Hunter Exam : V

"You are the 40 participants left, I have to congratulate you and I have to introduce myself" said Netero

"My name is Netero, I am the actual representative of the Hunter committee"

"And I am Bins, his secretary." Said a green little... thing ?

"Normally, I only appear in the final test but now that I am here we should travel together till the 3rd test emplacement" said Netero

All the participants left seem to be entirely focused on Netero's word

"I have to say that it's extremely satisfying to see you all so focused and serious." Said Netero

"We should be at the 3rd test emplacement tomorrow in the morning around 8, don't hesitate to sleep if you want-"

When Zoro heard that he already turned and left

"Hey, I am gonna sleep good night" Zoro said to Machi as he yawned

"Will you find your chamber alone ?" Asked Machi




Everyone's sweat dropped, Sister Machi please take him with you ! Don't let him get lost or he's just gonna blame us ! You have to protect us please ! They thought.

Zoro was furious ! Damn that's embarrassing !

He just walked off with the intention to find his chamber and sleep.

One hour later

Machi strolled calmly in the corridor of the airship, she was thinking about the change of her character these last weeks. Machi is a Phantom Troupe member, she is usually cold and sharp and a killer but when in front of this man she act so out of her usual character, any Troupe member who would see her with Zoro will definitely see the change.

"Roronoa Zoro..." she thought with mixed feelings

"Who are you ? And what did you do to me ?" She thought

As Machi strolled she saw the main character of her thought.

He has decided to wear his coat and he untied his bandana, leaving his green hair free. He was sitting on the side, his back against the wall and he was hugging his three swords as he slept on the floor.

Machi let out a small smile, that Baka surely didn't found his chamber and just shrugged it off.

She decided to sit next to him and try to sleep, when she slept t his side she smelled his natural odor, it smelled good. And so Machi allowed her head to rest on his chest and slept, no one could do them anything anyway their sense were too well trained.

Meanwhile Gon and Killua played a ball game with Chairman Netero.

And Leorio and Kurapika were sleeping.

And so the night passed and the morning came.

As Zoro was sleeping he suddenly heard-

"To all the participants we have arrived to the emplacement of the third exam. "

Zoro opened his eye, he felt some weight on him so he turned his head and saw Machi sleeping at his side, her head was on his chest and she was drooling a little.

"Oi ! Wake up ! You are drooling on me !" Said Zoro angrily but he tried to not wake her up forcefully.

Machi opened her eyes slowly and when she realized her position her eyes widened, she quickly stood up and turned back to hide her blushing face.

"Embarrassing ! I was drooling ! "She thought.

She recovered pretty quickly and turned toward Zoro who stood up too, he yawned and stretched a little.

"Sorry." She said with a little voice

"That's okay, it's just some drool." Responded Zoro as he clearly didn't care

"We should hurry to join the others." Said Zoro

"Mmmh." Nodded Machi

After that the participants were all at the peak of the tower, the secretary said that they have 72 hours to achieve that. As the time passed Machi noticed that less and less participants were at the peak.

"It must be a mechanism to enter the tower..." she concluded after an analyse.

She turned her head toward Zoro but she didn't find him so she assumed that he entered the tower already.

Zoro was in plain room, he came here while strolling around. It seem this room is consisted for 5 person and he came first, so he still have some time to take a nap.

30 minute later

Gon, Killua, Kurapika and Leorio were ready to jump on the floor to activate the mechanism.


When they landed on their room they saw each other and were happy to continue the test together.

Suddenly they heard a voice.

"You guys took your time huh ?!"

When they turned their head toward to voice they were suprised to see Zoro.

"Oh it's Zoro-aniki !" Yelled excitedly Killua and Gon

"It seem luck is on our side, at least we are with someone familiar." Said Kurapika

Leorio nodded.

They all wore they bracelet. And a door showed itself.

And something was written on the door.

"So that test include the majority choice..." said Kurapika

"Yeah for now the choice is easy at least" said Leorio

They all clicked on their bracelets but Zoro's face was quite unnatural and a sweat was on his forehead.

O4 - X1

"What ?! Who is so stupid to press on the X !" Said Leorio angrily

Zoro was sweating... It was not his fault ! He can't read this language ! But he didn't want to admit it cause they will take him for a fool, so he pressed the X with hope that it was the good answer but it seem luck was not on his side.

Leorio was still annoyed but pushed the matter aside, now isn't the time to cause conflict.

Zoro was calm, he acted like an old master who separated himself of worldly matter, he closed his eye and his right arm was outside the sleeve of his coat and was resting on his three swords, he looked quite mysterious and dangerous so Leorio didn't have the bravery to clash with him.

And so they walked forward and another question presented to them. This time Zoro understood without having to read as it was explicite, it was right or left. He was thinking and decided to go left but he pressed the button for the right direction...

If Machi was here she would have surely coughed blood.

O3 - X2

Leorio grunted a little bit again and then the group took the left road...