Five Years Later

Time flew by and five years flash in an instant. Zheng Tian now is ten years-old when one can officially start to cultivate.

Zheng Tian's cultivation now was at the early-stage Qi Ocean realm.

In this past five years, Zheng Tian was constantly taking quests from the Spirit to level up or get rewards, sometimes killing criminals and devouring their whole because his devouring body now had already reach the peak and can already devour anything.

Even his family don't know that their young master have already surpassed them both a long long time ago. Even if they know they might die from shock or spat out a mouthful of blood.

During his quests he was on constant adventure everywhere in the Blazing Fire Kingdom.

Sometimes he even go to some inheritance cave that some expert left before they died or ascend.

Even one of his quest took him to where the explosion in the past occurred, when he goes their he found nothing special except that theirs a new mountain formed their but with the help of Spirit he found out that that mountain is in fact a hidden treasure trove of an expert and he even manage to enter it without alarming anyone , even the hidden mechanism and arrays inside was perfectly disassembled by him using the knowledge he got from the Spirit Shop that cost him spirit stone but it was worth it.

Inside the hidden vault was mountains of resources, inheritance and wealth from Great Tribulation Realm expert who leave it here before he breakthrough to the Comprehending Law Realm.

This resources are all useful to him.

The reason why he is still at the qi ocean realm in this five years was because all of this resources was used to cultivate his devouring body which needs a massive amount of resources of which half of the resources in the hidden vault was use for it.

Right now his Devouring Body had already reach the peak stage. Right now he needs to cultivate the second level of the Luckiest Physique Law Refinement Method of which is the Miracle Body.


Name : Zheng Tian

Status : Healthy

Cultivation Method :

Luckiest Physique Law Refinement Method (Essence Cultivation Method)

Blue Water Flame Cultivation Method (Energy Cultivation Method)

Cultivation : Early-stage Qi Ocean Realm

Bloodline : None

Elements : Water, Fire

Laws : None

Physique : Peak-stage Devouring Body

Exp : 0/400

Spirit Stones : 40,000

Support Skills :

Tier 9 Alchemy Master

Tier 9 Array Master

Tier 9 Mechanism Master

Martial Skill :

Concealing Oneself Technique (max level)

Instant Illusion Flow Movement (max level)

Nine-Layer Water Wave Fist (max level)

Ring of Fire (max level)

Sword Drawing Art (max level)


All of these changes had happen in this past five years. My energy cultivation technique is the combination of the Blue Water Method and Raging Flame Method, two of the three treasured cultivation method from the clan of which I had read about.

I fused this two cultivation method with the help of Spirit, one of its new functions that is to fuse two cultivation method in one of which solved the problem of their respective attributes.

As for the Flash of Speed Movement and the Deceiving the Spirit Technique, as for why they're gone,

well it is because it is not useful to me anymore at my current cultivation based so it did not appear in the screen, it i also not deleted but just hidden.

In this five years Zheng Tian found a huge birds nest that was sealed under the lake called Cold Water Lake in Cold Water Country of which is famous for being one of the forbidden zone in Blazing Fire Kingdom.

Cold Water Lake is the center point in the forest, east in the Cold Water Country of where strong water demonic beast live, some even said that a powerful golden core realm demonic beast resides in that area and it seems to be protecting something.

As for that golden core demonic beast, it is a huge five-headed hydra who was already beaten black and blue by our young master Zheng Tian when he came for his quest to find the what's sealed inside under the lake.

Hydra's cultivation can be seen as long as you count its head. Hydra will create a new head after it breakthrough a new great realm, that's why its easy to know its cultivation base based on its head.

After defeating the five-headed hydra I swiftly dived underwater. If your asking me why I only defeated it and not killing it well, its because I do not want to cause commotion and chaos. Also because I need it to guard this place in case something really evil is sealed under this lake.

Under the lake was a hidden sealed teleportation portal of which I can already disassemble and solve.

On the other side of the portal is a man-made little dimension which is the place where an ice phoenix egg was nurtured for who knows how many years by an ancient array.

The egg was crystallize bluish white with dark blue markings on its shell that flicker every now and then.

The one nurturing the egg had already died long time ago. If you want to know how I know it then I will tell you. Its because a tablet can be seen one hundred meters from the egg. A text was written in the tablet that say's " You who have luck and fortune can have my only precious treasure I ever got in my lifetime. After you get it, you must care and love it as a family as that is my only request. --- Feathered Ice King

That's his new companion now, his first Spiritual Supreme Beast—an Ice Phoenix.