quin said with a bit of sadness and hesitation on his voice.

Lou ShenRu wrinkled his brows. He doesn't want to think about these kind of thoughts about Yuyan. While both him and his young master have been treating her like a baby all the time. "She's too young to have a child."

"Didn't both of you really ever considered that she's already growing up?! Can't you even see her getting taller and becoming a woman? Don't tell me that both of you didn't bother to think of it?!" Elder Quin seethed with anger.

Lou ShenRu did not speak. All those years, he also just suddenly thought about it. Even though he is the first young master's trusted right hand, they were also best friends. They grew up together that made him consider YuYan as his own little sister.

Henceforth, Lou ShenRu finally realized what his grandfather meant. He wants to say something but he doesn't know how to start. He is afraid that he might say something that would make the old man beat YuYan's first brother, Mo YuMin.

Watching Lou ShenRu deep in thought, Elder Quin tried to suppress his anger. He complained in his mind. 'This stupid child! Still denying?'

With the anger that starts to engulf his heart, Elder Quin tries to calm down, "Does Yu Min still think that he can protect his sister that way?"

Knowing that Elder Quin is starting to get annoyed, Lou ShenRu started to open his mouth but did not continue to speak.

Unfortunately, it only made the old man feel even more angry. His face turned blue like he is about to explode suppressing the urge to knock Lou ShenRu's head.

"You stinky boy! Did you really think that I won't figure out the idea?! Do you think that I'm stupid?! Are you looking down at your own grandfather?!" Elder Quin fumed in anger, thinking that they are hiding something from him.

However, Lou ShenRu did not speak. He didn't know what to say. He can only look at the old man and sigh on his heart.