
After his talent revealed to the world, many old behemoth from sects and clans want to invite him, while others want to take him away by force!

His family was smiling ear to ear, but also getting a headache from what to do from their son's visitors who have come from every corner of the world just to get themselves this defying genius only seen in legend!

Zheng Tian who was the center of this happening was comfortably sleeping in his room, accompanying him is his fiance. His fiance's name is Lin Xianxian from Lin Clan. Lin Xianxian was five years older than him, she is also the one who carry him to his bedroom after he falls asleep because of the massive pain he felt from the information of physique cultivation method.


Ten years later on a towering peak that pierce through the clouds and was surrounded by a vast mountains. A scenery looks like a dwelling of an immortal!

Above the peak are three normal caves, inside are different from what was seen from the the outside.

Inside the cave is a different space wider that the vast mountains! But have the same geography and scenery!

Above the highest mountain is a gigantic and majestic mansion! Where our young master is currently living.

Ancient Sealing Clan.

A plaque of which the name of the mansion is written can be seen.

Inside the mansion, on the fifth floor, east, inside the green decorated room.

Zheng Tian was currently twenty years-old and had a cultivation of Great Tribulation Realm peak stage! His master is the current living ancestor of this clan 'Mifeng Hu' the current great great great great grand father of the current clan head.

His master have the same cultivation as his.

Zheng Tian was currently sitting right now with three peerless beauty beside him of which was currently talking to each other.

They are respectively Lin Xianxian, Shi Cuiyan, and the only daughter of the current clan head of the Ancient Sealing Clan- Mifeng Qing. These three peerless beauties are all his wives. These three wives of his that he wedded after he broke through Ascension Realm.

Plus he already have three children both boy's.


Zheng Tian goes to his master's room and bid him farewell. Zheng Tian's master know that his most favorite and perfect disciple is going to breakthrough to the Comprehending Law Realm must bid goodbye to him. But before his disciple walk out of the room, he was given a dark ginseng saying that it can help him breakthrough to the comprehending realm after he consume it. He was of course shock!

Those cultivators who have broken through Comprehending Law Realm will be pulled directly by the void, if not then they will destroy the world and its laws accidentally.


After bidding farewell to his friends who does not want to go the higher realm he immediately go back to his home town and fetch his parents and in-laws to put them to his special space where a world was currently growing along side with him. This world of his also can contain life. Inside is a complete imitation of the Ancient Sealing Clans vast mountains, plus Phoenix City is also their in the middle of a flat mountain where his family and friends was staying.


Above the clouds on the ninth sky, thunder rumble, lightning flash! A young man can be seen hovering above the mountains sitting cross-legged with eyes close.


Of course this is our protagonist! Zheng Tian! Who was now circulating and comprehending his three cultivation method: Luckiest Physique Refinement Method, Yin Yang Balance Essence Cultivation Method, and Dream Law Spirit Soul cultivation method.


Lightning strikes towards him like dragons in rage. Lightning hits his body and soul, but instead of burning him and toasting him to death, it was instead got devoured by his physique of which was already at the peak of devouring body.

The reason his devouring body can't breakthrough to the Miracle Body is because his cultivation and soul level in not enough to make a foundation for the method.

After an hour, a sky-shattering and earth shaking pressure was leaking from the body of our protagonist. He had reach comprehending law realm.

Shortly after his breakthrough, the void above his head shattered and revealed a terrifying suction force, pulling him in to the higher plane.


Shortly after he arrive at the one of the highest plane above from his plane- Immortal Shift World Plane, he was met with a world shaking war.

He participate from it, forming friendship, others hatred, while others love.

The war ended after three hundred years and by that time he already added many more members off his family as he had an additional thirteen more wives and fifty more children. He established a sect at this immortal world, he named his sect, Luckiest Origin Supreme Sect!

After fifty more years of travelling the world. He broke through to the Nascent Supreme Realm and was once again rip the void above his head and again pulled by it.

But his legend will forever be remember and be engraved in this world, never be forgotten by time.

He also left two of his children their. The reason is that they want to be just like their father to ascend by their own effort. Of course while the others are also doing the same but they don't want to be separated by their father because all of them are daddy's boys and girls.


