Hunter Exam : VI

They walked in a corridor and arrived in a sort of arena with two entrance.

"Look at the other side." Said Killua

At the other side of the arena there was 4 people wearing long coat and they were handcuffed.

"The candidate have arrived, take off those handcuffs." Said one of the prisoners

The handcuffs dropped on the floor and the man took off his coat.

He was a muscular bald man with scars on his head, he looked quite scary for an ordinary man.

"Let me give you some explication." Said a voice that came from a micro

"This tower is also a jail, and these guy are some of the prisoners. You will have to fight them all."

"It will only be one-a-one fight and all of you can only fight one time."

"There is no draw, all is permitted, if your opponent give up you will be the winner." The voice ended.

"You are free to choose your order of passage." Said the bald man in front of them

"The majority win so you have to win 3 time to continue the test."

"Again this majority thing..." grunted Leorio

"At least it's not too complex" said Killua

"We added a little rule, if the prisoners can keep you here a certain time, they would lose 1 year of jail per lost hour, so their goal is also to make you lose the maximum of time." Said the voice

"I understand... we only have 69 hours to make it to the bottom of the tower." Kurapika said

"Then we should not lose our time here and beat them fast." Suggested Zoro

Everyone nodded

"Ok I will be the first to fight, who want to go first ?" Said the bald man with a little smile of arrogance

"What do we do ? He said that all attack are allowed so we can be sure that they have something on their minds." Said Killua carelessly

"I go first." Said Zoro

He didn't even take his swords, he just let them ont the floor at the side of the group.

Kurapika and Leorio were relaxed that Zoro went first.

"Good luck !" Said Gon with a smile

"Beat him up Aniki !" Said Killua excitedly

"Don't worry it will be over with just a glance." Zoro said with his usual smirk

A glance ? They all thought at the same time.

Zoro walked toward the bald man his smirk still on his face.

The bald man looked at him and said

"How about a dead battle ? What do you say ?" Said the bald man with arrogance

Gon, Leorio and Kurapika were stunned ! This guy want a death battle ?! Against Zoro ?

Zoro looked at him like he was looking at the dumbest being in this world.

"This guy..." he thought

"At first I only wanted to knock him with Haoshoku Haki... but this idiot want to throw away his life..." Zoro thought

But Zoro didn't want to use his swords, this guy don't deserve to die by his sword but he don't want to kill with his hands either.

Killing him with swords or bare-handed ?

Dilemma ah dilemma !

Zoro was deeply in thought about how he should bring death today.

The bald man seeing that Zoro didn't respond, thought he was scared and didn't want to die, and it gave him more arrogance.

While the bald man was growing more arrogant, Zoro suddenly thought about something.

He smirked, yes he would kill him with that...

"Okay, I accept your battles rules." Said Zoro

The bald man didn't think that Zoro has something in mind, he thought he just didn't want to lose face in front of his friends so he accepted.

As the two were in position the bald man was ready to jump to slice his throat when-

Zoro pointed his hand toward the bald man and unleashed his aura at him with murderous intentions.

Everyone tensed and felt like they were nude in winter but all the aura was focused on the bald man so they didn't have more problem.

But the bald man... his face instantly paled and he felt his body burn, he began to lose blood from his nose, eyes and ears. After some second he died.

Complete silence

No one has words to describe this scene...

"This ?! It's like what Irumi do sometimes !" Thought Killua stunned, he now understood that there is a certain power that only masters can manipulate and that Zoro surely used that power.

Meanwhile in the examinator room

"Nen attack..." thought the examinator grimly, this year the number of Nen user is abnormally high... there is Hisoka, the pink haired girl, that weird guy and now we have this guy too...

At the arena

Zoro slowly walked toward the others, Kurapika and Leorio were still in shock, Gon somewhat recovered and congratulated him as for Killua he was still in his thoughts.

Zoro turned towards them and said

"I am going to sleep, wake me up when we finished here"

Leorio and Kurapika nodded