Heaven Arena : I

All the new Hunters were on a conference talking about Killua's disqualification and also some informations that Hunters must know.

All these talks were boring to Zoro and many others but they can't avoid it.

As Bins was talking, Zoro began to smirk...

It seem he awoken...

Gon barged in the room with a serious look.

Everyone looked at him curiously.

He didn't talk he just scanned everyone with his eyes and when he saw Irumi he walked toward him.

"Ask Killua forgiveness !" He demanded seriously

"Forgiveness ? For what ?" He answered with his usual blank face

"You don't even know ?" Gon said


"You don't deserve to be his big brother." He said

"Since when do you need qualifications for being a big brother ?"

Gon didn't respond, he grabbed Irumi's arm and sent him flying.

Irumi landed safely on his two feet.

"You don't need them either for being friend !" He exclaimed

Gon increased his grip on Irumi's arm until he broke his arm.

Irumi seemed slightly suprised at Gon strength.

"Interresting..." Irumi thought

"You don't need to apologize anymore just tell me where is Killua." Gon said

"And what would you do ?" Irumi asked

"Of course ! I will bring him back !" He said with determination

"You are talking as if Killua was kidnapped."

"You obviously manipulated him." Gon said

There was a silence, all the new hunter were having differents thought.

Machi and Hisoka seemed uninteressed, Podoro looked at Kurapika suspiciously, Hanzo Kurapika and Leorio looked serious and Zoro...

Well he was sleeping.

Netero suddenly stepped on the conversation.

"We were just about to talk about that, Gon."

The new Hunter argued with the fact that Killua seemed out of character and that he may be hypnotized during his fight with Irumi. Netero said that they have no proof and that Killua killed a participant justifying his disqualification. Podoro pointed the fact that Hisoka murmured something on Kurapika's ear and abandonned right after. Kurapika just said that he have no obligation to answer him and so the arguing stopped after Hanzo wanted to finish this quickly so he can go home.

After that Bins explained the advantage of the Hunter card and that a lot of new Hunter lost their card quickly so they have to protect it.

And with that new hunters were finally free.










These 9 were now officially Hunters.

Zoro was walking in the corridor woth Machi at his side when he saw Hisoka leaning against the wall.

Hisoka looked at Zoro for some time and said

"I will wait for you on Heaven's Arena."

Zoro looked at Hisoka with his lone eye and after some time he smirked.

"I will be there."

Hisoka smiled, turned back and walked away.


"What you going to do now ?" Asked Machi

Zoro looked at Machi curiosly.

"She isn't going to follow me right ?" Thought Zoro

In the beginning it was supposed to be just a job and after that they would take their own road but this girl has been following him for a few months now... well anyway it's not like she is annoying so it's alright for now...

"I am going to the Heaven's Arena for a few months to fight and gain some money too, after that I would be in York Shin for the auction." Zoro said

Machi's eyes showed reaction when he mentionned York Shin, there was a 90% of chance that Leader will call all the Troupe to go there.

"What about you ?" Asked Zoro curiously

"I have some job to do for a few months, I guess I will join you after I finish my matters." She said calmely.

Zoro's eye twitched, so she decided to join him after all, well at least he would get some time alone a few months.

"Alright then, good luck with your work and call me if you have some importants jobs for me." Said Zoro as he turned back

Machi nodded and felt a little empty now that he's gone, she sitted on a bench in a park and began to remember all their adventures these months. The Hunter Exam itself was boring and uninteresting but all these moments with Zoro made this period of her life unforgettable. She began to be nostalgic... After some minutes she stood up and walked away.

"Zoro... I will see you soon."


Zoro saw Gon with Kurapika and Leorio so he decided to tell them goodbye.

Gon seeing Zoro coming walked toward him and said

"Zoro-Aniki we found where Killua live, it's called Kukuru Mountain we are going to go now, do you want to come ?"

Zoro looked at Gon and said

"Unfortunattely I can't come but I know that you will be able to bring him back so listen to me, when you will be with Killua, I suggest you both to come to the Heaven's Arena. It is the perfect place for you both to progress and make money." Suggested Zoro

Gon looked at Zoro and nodded

Zoro looked this time at Kurapika and Leorio and said

"I will be in York Shin City for the auction, we will meet there."

Kurapika and Leorio nodded

"Goodbye everyone, take care of yourselves and next time we meet it will in York Shin." Saod Zoro

Kurapika smiled and said

"Goodbye Zoro, Take care."

"Goodbye man." Said Leorio with a smile

After that they exchanged their phone numbers and took their respective road.


Zoro was on his airship when he saw the Heaven's Arena, he was amazed by such a big tower. He grinned in excitement.

"It seem this world is perfect for me..." he thought

After 30 minute of walking and with the help of some locals, Zoro arrived at the bottom of the Heaven Arena and was waiting for his turn to register himself.

After 15 minutes it was his turn.

"Welcome to the Heaven Arena, please fill this paper to register yourself."

Damnit !

"I really need to start to learn this language." Zoro thought

An idea emerged on his mind to evade his trouble for now. He saw that this female didn't looked at him so he closed his eye and said.

"Sorry miss but as you can see I am blind could you fill this paper for me ?"

The female now took a look at Zoro and saw that both his eyes were closed so she questionned Zoro about his name, surname etc.. to fill the paper registrement.

"Roronoa Zoro, your number is 1890 you will be called so pay attention." She said with a smile

Zoro nodded and walked in a corridor, he saw a huge arena with multiple rings with a lot of battles going on. It was impressive.

He found a place in the tribune and waited for his turn.

After 5 minute he heard his name.

"Number 1980 please be at the ring number 5." He heard the speaker voice

He stood up and walked toward his ring, in front of him was his opponent.

It was a big fat guy that looked intimidating.

The referee began to talk

"You are in the level 1 where we evaluate your strength and send you to superior levels, you have 3 minute to beat your opponent and win the fight, are you ready ? Go !"

Zoro is physically extremely strong, he has a pure strength of at least tens of tons. So he have to control his strength against normal people if he don't want to kill them by accident.

With speed no visible with a normal eyesight he disparessed and reapared behind his opponent.


He delivered a good chop on his neck and his opponent fainted.

"Whoa Whoa did you see that ! This guy was so fast, I didn't saw him move !" The spectatord were stunned by his performance.

The referee looked at Zoro with awe, he gave him a ticket and said

"You can go to the 100th floor."

Zoro walked away and went to the elevator.

In the elevator a girl was explaining him the rules of battles on the 100th floor and he received his key that open his individual room.

His room was nice, the bed was good and the shower was big. Zoro heard that in the 100th floor you can at least win 50k jenny per win and that in the 150th it was at least 10M jenny, in the 190th

you can easily make 200M jenny. It was a good amount of money even He only have a little more of 170M after the works he done with Machi.

"Anyway let's just sleep for now, Tomorow I will fight."

And with that Zoro drifted to his sleep.