Two months from now

When the elevator was opened, she turned her head and smiled to Li Yan Feng, "Thank you for today."

"Hmm...Good night." he simply nodded while he answered with smile.

Yu Yan nod and walked away. When she was in front of her apartment door, she realized that it was not locked.

Her hands began to shake, there's a hesitation to open the door. She took a deep breath, removed her shoes and hold it on her hands to walk in light footstep.

Entering with alertness, her heart is pumping fast, but when she opened the door, the lights are on, and there was like a thunderbolt that hits her body when she saw the people inside.

Fa... Father!

I'm... I'm dead!

Xiao Ming Rou is sitting in the middle couch on the living room, while Butler Gao is standing right next to him.

A cold sweat started to soak her back, and numerous beads of sweat began to fall from her forehead, her feet seems rooted on the ground.

She went back to her senses when she heard MouJin's voice calling her, "Young miss, you're finally home."

MouJin approached Yu Yan straightaway, pulling her to come inside and took her next to a couch while her eyes did not leave Xiao Ming Rou's cold and expressionless face.

He was drinking his coffee and without looking at Yu Yan he coldly asked, "Where you've been?"

"Fa...father... I..", her voice is trembling.

"Answer my question", he quickly interrupted Yu Yan.

However, out of nowhere, his actions made Yu Yan felt like he doesn't want her to call him father.

Therefore, she took a deep breath and steady her sad voice. "Amusement Park, Mr. Xiao."

The way she addressed him made his eyes constricted, he looked at Yu Yan straight to her eyes and it took a couple of breaths before he speaks.


After hearing his unbearable voice that made his word like a threat, made Yu Yan obediently followed while MouJin stands behind the couch where she seated.

Silence covered the room, Yu Yan's heart began to beat rapidly like it's about to explode until Xiao Ming Rou said the words.

"I have set an engagement meeting that you will attend two months from now."

Those words exploded Yu Yan's heart like a balloon that pop, it was like a thunderbolt and a heavy storm that hits her body.

Yu Yan:"!!!"

Her mind turned blank, until a palm holds her shoulder, but she did not turn her head.

Engage... Engagement?

Yu Yan's mind is chaos, she doesn't know what to say, she wanted to cry.

"w..wh..why?" her voice is trembling tremendously while asking.

She wanted to throw a tantrum, but in front of her father, she felt like there was a chain that wraps around her body locking her up and unable to move.

"You have a problem?"

Her throat is dry, she feels like she will be unconscious after she heard those words. She wanted to complain but there were no words that came out from her mouth.

Watching Yu Yan in shock, there were no changes on Xiao Ming Rou's face. "I'll send someone to pick you up for that day."

After those words fell on Yu Yan's ears, Xiao Ming Rou stood up and left followed by Butler Gao and MouJin.

Before they step out of the door, Yu Yan suddenly asked, "Does big brothers know?"

Xiao Ming Rou paused, with his firm and cold voice, he answered without looking back at Yu Yan. "They don't need to know."

Then they continued to leave the apartment, while MouJin looked back at Yu Yan with sadness. She wanted to stay, however, she knows that even if she asks the head master, he will never allow her.

Leaving her alone on this state, Yu Yan did not move on her place. She was like a jade statue who looks beautiful but about to break into a million pieces.

It took a while before she stood up like a robot, started to walk stiffly but unconscious. Walking with only her sock are worn, her feet took her out of her apartment.

When her feet stops, she is already in front of apartment 45, she raised her hand and knocked on the door without strength.