As Zoro was sleeping the group faced the others prisoners.
Kurapika won against a blue guy that claimed to be a Phantom Troupe member
Leorio lost against a girl in a gamble.
And Gon won against a guy that tried to trick him with candles.
And so Zoro's group won the majority of the challenges and can continue to take the test but Leorio gambled 50 hours and lost so they have to wait in a chamber 50 hours.
Zoro decided to train a little bit as he has nothing esle to do, he began to do some crazy exercice like push up with one finger in front of everyone.
They were shocked to see such training.
Well Killua wasn't as shocked as the other but still.
The others began to do their things Kurapika was reading, Gon and Killua were playing, Zoro was doing some méditation and Leorio was sleeping or drinking tea.
And so the 50 hours quickly ended and the door opened.
After this they done some running throught the tower with the same majority vote everywhere and they arriver in front of a door.
"Do you want to open the door" Leorio readed the question wrotten on the door.
O5 - X0
And so the door opened and the group entered an room with various weapons and two doors.
"Are you ready to end this test ? Press O for yes and X for no." readed Killua
"Of course we're ready what's up with these questions !" Yelled Leorio
O5 - X0
"Very well, you have now to choose a door between these two, the first is long and with traps and the second is short and easy, you have to know that the first will take you 10 hours and the second only 3 minutes, if you choose the second you have to chain two person." Said a voice
"So all these weapons have a this meaning... It's for designate 2 persons that we chain." Said Killua
As everyone tensed and were thinking about what to do, Zoro opened his eye and smirked.
"I choose option 3..." he said as he unsheated his Wado Ichimonji.
"Making my own way with my own rules !" He said
It was a small noise but everyone here heard it and the next moment...
The metal door was cleanly cutted in two, the cut was so clean it was like he cutted a fruit.
Everyone was stunned, they saw at multiple occasion Zoro's swordsmanship but they never get tired of it.
And like this everyone took the easiest way.
At the bottom of the tower a door opened
20th qualified Number 57 : Roronoa Zoro
21th qualified Number 405 : Gon
22th qualified Number 99 : Killua
23th qualified Number 404 : Kurapika
24th qualified Number 403 : Leorio
Time used 71 hours and 4 minute
And so the 3 third test was over.
And so all the remaining participants exited the tower and the examinator came and told them that the fourth test was on the near Zebira island.
The examinator explained that they were going to take a number on a box and that that number was their cible to chase and take their number on the island.
And so one to one the participants took a number in the box.
Zoro took out the number 34.
After that the participants took a boat to the Zebira island, all the participants took out their number already, well all minus one...
"So..." Machi said with a tic mark
"Why did you kept your number ?" Said Machi
"Tch, I don't need to hide it." Said Zoro curtly
Well that was true and even Machi didn't necesserely need to hide it cause minus Hisoka and Zoro, no one poses a threat to her at all here but at least she played the game...
Machi looked at Zoro and said
"I am going to wait for you on the forrest, we should work together." She said simply
"I see no problem in that." Responded Zoro
"Good" she said
To be honnest she only proposed because she knew that Zoro would lost himself in this big island, he may get lost until he found himself to Meteor city maybe. That's sound impossible but she is sure that this idiot is capable of that.
And so the participants arrived on the island and one by one they entered the island.
Finally after some minutes it was Zoro's turn.
He walked a little and found Machi who waited him near.
"So what do we do now ?" She asked
"Mmh, I will use my En to localize our targets" Zoro said
Machi was suprised, so he can use En.
"This island is at least 10km it would be pointless" she said
Zoro snorted and deployed his En.
His aura was big and strong with a crimson color.
Machi was stunned this En was large.
"Don't joke with me, my En can cover 500m with some walking it will be soon over" Zoro said
And true to be told in 2 hours they found their target and took their number, the seven days were mostly Zoro sleeping and training as nobody dared to fight him.
And so the fourth test was over.
Zoro returned to the starting emplacement safely with Machi's aid.
The finalist were : Zoro, Machi, Hisoka, Gittarakuru, Kurapika, Gon, Leorio, Killua, Hanzo, Poporo, Bodoro.
The finalist were on the airship relaxing and thinking about what the final test was, and were waiting for the talk with the chairman.
One by one they entered and exited the chairman's place.
It was Machi's turn.
She entered anf found chairman Netero sitting and telled her to sit.
"Why do you want to be a Hunter." He asked
Why ? It's true why ? Machi only came here because she wanted to follow Zoro now that she think about that, she didn't care at all about being an Hunter, if she want something she take it, it's as simple as that and that's the mentality of all the Troupe Member. She thought about how could she respond to that question and found and answer.
"I just came to satisfy my curiosity." She said
"Oh ?" Netero just said
"Alright now, if who has your attention in the finalist." Asked Netero
"Number 57 and Number 44, the 57 is more like in a good way but the number 44 in a bad way." Responded Machi
"Who would you not want to fight ?" Netero asked
"Number 57 and 44 too, if I could avoid these two it will be good but if not then I can at least fight the 44 but not the 57." Responded Machi with mixed feelings
She saw at multiple occasions the power of Zoro and be the one against him will not end well for her but she can at least fight Hisoka with no fear but even then she know that Hisoka is extremely strong even by Phantom Troupe standart.
"Ok thank you, you can go now." Netero said with a smile.
Machi stood up and walked away.
It was Zoro turn.
He entered Netero's place and sat down.
"Roronoa Zoro, I heard that you were quite interesting..." said Netero with a curious gleam in his eyes
Zoro carefully looked at Netero. This old man was crazy strong and for the first he came in this world, he felt that he may not win a fight against him... but it's strange, he clearly know that he is stronger than him in the physical domain but something was weird with this man.
"He is trying to evaluate me... this is no good, I don't know how he do it but the more he look at me the more he is succesfull in his evaluation." Netero thought clearly impressed as since the start of the exam he was hiding his strenght.
Zoro was using his Observation Haki to evaluate this old man and he found more info about him... firstly this guy physycal strength was ridiculous for his age and secondly his aura was the most smooth and fluid he ever saw, this old man aura is of one subtility he never saw.
Netero coughed two time to interupt him.
"Who are the finalist you are keeping a eye on ?" Asked Netero
"Hmm, the number 44 and 301" Zoro responded
"Ok and who are the finalist you don't want to fight ?"
"Number 405 404 403 and 99, a fight with these guys would be pointless and they are sort of my friends. " responded Zoro
"Ok you can go now, good luck for the final." Netero said
Zoro stood up and walked toward his chamber to sleep after all the final was near.