
Several weeks later, Kimura arrived at the canteen after teaches Aoba new technique in taking several pictures and in exchange Kimura gets something that really bothers him regarding one of his friends. After he takes his portion, he walks around the canteen and sees Viltus eating by himself.

Kimura smiles a little bit and walks there. After near him, he says,

"Could I sit here, Kazuki?"

Viltus really surprised to hear that name and looks behind him. Kimura could see Viltus' face that changes really sour. Without any objection from Viltus, Kimura sits at Viltus' table and then he hears,

"Why did you know that name?"

"Ahahahahahaha... I'm sorry about it, but I dig some information about you," answer Kimura

"Why did you that?"

"It's because I know you are half-Japanese and half-Russian. Because of that, I wonder if you have a Japanese name."


"And Hakuno family. Isn't that the family that brings Ship Girl to this world?"

"And calamity to this world," answer Viltus coldly

"Then, I know why you use your mother family name to make sure no one knows your true name, right?"

Viltus didn't answer his question and Kimura knows that his mood changes drastically. Before Kimura could apologize to him, Viltus already flicks Kimura's forehead and says,

"Your action is really bad you know. Sometimes there is a reason for someone to hide something from anyone around them, and that one is included."

"Uuuuhhh... I'm sorry about that."

"Good to hear that. But, if you want to know more about that, I could tell most of them to you."


"What is it?"

"I thought that your switch will flip and start to mad at me, shouts at me, and anything that usually mad people do to other."

"What the hell did you think I am? A demon?"

Kimura then laughs a little, while Viltus only sighs after seeing Kimura's reaction. After that, Viltus says,

"I believe the one that finds that information is Aoba."

"Heeee... How in this world you know that?" ask Kimura

"Of course, who else in this Naval Base that could gather such information under the radar of most officer?"

Kimura laughs again and this time together with Viltus. Not long after that, Haruto just arrived and ask to sit with them. Haruto then ask,

"What happens with both of you suddenly laughs like that?"

"Nothing," says Kimura

"Rather than that, it's something really rare for you for not come to the canteen before me. Something happen?" ask Viltus

"Well... Ooyodo really holds my string here. She asks me to works on the document first without giving it to you." answer Haruto

"That's your job!"

"I thought we are a friend, Viltus."

Viltus only closes his eyes, while Haruto continues to ask Viltus to help him. In order to divert the conversation, Viltus ask Kimura,

"You know, I wonder where is your camera recently."

"Eh? You notice about that?" ask Kimura

"Of course. Isn't that camera really important to you?"

"Or maybe, he lend the camera to someone as important as the camera," says Haruto

"Probably... It is Aoba, right?" ask Viltus

"Yes," answer Kimura

Both Viltus and Haruto looks at each other and wonders why Kimura's reaction quite dull there. Then, both of them hears Kimura ask,

"So, will both of you joining that party again this night?"

"Wait... Are you going to divert this conversation?" ask Viltus

"Just answer that. So, I could tell Aoba which one of you will join the party," answer Kimura

Haruto only giggles a little bit and then says,

"Of course I will join you."

"I will join you too, with another two that interested to join that party," says Viltus

"Another two? Oh... Did you mean Fujiwara Megumi and Takagi Akihiko, right?"

"Yes, both of them. But, I have another question," ask Viltus once more

Both Haruto and Kimura looks at each other and Viltus ask them,

"Will Houshou joins that party, too?"

"Are you still afraid with her?" ask Kimura

"Yes, I am."

Kimura and Haruto then laugh together as they see Viltus' face that afraid about something. Haruto then tells him to keep their action as low as possible and didn't make any ruckus later. Meanwhile, Kimura takes out the back door key for the Ship Girl dormitory from his pocket. Seeing that, Viltus says,

"Are you sure to take out that key here?"

"That's not a problem. After all, every key here are looks alike with each other," says Kimura

"Then, which key is that?" asked one woman

The three of them are really surprised by that question and looks behind them. They could see Shiro stands there with a tray in her hand. She then asks,

"So, could I joins this table? The other table is really crowded."

"Of course you could, Big Sis," says Viltus

"Thank you."

Shiro then sits down with them and starts to eat the food in front of her. After a while, Shiro ask them,

"So, which key is that?"

No one dares to answer her question because they know any answer will cause an unnecessary problem for them. In the end, Viltus says,

"That's my room spare key. The reason why Admiral Okazaki have my key because he puts several of his belonging in my room."

"Is that so?" asked Shiro



Shiro then closes her eyes for a while. The other Admiral seems relieved that they could divert Shiro attention from the key. Suddenly Shiro says,

"Did you know that I will be transferred to another Naval Base soon?"

"You will be transferred?!" says Viltus

Not only Viltus, but the other two also surprised by that sudden announcement from Shiro. Shiro nods to Viltus question and says,

"Several weeks ago, a lot of Ship Girl already transferred to Kure Naval Base to help sustain that Naval Base. The reason why they send me there because they need new Admiral to lead the Naval Base and with most of my mission result that makes the higher officer nominate me to lead Kure."

Haruto and Kimura look at each other and they congratulate Shiro for her promotion. Shiro shows her gratitude towards them and smiles at them. After that, Shiro looks at Viltus and says,

"And one more thing, in exchange for me to be transferred to Kure, Father will be transferred here. So, Father will look after you while you are here."

"You don't need to worry about that, Big Sis. I could do everything alone now," says Viltus

"I just worried about you when you start to emotional at certain months... Hopefully, that will not happen."

"You don't need to worry about that, because last year I didn't make any ruckus, right?"

Viltus smiles towards Shiro to assure her that everything will be fine. Until he says,

"Wait a moment... Did you just say that Father will come here?!"

"Are you really hear anything that I just said before? Really..." says Shiro as she giggles a little.

Viltus then smiles again towards Shiro and then Shiro says,

"Then, because of father here please refrain from making any ruckus here."

The three of them nods after hearing Shiro's plea. Not long after that, Shiro finished her lunch and leave three of them because of a lot of work for her transfer document. After she leaves, Kimura ask Viltus once more,

"So, will you join us?"

"Hey... I already say it, right? I will join you."

"Good to hear that!"

Haruto and Kimura then clap their hand to show that Viltus already fully assimilated.