Our Camera

One year already passed, Aoba continue to train her photography skill under Kimura's care. In the meantime, they already do a lot of mission and Kimura rank already increased since then. And today under the clear blue sky, Aoba continues her training with Kimura that will check the result.

For today task, Aoba must take a picture of Viltus that have a spar with some Military Police personnel near the field. Aoba takes a lot of picture and Kimura really satisfied with the result. Especially the picture where Viltus locks one of the personnel on the ground after a swift movement to bring them down with a knife.

After they take a lot of pictures, Kimura says,

"Alright, let's end our training today. I believe Uzuki and Yayoi will looking after us if we stay here a little bit longer."

"Aoba knows about that," says Aoba

"Regarding the result of today training, your picture becomes better for each picture taken here."

"Hehehehehehe... Looks like Aoba will surpass you, Kimura."

"I hope not."

Both of them laughs together and after that, they sit together while looking at the sea. From there, they could see another unit just going back from a mission. But, the number of Ship Girls is different from when they start the mission back then. Aoba looks there and says,

"Looks like we lost another member in that operation."

"Yes, you are right," says Kimura after he looks at the units that just come back

Both of them then remains silent and deep in their thought. Until Aoba ask Kimura,

"Kimura, Aoba remember that you take this picture to create a memory. And one of them to remember the one that lost their lives on the battlefield."

"Yes, it is." answer Kimura

"I think Aoba agree with you about that. The reason is that when Ship Girls are declared sink, they will be replaced by the new one to cover the lost one. But, their way of thinking and their behavior is different from the one that we know."

"That's right. I know about it just recently," says Kimura as he looks at the sky

"Not only you, Kimura. Aoba also feels that, because there are a lot of them that Aoba's know that suddenly becomes a stranger. But with the picture here, Aoba could remember them anytime Aoba wants."

Kimura looks at Aoba for a while and then pats her. Aoba really surprised with that, but now she is really fond with that and didn't make any more remarks about Kimura. Kimura then says,

"But, not all of the memory is beautiful. Some of it is really nasty that we don't want to remember it."


"But, when we lost those people, even the bad memory will become something that we really missed about them. Have you ever feel like that?" continues Kimura

"Yes. Aoba feels like that too..."

Kimura then pats her head once more and this time he smiles again at her. After that, he says,

"Aoba, did you know something? I want this war to end as soon as possible, so everyone could leave in peace. Especially for people like Viltus and Haruto."

"It's not only you the one that thinks like that. Everyone also thinks like that," says Aoba

"Not only that, but I also want to do something else when the war already end."

"Hueee... That one is a death flag you know."

"Ahahahahahaha... Maybe."

Aoba looks at Kimura for a while and she could see Kimura eyes that really happy with everything right now and wants to tell what inside his mind to her. Because of that, Aoba's heart skips a beat. Kimura then looks at Aoba once more and says with a smile,

"I want to takes a picture of all of you. Everyone that fighting together with me to achieve peace for all of us. Viltus, Haruto, Shiro, and every Admiral that fighting here. Not only them! Uzuki, Yayoi, and every Ship Girls that fighting with us too! After all, that picture will become the most beautiful memory for all of us when we back to our home later."

Aoba really surprised to hear Kimura's dream. A simple yet powerful dream. She could see Kimura full determination face and together with the winds that blow there make everything about Kimura is really handsome. And together with that, Aoba already believe that she is in love with Kimura. And his simple dream is the one that triggers her to love him more and wants to protect him at all cost.

Kimura then looks again at Aoba and ask,

"What is it Aoba? Is there something on my face?"

"Ah... Ummm... No... Nothing..." answer Aoba

Aoba's face is as red as a tomato right now and her mind isn't in a good state for answering any question. And after seeing Kimura's smile, she also looks away for a while and mumbles,

"Come on Aoba... Think... Think!"

Kimura quite confused with the sudden change of Aoba and wants to ask her once more. But, before he could ask her, Aoba already find something to divert her embarrassment by asking,

"Kimura, will you hold another party again?"

"Hmmm... Another party you says..." says Kimura as he isn't sure about that

"Yes. The reason is that there is a lot of new Ship Girl here. Maybe with that party, it could loosen their screw a bit and make them know their own Admiral better."

"I think you are right. Could you invite every Ship Girl to join that party? I will ask Viltus and Haruto again for that one."

"Heee... Are you sure to bring them there? Aoba remembers that because of Viltus and Haruto there most of the Ship Girls are gathering around them."

"Urgh... Don't remind me about that."

"Ahahahahahah... That's something normal as most of the girl will gather around the handsome guy."

"So, I didn't meet that criteria, huh..."

"U...No... Not really."


"But, you know Aoba quite surprised that Viltus is a heavy drinker," says Aoba as she tried to divert again their conversation

"Ah, yes. I remember when Viltus led the drunkard gangs and makes a small ruckus there. In the end, Houshou scolds all of them after a lot of protest from other Ship Girl. And what makes it funny is the face that Viltus make after Houshou scolds him."

"Ahahahahaha... And Aoba takes the picture of that! Not only him, but also Haruto that tried to trick Houshou afterward."

Aoba then shows Kimura the picture and that makes them laughs together. Both of them looking at the gallery and sometimes both of them are laughing at the picture created there. Until the announcement for lunch could be heard around Yokosuka Naval Base.

Kimura looks at the source and then he says,

"It's better if I start to move now to take my lunch. And that also includes you, Aoba."

"Aoba knows about that." answer Aoba

"Then, let's continue our training again tomorrow. We still have much work to do before either Shiro or Viltus scolds us about the document."

Aoba nods and giggles a bit after hearing Kimura's comment. Kimura then stands up and tidying himself. After that, he says,

"You could borrow my camera for a while and use it for your personal training."

Aoba nods and waves towards him as Kimura leave the place towards the cafeteria. After that, Aoba looks at the camera, kiss it, and says,

"Aoba really falling in love with him. This is something new for Aoba or maybe for all Ship Girl here. But, Aoba believe... Kimura will help Aoba... Understand Aoba's feeling."

Aoba then hugs the camera to her chest and says,

"Aoba will help Kimura fulfill his dream. And this camera will be the one that witnesses it."