Visiting a man's home

In just a couple of seconds, the door was opened. A pair of beautiful brown eyes looks surprised but when it fell on her lifeless black eyes there was like a knife that pierced his heart.

Li Yan Feng just finished taking a bath, he have changed into his bottom pyjamas and ready to sleep.

However, he is used to sleep without any shirt or upper pyjamas, therefore, when someone knock on the door late at night, he did not think of wearing any shirt before opening the door.

When the door is opened, he was shocked! He did not expect Yu Yan to come, before he can turn around to grab a shirt to cover his bare upper body, he was frozen to see Yu Yan look this way.

The blissful face that Li Yan Feng have seen earlier have become pale white like it was a dead body standing in front of him.

"Yu..." but he was interrupted by a soft warm arms that suddenly wrapped around him while burying her little face on his bare chest.

He is surprised with Yu Yan's actions, he did not expect that she will pounce at him just like that. Yan Feng was about to speak, but he heard a whimpering sound and his chest began to turn damp.

Without any idea of what's happening, Li Yan Feng stayed on the same spot while he carres her back to comfort her.

Not long after Yu Yan slowly stopped crying, but she did not let go. Li Yan Feng enfold his arm around her and lifted her up to take her in on his apartment.

He sat on the couch and place Yu Yan in the couch, but she did not losen her grip and still wrapping her arms around him, therefore, he can only make her sit on his lap.

Yan Feng can only sigh because he can't get his shirt! When he looked down at her, she's still on her school uniform but when he noticed her feet, she's not wearing any shoes but only socks that made him more worried.

"What happened?" he asked with tenderness on his voice.

However, Li Yan Feng did not hear any response, instead, Yu Yan's arms tighten like she never wanted to let go.

With a gentle force, Li Yan Feng pulled her off from him by holding her on her shoulders to face him.

Unfortunately, Yu Yan keeps her head down, it only gives Yan Feng a choice to hold her little face that is full of tears to look up at him.

"Tell me what happened?" ,he gently asked while wiping the tears on her face using his hand.

However, there was still no response, she is just looking at him straight on his eyes, with a pitiful face in front of him, it made him have the urge that he wanted to kiss her and pamper her.

Li Yan Feng took a deep breath to control his desire, he jokingly said a threat to make her talk, "If you don't talk, I will kiss you."

Unfortunately, he still did not hear any answers, but he kissed her nose then he smiled at her. "Your lips will be the next one if you won't speak."

Yu Yan did not react at all like he did not do anything, he felt helpless, even though he has the urge to kiss her, Yan Feng don't want to take advantage of her situation.

He just pull her back into his arms and hugging her tightly to comfort her. Yan Feng didn't know how long they stayed on that position, until he felt a steady breathing near his neck.

When he looked down to the girl on his arms, she is already asleep with a adorable face even after crying hard. His lips subconsciously twitched.

'Tired from crying?

But what exactly happened?

She was just happy earlier..."

Out of the blue, there was an idea that made him panicked, his heart is pumping like about to explode. He immediately glanced on Yu Yan's clothes, checking if it has been torn.

'Did someone came to her apartment?

Did someone try to harass her?

But her clothes seems to be fine..'

Checking her clothes that still looked neat, he breathed a sigh of relief. Li Yan Feng thought that someone tried to take advantage of her.

With a sleeping girl on his arms, he gently lifted Yu Yan and carried her into his room, laying her into his bed, Li Yan Feng covered her with a quilt leaving out her cute face.