
A while later.


Arriving at the place where his parents live, he was just about to walk inside when hi mother walk out from the door.

"Tian'er !". Seeing his mother's face full of love and a worry , he immediately felt something warm from his heart.

"Mom !" Even though he just remember his past life yesterday, he already completely fused it on his mind. He of the 'past' and 'present' are now one. So nothing weird can be seen in Zheng Tian's action.

Li Min'er walked towards her son, full of caring and a slight worry on her beautiful face. She hugged Zheng Tian, after a while did she carefully look at her son.

Just now, she felt that his son has changed slightly. Her son's aura is now mysterious unlike some childs born from poverty or wealthy family. Her son is more like a book, silent, behave, and unfathomable. This changed is not a child should have.

Zheng Tian's mother is not an ordinary woman, for she had a cultivation on par with his father.

Just like the saying;"The mother knows her child well".

After some mother and son sweet moments, the pair immediately went inside the mansion.

Inside the mansion.

A middle-age man was enjoying the taste of the tea near the veranda.

This man is the family head, Zheng Li, the father of Zheng Tian.

Beside the man is a two year-old girl. The little girl was cute, she had a pair of black eyes, smooth and white baby skin. She is Zheng Xiaoxiao, Zheng Tian's little sister.

After entering the room, Zheng Tian and Mother Min'er slowly walked towards the Zheng Li in casual like every family should have.

Little Xiaoxiao felt someone walking toward her, she raise her little cute face to see who is it.

Her eye's lit up and immediately giggle. She swiftly stand and run towards her big brother while the latter hug the little princess.

Of course the big brother of this little girl is none other than Zheng Tian.

"Little Xiaoxiao you've gotten a lot prettier lately." Zheng Tian praise while feeling the warmth of a family.

His present life is blissful.

He enhale a mouthful of breath, then exhale it. He felt his body relaxing and his mind power slightly purified.

Right at this moment he felt his view of his surrounding more clearer than in the past.

With his cultivation at the early-stage of body refinement realm, his vision is two times clearer than a normal person and now his mind had just undergo a round of cleansing, his vision and sense of the world was double again.

His senses now is on par with his Uncle Zheng Hu who was at the late-stage body refinement realm and the third younger brother of his father.

After some chit-chat with his little sister he directly pay respect to his father. He also directly tell a lie of why he was not at their dinner yesterday and breakfast this morning. He told them that he fall asleep after from weariness from both body and mind in running in the afternoon and watching stars the whole night, only in the five of the morning did he fall asleep.

"Zheng'er, you must not overuse your body at such a young age, your still a child and must not overwork too much." worry and love can be felt from the voice of his father's words.

"Zheng'er, listen to your father. Even though you love the sky too much that you always stay all night gazing at it, you must still control your self. The sky will not go away even if you wanted it, so you need to sleep early starting today, okay ?!" softly said by his mother on the side who was currently brewing tea.

"Yes, mother, father." Zheng Tian gently replied with a poker face. Even when lying a moment ago, his poker face is already on.

Back when Zheng Tian was on earth, he already master the technique of shamelessness. His shamelessness knows no bounds and limits that it give birthed to a passive skill; his 'unbreakable'

poker face!.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

After an entire four hours of playing and chatting with his family, a sudden explosion instantly echoed in the distant one-mile north of the city.

It caught all the attentions of the peak experts in Phoenix City including his father and the patriach who almost never appear in the clan.

"Father what's that explosion?" Zheng Tian asked curiosly.

In this world, there's many fight's, murder, war, and chaos seen as common in the eyes of the masses.

So he immediately thought that some beast was fighting and that causes some small earthquakes and explosion in the distance.

"I dont know, so I'm going to find out." said his father solemnly.

When his father was about to go from the source of the explosion, his wife immediately stop him.

"I'm going with you too." Li Min'er said softly but confidently.

"Okay then. Zheng Tian, your not allowed to go out from the clan also you need to accompany your sister for we will be going out for a while." his father immediately agree to his wife's request while reminding Zheng Tian of his duty as the big brother.

"Yes father." Zheng Tian said behavely.

After reminding his son and calling some expert to protect them, Zheng Tian's Father and Mother urgently made their way to the place of explosion to investigate with the other higher ups in the city.