Hunter Exam : IV

The first test was now truly over and Satotz can now sigh in relief, go home and pray to never meet again this madman named Roronoa Zoro.

In the second part of the second exam Machi decided to take Zoro's arm so he can't get lost but even then he would from time to time go to the wrong direction and take Machi with him, fortunately Machi always rectified the wrong and took him to the good road but Zoro put all the blame on him. If he didn't yell about how his direction were messed up, he would yell that his directions are confusing...

"This is where the second test will take place, an other examinator will take my place, good luck to everyone." Satotz said and walked toward the forrest.

"Don't let me see you again or else..." murmured Zoro, Satotz clearly heard him but just did like he didn't heard. There are nothing to gain to argue with this madman after all.

"Could you please stop to threaten everyone ?" Machi sighed and said

"Shut up, if you haven't intervened all of this wouldn't have happened." Said Zoro with annoyance

Machi sighed again, it became a routine with him.

"And why you kept your bandana around your head ? And why didn't you wear your coat now that you are not fighting !" Said Machi with the same annoyance.

"Tch, It's because I am waiting for someone to say something so that I can slash him directly." Responded Zoro

Are you Idiot ? As if any participants would talk to you after the stunt you pulled today ?

All the participant glanced at Zoro, this man was trouble they have to keep their distance from him.

"What you staring at ?!" Zoro said with a scary face to the participant who looked at him.

They all turned their heads and ran.

Suddenly a young man came in front of Zoro, he was Leolio.

"I just wanted to thank you for saving me." Said Leolio

"That's nothing." Responded Zoro curtly.

Finally the door opened and they saw the two examinator for the second test.

It was a young woman with green hair tied into five ponytail.

And a huge man with black hair.

"My name is Menchi and I am one of the two examinator of the second exam."

"And my name is Buhara, the second examinator."

Turn out that the second test was a cooking test, Zoro was worried, cooking was not his thing, this was Sanji's thing.

Anyway this test was too hard and everyone has been disqualified.

"This is bullshit !" A candidat yelled

It was the number 255 the big guy.

"The participants have to accept our decision." Menchi said

"Don't bullshit me ! I want to be a black hunter not a simple gourmet ! You think you can reject all of us simply because we didn't satisfy you" yelled angrily the big guy as he dashed toward Menchi but Buhara pushed him hard.

"I didn't told you to help me Buhara." Said Menchi

"I know but if I didn't pushed him you would have killed him." Said Buhara

Menchi stoop up and said

"Let me clear things with you guys, Gourmet Hunter are just as strong as the others, and even if we don't search fight, we all know a certain form of martial art." She pulled some knives and juggled with them.

"You all lack focus, and you fear challenge, you should have shame ! Not any of you all deserve to be a Hunter."

As Zoro listened to this bitching, he finally lost it he decided to teach her some lesson and calm down her arrogance a little bit. He didn't notice that Hisoka and Machi were having the same thought.


"What ?!" Yelled Menchi

She received an attack, it was just a little cut under the eye but it was so fast that she didn't notice it coming.

The participants were dumbstruck ! Who is the madman that attacked the examinator ?!

"Wait ?" They all thought...

"Madman..." Oh shit it can only be him ! They all turned their head toward Zoro.

He was walking calmly toward Menchi.

"You talked so big but your reaction time is only so-so" said Zoro with an arrogant smirk.

Menchi looked angrily at Zoro she wanted to kill him right now but she found herself take steps back as he walked toward her.

"When you talk so big in front of so much people..."

"You should at least evaluate the strength of the people in front of you..."

"If they are stronger than you then keep silent and don't make fool of yourself..."

"Normally I should not cut women..."

"And of course, there are things that I don't wanna cut."


Zoro kept talking slowly and with his usual smirk.

"Let me ask you something..."

"Have you ever seen a fierce animal you were sure would never bite ?"

"Because I haven't."

Everyone eyes widened at this statement.

Menchi suddenly realized her error, she didn't think that maybe someone would be offended and attack her.

Suddenly time stopped...

Zoro has his sword on his hand and he looked toward Menchi.

Menchi was frozen as the killer intent of Zoro was too strong.

He began to run toward her...

"W-what" Menchi thought scared

"My body can't move !" Menchi fear's grew as she saw Zoro coming.

"Ittoryu !" Zoro yelled.

"He's gonna cut me !" Thought Menchi in panic.


"Daishinkan." Zoro said


The attack continued through his left and right and made huge holes in the floor.

Zoro turned his head and said

"You have some luck, this old man saved you at the last moment."

Netero was watching the whole scene and intervened just at the last moment to save Menchi, he looked at Zoro and asked with a smile

"I take it that your problem with her is resolved ?"

"Yes that's enough, I said what I have to say." Zoro said and walked back

Everyone were in awe watching this scene.

Machi was confused ! How did he do to be this cool before an attack or a fight ?! He always sayed some cool sentences in a fight ! How did he do that !

Hisoka was having an orgasm right now and now he know that his future fight with Zoro would be his most difficult one and satisfying too.

Kurapika and Leolio were deeply moved by the speech of Zoro.

Gon and Killua ? Well let's just say that Zoro became their Hero and model. Killua even made a big decision !

"When I will grow, I will become a swordsman like Aniki !" Thought Killua with stars in the eyes. His admiration for Zoro reached the summum, he even felt that he should dress up like him.

The participants were speechless in front of such coolness, normally these kind of thing only happened on movies !

After this stunt Netero said that the participants would have a second chance and so Menchi agreed with a easier test, they have to jump from a cliff, take an egg and boil the egg. Menchi didn't dare to be near this madman as she feared him too much. This test was not too hard so a lot passed it and now all the participants entered the airship that will take them out toward the third test.

Netero was still thinking about this Roronoa Zoro, he was deeply intrigued by him and reminded him himself when he was younger...

"It seem another monster is born..." said quietly Netero as the airship began to fly.