Early-stage Body Refinement Realm

Completely immerse in cultivating, Zheng Tian totally forgotten that the sun has already risen from the east.

Without knowing it. The purple qi that is present in the air was being absorb at the speed five times than the normal person would.

This purple qi will only appear around when the sun rise from the east every morning and will disappear after one-hour.

Zheng Tian suddenly feel that his cultivation speed is increasing again. Suddenly, he felt a warm current flowing everywhere in his body, strengthening his body in all aspects. This warm currents merge with his skin, muscle, and flesh.


He open his eyes that glow with violet light that flash only in second.

He jump and suddenly punch, kick and run around for around five minutes without feeling tired. He was smiling.

Yes. He was smiling and his body trembling from too much excitement.

He had reach the first step of his journey to immortality and power.

"Finally, finally, hahahaha." He was so happy that he can't stop from smiling.

One-hour later.

Finally calming down the excitement in his heart. He supressed his emotion and remain tranquil.

He needs to to this because his cultivation is still not consolidated. And he must work on that right now, in order to solidify his newly gain power.

Three-hours later.

Fully consolidating his cultivation, he turn around and walk towards the bathroom and take a bath and a change of clothes.

After entering in cultivation, one's body will excrete impurities accumulated in the body.

After bathing and changing clothes, he walk towards to his bed before opening again the Spirit Shop.

"Spirit, show me some available methods that can conceal my cultivation from early condensation realm experts." Zheng Tian asked Spirit in his mind.

He must not let his parents and those people in the clan that he can already cultivate and even entered early-stage body refinement realm.

They might faint from shock, struck dumb, or become an idiot by the shock it gives them if they know the truth. Some might even die from heart attack or blood pressure.

He must conceal his cultivation. In this way, he can do more things in the dark and away from those responsibilities in the clan.

Since nothing is hindering him in this way, its better than those who wants fame, power, power, influence, and etc. Maybe after a few days, months, or years they suddenly died because of some bizarre reasons such as someone's is jealousy in his/her talent, or maybe because that genius is threatening for them to continue living.

-----Concealing Cultivation Method------

Withered Tree Technique needs one-hundred points

Faked Death technique needs two-hundred points

Deceiving the Spirit Technique needs five-hundred points

After looking for more. He decided to choose 'Deceiving the Spirit Technique' right now.

There are three reasons why he choosed this technique.

First is that it can be use by those in body refinement realm and qi condensation.

Second, because it can deceive others spirit or soul.

Third, because it uses only one-tenth of the cultivators qi in the body or from the lower dantian.

Five-minutes later. He fully understand the method and also fully use it.

A second later, the aura of an early-stage body refinement realm in Zheng Tian's body slowly but surely disappearing until none of the aura remains. It was as if the cultivation of Zheng Tian vanished.

If someone with condensation realm were here, he might not know that Zheng Tian is a cultivator, and even if focus and touch him clearly, he might still not know it.

Only those in the peak of condensation realm with high perception or a half-step Foundation Establishment Realm can notice it without a doubt.

After he calmed down and return back to his old self, he walk out the courtyard and headed to his father and mother to explain why he wasn't at dinner and breakfast yesterday and today.

His mother's name is Li Min'er and the only daughter of the First Elder of the Li Clan.

The Zheng and the Li Clan have always a good realationship since the Clan was created three-hundred years ago. The 'Creator' of both clans were in fact sworn brothers, they run into many life and death situations that deepen their brotherhood.

As for the Shi Clan, the Zheng also have a good realationship with them but not as deep as with the Li Clan. Because Shi Clan mainly focused on nurturing spirit herbs and geniuses in cultivation. They have high ambition to walk in this weak city, so they have many connections than enemy.

The Zheng and the Li always buy a quarter of the Shi Clans Herbs every half-months, while the Shi Clan is accumulating strength. This is also why the Phoenix City is relatively peaceful than the other country.

Not many clans in a city or country is as united as this, even just a little.

His father is the Family Head and the eldest of the five brothers in the clan. His father's name is Zheng Li with the cultivation of the Peak of Body Refinement Realm.

The highest cultivation of a cultivator in this city is only an Early-stage of Condensation Realm. All cultivators in that level will always be the patriach of a family who secluded themselves in mortal world, putting there minds in cultivating. Wishing to lenghten their lifespan for a more decades or a century.