To protect him

Zhiyuan's eyes widened in disbelief while Marlene's face turned gloomy at the thought of Mo Yao Wang being proud of his grandson's actions kidnapping the witch queen.  

Nonetheless, both of them wore a complicated expressions on their faces. Disappointment about Mo Yao Wang's shamelessness and grief for loosing Xiao XiRan.  

Before they can even asked though, Mo Yao Wang asked again, "You haven't answered my question Queen Marlene. Where's my great grandson?" His voice became impatient.  

Marlene's face turned black as her thoughts are going wild, 'This stupid old demon! Is he planning to kidnap my son?!' she squinted at Mo Yao Wang before looking at Zhiyuan.  

Narrowing her eyes at him as she remembered asking him to look after her child. Marlene can't help but to knock Zhiyuan on his head that he almost stumbled on the floor.  

Zhiyuan: "..." Why does everyone hate me?! YuYan, save me!