You have me now

Li Yan Feng's body became stiff, but when he looked at her shining eyes, he smiled and nod. "Don't let go of my hand, you might get lost."

"Okay." she answered with nod like an obedient child.

After getting an answer, he free her from his arms but holds her hand tightly, pulling her to enter the amusement park.

They've tried almost each rides, play games and bought different types of food that made Li Yan Feng's arms full.

Based on his observations, he confirmed that Yu Yan's actions was still like a child, she keeps on asking him things that she sees in the amusement park.

Why does it seem like she doesn't know much?

Is she from a wealthy family?


Therefore, while sitting on a bench, Li Yan Feng asked "Is this your first time to come to this kind of place?"

She smiled and nodded while eating her cotton candy, she was about to take another bite but was stopped when she heard the next question.

"Why? Didn't your parents tried to take you on this kind of places?"

Thinking about the question, her joyous face instantaneously changed. She did not speak, but her face seems in sorrow.

Li Yan Feng felt like he asked something he shouldn't have when she had this expression, he holds her head and when he is about to speak, he was interrupted.

"I only have my brothers...." with a hoarse and sorrowful voice.

"You have me now.." Li Yan Fen answered with compassion.

Yu Yan looked at him and smiled, but the moist on her eyes did not escape Li Yan Feng's observation.

You can be my brother?

Missing her brothers made Yu Yan's life incomplete, however, spending time with Li Yan Feng in the amusement park made her broken heart at ease. With his words, she started to feel comfortable with him.

Watching her kind and innocent face, he smiled and held her little hand on his palm, "It's not early, we can go back next time, I'll walk you home."

At first, Li Yan Feng thought of the possibilities why Yu Yan never been at an amusement park, even if she belongs to a wealthy family or not, with her age she should have experienced coming on this kind of place alone or with friends.

On their way home, Yan Feng insisted walking with her and while they were walking, curiosity arises in his heart.

Because of the familiarity of the street that he has been walking for the past few days since he transferred to the university he started to feel excited.

Until they reached at greenfield building, he looked at Yu Yan in astonishment, he curiously asked, "This is where you lived?"

Yu Yan nodded that made Li Yan Feng more happy, "Such a coincidence, I also live here."

" also lived here?" her eyes widened, Yu Yan never imagined that Li Yan Feng also live at the same building.

"hmm...apartment 45 on the third floor.", he honestly answered.

Yu Yan opens her mouth, but she doesn't know what to say, she only blinked her eyes and looked at him with doubt.

When Li Yan Feng notice her doubtful expression, he immediately spoke, "You can visit me if you want, I can cook for you."

She closed her open mouth but it took few seconds before she shake her head.

"Which apartment you live? Oh, and no lies." he asked jokingly.

Yu Yan can only answer honestly, "Apartment 28 on the second floor."

"I'll drop by tomorrow morning, we can go to school together." he excitingly said.

Before Yu Yan can answer, he pulled her hand to enter the building and went straight to the entrance.

It's already ten o'clock in the evening when they arrived in the building. Therefore, with Yu Yan's sleepy feeling, she no longer care about Li Yan Feng holding her hand the whole time.