Hunter Exam : END

All the finalist were on a hotel reserved by the Hunter Organization

Netero was here with all the examinator of the previous tests and Satotz and Menchi shivered at the sight of Zoro.

"What you looking at ?" Zoro said to them with a scary face. They detourned their eyes right away.

Netero explained that the final test of the Hunter exam was a tournament where you have to make your opponent give up.

First combat : Zoro vs Hanzo

Hanzo rolled his eyes for his bad luck, his opponent was on a completely different league but he have to try at least.

Zoro and Hanzo were face to face waiting for the referee to call the start of the battle.

Zoro kept his coat and didn't tied his bandana, it was useless.

"Begin !" The referee yelled

Immediately Hanzo dashed with his maximum speed toward Zoro

He made multiple quick straight slash with his hidden blade but Zoro dodged them all with his speed and dexterity.

Hanzo continued with kicks and slash.

But still Zoro dodged them all.

"You are good." Zoro said simply

He putted his hand on his Wado Ichimonji and said

"I give you a last chance, give up now and try the next combat, it should be no problem for you as you have a lot a chances..."

Hanzo didn't waver at the words of Zoro and was ready to resume the fight but-

"But if you really want to try me then go ahead but I am warning you, you may lose an arm or a leg..." Zoro said as he did his Ittoryu position and let out a bit of bloodlust.

Hanzo froze. He thought about what Zoro said and realized that he was playing with fire right now, and he still have a lot of chance to make someone else abandon.

"I give up." He said and went back with the others.

"Hanzo has gave up, Zoro win." Said the referee

Zoro relaxed and went back too

After was Gon against Hisoka and after a lot of beating Hisoka gave up but Gon lost consciousness.

Next was Kurapika and Machi and after Kurapika realized that Machi was stronger than him by a lot, he gave up.

Killua was now in front of Gittarakuru, as he was walking toward him, he heard.

"It's been a long time Killua."

Killua looked confused until Gittarakuru took off his needles and revealed his real appearance.

Killua paled and his eyes widened.

"Aniki ?!" Killua said with a fearful face

"Irumi." Thought Machi suprised that she didn't sensed him during the exam.

"This guy, I know it that something was weird with him..." thought Zoro

Kurapika and Leorio were suprised to see Killua's brother.

"Killua, I didn't know that you wanted to be a Hunter" said Irumi with an expressionless face and eyes full of darkness.

Killua was scared and didn't know how to respond.

After that Killua said that he didn't want to be a Hunter and Irumi said that Killua was only allowed to be an assassin.

Killua said that he wanted to be friend with Gon and that he wanted to have fun like a normal person, that he didn't want to kill anymore.

Irumi just said that it was impossible, that he was a born killer and didn't have any emotion.

After that Irumi said that he would kill Gon now. Everyone tensed at his words and he turned back and took two steps toward the door, Kurapika and Leorio were ready to block his way but when they turned toward the door that lead to the outside they were stunned.

(Play : One piece OST Fierce attack and read the scene at the same time trust me)

"Oh ? I want to see how would you do that ?"

They all saw Zoro he was standing with his Wado Ichimonji on his shoulder and a bottle of booze on his right hand, he was smirking arrogantly at Irumi.

"Don't take a step, turn back and resume your fight." Zoro said with a now serious face.

Machi was completely stunned, right now Zoro was having an aura that screamed confidence and coolness.

Hisoka was smiling from ear to ear and his eyes were slitted to maximum, his desire to fight Zoro was increasing with each day.

Kurapika and Leorio were stunned.

Killua was stunned too... if only he have Zoro-Aniki's bravery.

Netero was smiling, this was getting interesting

Irumi looked at Zoro and said

"What would you do if I take a step ?" Irumi asked Zoro with the intent to test him

Zoro just smiled

"Why are you so keen on ending your life so shortly ?" Zoro asked back with a maniac grin

Everyone were shocked by his sentence !

Man ! How are you so cool ? What's your problem ?! Do you have to be this cool all the time !

Machi sighed, this guy was too much at each time she said to herself that he could not impress her anymore but at each time he surpass himself... the worst is that she is sure that he didn't do it on purpose...

Hisoka was blushing in happiness now, he made crazy position and thought

"Oh Zoro, Oh Zoro, This Grin ! This Resolve and Arrogance in your eye ! This Charisma ! It's too much for me !! You are truly the greatest !"

Irumi made the gesture to take a step but just before his feet touched the floor-

A huge wave of power appeared on the stage and Irumi was frozen with his leg still on air !

Badoro, Podoro and all the referee fainted instantly and Leorio and Kurapika were on their knees and Hanzo was having a hard time to not fall too.

Irumi still frozen looked at Zoro

Zoro sat on the floor, drank some booze with a little that flowed down his chin, he looked at Irumi and this time with a murderous tone and serious eye...

"Turn back." He said simply

Irumi looked deeply at Zoro.

"I didn't wanted to kill Gon anyway I need the Hunter card." He said

Zoro just looked at him.

"Turn back. That's the last time I warn you."

Irumi not wanting to fight right here turned back this time and the fight resumed.

(Stop the ost.)

Everyone looked at Zoro walking back toward the others, they were deeply impressed by him.

Netero was still in thought about the power Zoro used.

"Was this Nen ? No. He literally forced his will on us... this shouldn't be possible. To be able to do this attest that his spirit his monstrously strong... From all the finalist he is the one with the most powerful aura... Roronoa Zoro, what an interesting character..."

After this Irumi used his Nen on Killua to make him give up, the next combat was Leorio vs Badoro but he was unconscious so they woke him up and after 30 minute he was ready to fight.

But Killua intervened in the fight and killed Badoro.

Killua was disqualified and all the remaining participants were qualified.

And this is how the Hunter Exam ended.

Machi looked at Killua who was walking away with eyes devoid of any emotion and turned to Zoro.

"You didn't stop him." She stated

"He made his choice, that's not my role anymore, I have trust in Gon." He said

Machi was clearly stunned. He trusted this kid ?! But he was weak ! She was curious about why did Zoro trusted Gon so she asked.

"Why do you trust him ?" Asked Machi curiously and his answer completely shocked her

"You can't understand... but let me tell you something, this kid Gon... he remind me of someone... this someone is the person I respect the most in my life... he is a person that I can die for without a regret..."

"He may seem weak right now but with time he will grow and with an incredible speed... these sort of people have tendance of having big dreams and Iron will... and in general they have heaven's favors."

"So Machi listen me well, Gon Freecs will accomplish whatever his dream is... and one day I am sure that he will become a figure of importance here."

And with that Zoro finished his talk.

Machi eyes were widened to the maximum, Zoro has so much esteem for this kid ? And he talked about this person who he respected the most and could die for him... who are this guy to make Zoro say all of this...

Machi was left with even more question in her mind.

But she felt good too, it was the first time that Zoro talked this much about himself and his past. She was happy that he telled her so much.

"Hmphf, Im sure he didn't talked that much with this Kushina and Kurenai." She thought with satisfaction.

Zoro was on the roof of the hotel. He was sitting and was looking at the night sky thoughtfully.

"Gon, when I saw your fight against Hisoka and the way you didn't gave up, I had a vision... I saw that your presence will have a huge impact and that you and the principal actors of this world will face countless fights and hardship... This is it... The is only the beginning of your story but I feel that it will lead me a lot of fights." He thought

"Show me Gon ! Your potential and your story ! And when you will be at your highest I will fight you !" Thought Zoro excited about the future

The Hunter Exam ended but to Zoro his fun only started now.