
Many clan servant, clan members and even the other upper echelon from other great clans have arrive inside the Zheng Family Hall to witness the talent of new young ones of the Zheng Family.

Inside the hall, at the center was a small platform and above it is a big tablet in the size of an average human height. The tablet is treasure that can determine a persons cultivation talent and their unique elemental affinities. An old man can be seen standing beside it, he who tells everyone the children talents after they have been tested.

Many young children aging ten to fifteen can be seen putting their hands on it.

A young child put his hand on the tablet, suddenly a strand of red color light shine from the stone. It started from one strand to two then three finally stopping at four color red strands.

"Congratulations! Little boy you have a grade 4 fire elemental talent in cultivation. Choosing a fire type cultivation method for you can speed up your cultivation speed by four folds!" praise the old man while showing his kind expression towards the child.




People around the hall wasn't stingy on their words. People from the Zheng was happy while others congratulate them.

Talent is about the speed of their cultivation and their compatibility on the elements in the surrounding.

Talent is also divided from Tier One to Tier Nine as the highest. One strand as Tier One the lowest while nine strand as Tier Nine the highest.

At this moment, the hall was reaching its peak causing many youngsters to run towards the platform and check their cultivation talent hoping for a good talent.


When Zheng Tian entered the Hall many clan members, elders, and to those with connection with his family greets him with friendly, and polite manner. They clearly don't want to offend this little devil. While some are curious if he has a talent or not.

Zheng Tian continue to walk towards the north side of the hall of where his family is sitting.

He saw his father and mother talking to other two leaders of the other great clans, the Li and Shi.

While he walks toward his littler sister who was eating in the side of the table.

After a little chit chat with his family, he walk slowly towards the platform.

The old man noticed him and suddenly smiled towards him.

"Young master, you want to test your talent now?" after saying this, the surrounding people who were talking suddenly look towards his direction.

"Is that the young master of the Zheng Clan?."

"Well yeah, he's the only son of the family head"

"That is the little devil? I can't believe that the one we call little devil surely is little. "

The people around the platform was talking about Zheng Tian. While the latter was already putting his hand on the tablet. His family, mother and father even elders and friends of theirs was curious and expectant about Zheng Tians talent. But the most nervous their is of course his mother and father. As for his little sister, she was still eating not bothering to look at him at all. What a child!

Zheng Tian notice that all and he almost cry from being ignored from his little sister.

' Oh! my little sister, do you not love me anymore?!' thought Zheng Tian in his heart jokingly.

When Zheng Tian put his hand on the tablet, he felt a cool sensation slowly spreading into his body. But he did not pull away his hand into it he just continue to stand their with his hand on the tablet which is starting to glow with colors but immediately vanish, replacing with only two colors.

The old man and the onlookers didn't notice it.

The Tablet released a strand of fiery red and icy blue colors, of which it immediately multiply into nine on each strand of colors.

Zheng Tian watched the whole process but also everyone in the hall.


The hall was deadly silent.

Clink! Boom!

Like an alarm bell that rang inside near the ears. The surrounding people was awaken by the sound of a glass breaking but still remain looking at the eighteen strands with two different colors of which balance each that was floating above the tablet, dumbfounded.

The old man who was standing beside him was the first one to recovered, still trembling from excitement.

"B-boy n-no, y-y-young m-master. Young master! y-you h-have the l-l-l-l-legend-dary t-talent!" the old man said while trembling from excitement that almost lead him to faint. He slowly walk towards Zheng Tian step by step with care feeling that Zheng Tian might run away or vanished.


The hall suddenly went in an uproar! Many clan members, servant, guest was shock and dumbfounded from the result. The clan heads of the three clans was extremely shock like a lightning tribulation had just strike at them, turning them into wooden chicken unable to even move and breath from extreme shock.


Zheng Tian's father was the first to move and arrive at his side touching him from head to toe, even asking the old man to at his side to slap him if this was a dream right now.


The surrounding hall became even more silent by the sudden turns of event while the old man suddenly realize what he had just done.

"F-family H-head! I'm I'm sorry, please punish this servant for this sin!" the old man was shouted while kneeling to Zheng Li, the family head.

While the family head did not mind it at all and even more thankful to this old man. He former wave his hand and said: " You have not sin. It is my order after all. In fact I am thankful in you too. Ha ha hah hah! " while laughing. He know that is is his fault. The old man was also unbelieving that's why the old man do it subconsciously.