My stupid and playful grandson

With a gentle expression on his face, he turned to look back at YuYan and smiled sweetly. "My little princess, all of you can stay here for the night while old Ho prepares your new home." Mo Yao Wang softly said.  

YuYan did not speak, just rolled her eyes and removed Li FuJin's arms from her waist as she pulled him with her. They walked away and no one had any idea where they were going.  

Mo Yao Wang: "..." How can she even treat me like that?  

Mo Yao Wang can only sigh and shake his head before looking at Zhen Hai and Lanyi. "I didn't expect that you would get a slavery chain." He uttered with disappointment.  

Zhen Hai bowed down to give respect. Of course he knew that the old man had ways of finding out that he was chained to YuYan as her slave.  

As he looked up to Mo Yao Wang, Zhen Hai smiled. "It is much better than to get killed like the others though." But his knees are secretly trembling as he stared at the old man.