Hunter Exam : III

It's been at least 2 hour since the exam started and a lot of participant gave up on the road.

Currently Machi was freaking out.

Why ?

Because she lost Zoro.

The shock of her mind now was greater than when Zoro used Conqueror Haki.

He. Lost. Himself. In. A. Straight. Path.

"THERE IS SOMETHING WRONNNG WITH HIMM !!!" Yelled Machi in her head

Just how you do that ?!

How can you lost yourself when all you have to do is to run straight ahead ?!?!

The enigma Zoro has once again striked...

Meanwhile with Zoro...

"Dammit this examinator ! It's his fault if I am lost !" Zoro was angry right now.

With Machi

Machi was running ahead, she has no choice she don't know where Zoro is but she have confidence that he will think of something.

Hisoka ran toward Machi and stopped at her side.

"I didn't know you were interested in the Hunter Exam." Said Hisoka with a smile

Machi snorted, she didn't care about being Hunter she just came here for Zoro.

"Well it can be handy." Responded Machi

"I am very curious, why you were with Zoro ? Do you want to recommend him to Kuroro ?" Asked Hisoka

"It's Leader for you, don't forget it, as for Zoro I don't know." Responded Machi

True to be told Machi has been thinking to recommend Zoro for enrollment but she didn't have the occasion to told him about the Phantom Troupe and she felt uneasy toward his future answer. Will he cut all contact if he know that she is in the Phantom Troupe, she didn't know why but the fact that maybe Zoro will hate her dejected her. But what make her fear the most is the possibily that he have a personal revenge against the Troupe, he didn't talk about his past so she just hope that everything will turn ok.

As the participants saw the stairs they knew that the end of the test was near and were happy they speed up and all the participants passed the door.

Hisoka looked at the door

Machi looked at the door too

If Zoro don't come now he will not make it

"Hey where is Leolio ?" Said Gon with worry

Kurapika looked around him but didn't found Leolio, he began to worry too


The door began to close


It was a tiny noice and only 5 person heard it.

Machi let out a tiny smirk

Hisoka let out a creepy smile

Satotz looked at the door

And Illumi disguised and Killua looked at the door curiously-

As the doors were almost close these five heard a voice




"Onigiri !!"


Zoro came out from after he completely slashed the door and the building

Zoro took off his coat and kept half naked with his bandana tied around his head, he was carrying Leolio on his shoulder.

He walked when he saw no one in front of him he was surprised and said excitedly

"Oh ?! Maybe I am the first to pass ?"




What first ?! Your the last ! And why did you destroyed the building ? Could you just pass on time ?!

Everyone were speechless in front of such shameless individual, he destroyed the building to not lose, he arrived the last and he has the gal to say the he came first ?!

Machi was a little shocked, she never saw that technique ! Damn that one is strong too ! She thought

Hisoka was looking at Zoro like he was looking at the most beautiful thing in this world.

Kurapika was shocked to see such sword technique like all the participants and even the examinator.

Kurapika was also shocked to see that he came with Leolio !

And Gon and Killua well...

"So...So...SO COOOOOOLLLLL !!!!" Yelled the two kids

This was too cool ! He cut through the building like it was butter !

"Hey can you become my Aniki please !" Said Killua with stars in the eyes

"Me too ! Me too !" Quickly said Gon with the same star of admiration in the eyes

"Tch, do whatever you want." Said Zoro

"YESS ! I have a cool aniki now !" Said Killua with excitation

"Zoro-Aniki, why did you have Leolio with you ?" Asked Gon

"I found him near the exit and I felt that he was good so I decided to help him, he's asleep now but you should wake him up" suggested Zoro

Machi made her way toward Zoro and said

"I knew you would find you way." Said Menchi with a smirk

Zoro snorted

"Tch, as if a messy building could stop me."

Machi sweatdropped, Wait I didn't mean that. I was talking about your observation sense... anyway Machi didn't argue with him it was pointless.

After that a man came and claimed to be the real examinator but Hisoka quickly killed him saying that any Hunter could have blocked this attack.

As Satotz was ready to continue the test in the swamp, a voice suddenly yelled

"Wait !"

When they all turned their head toward the yell they found that it was Zoro

Zoro stared at Satotz angrily.

Satotz actually felt a cold sweat on his back, this guy's pressure was oppressive.

"You ! It's your fault that I was lost !" Zoro said angrily




Satotz and the All the participants sweatdropped.

How can you get lost in straight path ?! Brother don't joke about this, please let us continue the exam !

Satotz was at lost of words... it was his fault ?! What did he do ?

Machi was embarrassed... this guy... how can he be that shameless ? Why did you admit that you were lost ?! Could he not just shut up and let us carry on this stupid exam ?

Hisoka was enjoying the show quietly, this Zoro was truly an interesting character.

Kurapika was speechless... he was lost ?

Kirua and Gon were excited ! Their new Aniki was too fun !

"Oi ! I am talking to you ! Apologize for giving me a false direction !" Zoro demanded

"What apologize ? What a bully ! He didn't do anything ! You think you can demand an apology like that !" Thought Machi and all the participant

Satotz was lost now... why should he apologize ? But this guy was dead set and look truly sincere like he was faulted here, what should he do ?

"Don't even think about continuing this Exam no one is permitted to move if I don't receive an apology !" Said Zoro with ultimate confidence in his voice





All the participants were mad but didn't voice their opinions since they saw his ability and felt that it was not a good idea to talk to such madman he may say that it was your fault in the future and claim your life.

Machi was dumbstruck... what is wrong with him ?! An apologize from the examinator ? What did he do to you ? And you think he's going to apologize ? Of course not !

"Sorry ?" Said Satotz not sure why he apologized

"Good at least you have some decency, but the evil is done, you tainted my honor I shall take your right arm to take back my honor, Nittoryu-" Zoro was ready to fight but Machi punched the back of his head hard !

"ITAI !" Yelled Zoro

She quickly took him or he's going to do something stupid. He kept yelling to release him and that he's going to kill everyone but she didn't listen to him.




Satotz was truly grateful toward this women if she haven't stop him this madman would have killed him he knew it for sure.

Hisoka was a little disappointed that Machi intervened.

Killua and Gon were yelling excitedly how their Aniki was so cool.

All the participants were still in shock.

Did I hear right ? Did he said that he will take his arm ? Just because he got lost ?!

All the participants made the decision to avoid this madman from now.