Li Fu Jin's move

Li Fu Jin sat straight while he holds her wrist without saying any words, he keeps on staring at her on her fearful eyes.

As for Yu Yan, her heart is pumping so fast when Li Fu Jin suddenly held her wrist, she almost jumped because of shock.

Fortunately, Yu Yan did not scream in fear, but her body is starting to tremble when she feels Li Fu Jin's palm touching her skin, she flet like it was the same time he gave her those marks.

With the trace of fear on Yu Yan's face, Li Fu Jin understands that it was because of what he did to her yesterday.

Therefore, Li Fu Jin slowly stood up while pulling her out of the homeroom and ignoring the indifferent gaze from the other students.

The students eye shows fear for Yu Yan, some are pity, considering their speculation that Li Fu Jin is a Gǎnrǎn.

Added with murderous appearance in the battleground when Li Fu Jin saved Yu Yan that day, they think that Yu Yan is unlucky to be paired with him.

As for some students, with Xi Ran's attention to Yu Yan and having a gorgeous pair like Li Fu Jin which is the most dream of the female students especially on their sector, give birth to hatred and envy on their heart.

Those female students always wanted to get close to Li Fu Jin, but he is unapproachable, and they can't even get more than three steps near him.

As for MeiFen and Lei Wei, they were speechless. Fear that he will send them flying on the ground, the can only watch Li Fu Jin take Yu Yan away.

After getting out of the fourth level building, Li Fu Jin took Yu Yan at the inner forest of the university where it is used on evaluations.

When they arrived, Yu Yan's nervousness is getting worst, she wanted to pull out her wrist from Li Fu Jin's grip, but she is afraid that he might hurt her.

"Li Fu Jin...." ,she said while catching her breath,

Li Fu Jin stopped, he turned around to look at her, scanning her face that looks pale due to her tiredness, but he did not lose his grip.

Moving fast out of the fourth level courtyard when he took her, Li Fu Jin did not expect that she will have troubles to catch up.

"Troublesome." , he mumbled while looking at her.

Yu Yan rouse her head to look at him, but she noticed his eyes fell on her lips that made her more nervous and made a step back.

She is afraid that he might kiss her again, but with her expectations that he might do something, she was not able to react on time when he moved like a lightning.

Yu Yan: "..."

Li Fu Jin lock her in his arms while his lips touches hers. Fortunately, he did not explore her mouth, it was more gentle and shorter than the previous ones.

When his lips is about to release hers, he can't help himself but to bite her lower lip, and speak while their lips are still touching each other.

"You can't even dodge." , Li Fu Jin said with a deep cold voice.

Yu Yan: "..."

Is this... How he will train me?

Although Yu Yan was surprised, Li Fu Jin's words made her came back to her senses. However, she can't speak because he has bitten her lower lip.

She can feel and smell his hot and sweet breath, and her pink cheeks continue to turn hot and red like a cherry.

"Enjoying it?" ,he said without any changes on his expressionless face while looking at her.

Yu Yan: "..."

Who's enjoying?!

Yu Yan's face turned gloomy, she is about to struggle but Li Fu Jin held the back of her head, not giving her a chance to move.