Too vulnerable

Unfortunately, Li Fu Jin kissed her without any warning, his lips were hot, burning her lips like a newly cooked potato.

His kiss were hard but passionate like he doesn't want to let go, until he released her lips and bent down to whisper on her ears with his deep but hoarse voice.

"I will kiss you until you can dodge." He said without any change in his expressions.

Yu Yan: "..."

Why do I feel like he is bullying me?!

Li Fu Jin looked back at her with an expressionless face while imprisoning her in his arms. With their faces close to each other, his eyes fell into her lips.

He can't understand where the urge to kiss her again came from. It was like he doesn't want her lips to be separated from his whenever he smells her breath.

Yu Yan's heart is about to explode, she felt miserable while watching him look at her like a hungry wolf.

"Li...Fu Jin... Let me go..." Her voice is shaking while trying to struggle.

"I'll let you go if you will kiss me" Li Fu Jin coldly said without changes on his face.

Yu Yan: "..."

Who wants to kiss you?!

However, she cannot move, her mind is debating with her heart. Yu Yan was thinking if she should do it or not, but she wanted to get free from him.

With hesitation, she is not sure what to do, she secretly took a deep breath that Li Fu Jin noticed while their faces are so close.

Because of their height difference, even if Li Fu Jin's face is so close to her, she had to tipped her toes for her soft lips to be imprinted on his lips in a quick touch.

Li Fu Jin's eyes constricted, he just stared at her when her face moves closer and gave him a quick kiss.

After Yu Yan retreated with her blushing face, Li Fu Jin spoke with a cold deep voice. "You believed what I told you?"

Yu Yan: "..."


Yu Yan's face turned dim, there was anger on her eyes but this did not last long, it changed into shock when Li Fu Jin pressed down hard against her soft lips!

He started to explore inside her mouth, not missing a corner while he tightened his arms around her and pulling her head more towards him like he wanted more of her.

Turning her mind blank because of his deep kiss, Yu Yan doesn't know that she is already responding with him, and her arm subconsciously encircled his waist.

When their lips were separated, they were both catching their breath, and with his hoarse voice. "You're too vulnerable"

Yu Yan: "..."

Their faces are so close while looking at her with his scarlet eyes, but his voice become colder with a sense of danger when he speaks. "What if someone else tries to kiss you? Will you let them?"

Yu Yan: "..."

Without waiting for her to answer, he pressed his lips hard on hers again! Playing every inch of her lips with the tip of his tongue.

Not long after, Li Fu Jin slowly started to explore her mouth enjoying every ounce of her taste while leaving her almost out of breath before he releases her.

When he stopped and stares at her, Yu Yan felt dizzy for being out of air, but Li Fu Jin's speaks with a deep magnetic but threatening voice. "No one is allowed to kiss you other than me."

Yu Yan: "..."

With her blushing face, she clenched her fist that is holding on Li Fu Jin's school uniform, there is a fire on Yu Yan's eyes while she looked at him.

Watching her raging eyes, a side of Li Fu Jin's lips curved a bit. He releases her from his arm while staring on her like he is enjoying her murderous gaze. "We will start your training tomorrow."

In an instant, Li Fu Jin disappeared while leaving Yu Yan alone in the middle of the university's inner forest.

She stood on the same place without moving like her mind is flying out of nowhere.

However, after less than fifteen minutes, there was a man's fierce voice five steps away that rang into her ears. "Found you"


My rest day is over and I can only finish 5 chapters.

All of it is released, hope you enjoyed.

I'll update again tomorrow.