After arriving to the higher plane again-Supreme Plane Realm, he was surprised to see that it was currently facing a calamity.

A calamity, a war in short. A war against the dark dimension of the plane-Deprive Plane Realm, where evils and all kinds of feared monster with dark and evil attribute was living.

Zheng Tian found this as an opportunity and immediately set out to the battlefield and make a name for himself.

One hundred and twenty-six years later, Zheng Tian's name was already a legend while his family member; his wives, children's, and other family members was also famed for their battle prowess and talents.


Ten-thousand years later, the war ended with Zheng Tian and his fellows from this world killing the Ten Devilish Ancestors of the Deprive Plane Realm. They also joined hands in sealing the broken barrier that lead its way to their realm that also causes cracks to appear in the boundary of the universe that protects them from nothingness realm laws.

Zheng Tian was deemed as the most powerful cultivator living on this universe, no one was a match for him and even no one was willing to be his enemy.

After ten more years of travelling, Zheng Tian finally decided to make a sect here in this world plane. His sect is the same as the immortal plane but this one is the main headquarters and also the home for those who ascended from his sect below.

After that they settle their, him and his family members. But while at it, time passed and he married more wives and got even more children. His mother was so satisfied with him and his wives because his wives are all peerless beauties, but most of it are because her son Zheng Tian married those who are virgins, loyal, and those who truly loves him.


Time passed and a million years passed by.

In this era Zheng Tian's name was already imprinted into the hearts and every soul of every living beings or thing in this universe.

And in this time Zheng Tian was going to breakthrough the cultivation limit of this universe.


The protection barrier that surrounded the domain or the universe was pierced by an invinsible hands. And this hands are from Zheng Tian who already attains True Eternal Transcendence Immortal realm.

His appearance was at that of eighteen years old, his face is so handsome that any females their hust by looking at him for a bit will be wet by now.


Zheng Tian was know that the world of cultivation does not end here so. Even if the road to a higher realm does not exist then he will carve a path for it, creating cultivation higher than this universe could do.

After he flow outside the universe, he immediately make seal and carved his own created laws to the universe and fuse with it. It will not do any change to the universe laws but only connect it to his laws- Attraction Repulsion Law, to make a 'Gate' whenever a member of his family want's to see him or a cultivator achieved Sage Realm, the 'Gate' connects to his newly created and own universe.

He created his own universe that is higher tier than the universe he came from.

This universe of his also have a higher cultivation path and laws!


Three billion years later and his universe complete its for and laws.


Three billion years again and his universe created life.


Three billion years again later and the universe finally produced a cultivator that reach the limit of this universe- Ultimate Possibilities Realm.

The cultivation realm of his universe is the same from his home universe but was added by additional Nine Great Realms namely: Transcendence Master, Transcendence King, Transcendence Emperor, Transcendence Sovereign, Transcendence Ruler, Transcendence Saint, Transcendence Origin, Transcendence Calamity, and Transcendence Emptiness Supreme!

After the person broke through Transcendence Emptiness Supreme realm, he too broke through like him. The blessing of the universe was given to him and to the other one who broke through, a quarter for him while three-fourth for me. After the break through, my cultivation again soured and I reached the realm I called the highest after the Transcendence Emptiness Supreme--- Simple Dream Reality Realm. A realm that I broke through after I'd just broke through. In this realm my universe tier was enhance and transformed. It transcended or evolve to a higher level producing one a Great Realm, a new cultivation realm of which he had just achieved.


After his broke through, he met with the one who have broke through the limit of the 'past' limit cultivation of his universe.

He already know who it was because he also help her ascend faster but not entirely. He only given her some lucky chances and the rest is to her fortune and karma.

Her name is Xian Jixue, borm form his universe, one of his wives in this universe when he descend and scattered some cultivation method to his universe. He met her when she was still nine years old and he teach her cultivation method for ten days. She was born from a commoner family under where a kingdom was ruling. She was also a peerless beauty that was no other being could rival except for his other wives. His others wives are all immortals, some are on their home universe while some are in his own universe. He can clone himself, and his clones are all real with no falseness on it. He use this clones of himself to be with be each of his wives everyday and love them, care them, or make love with them.


Back to the present, after Xian Jixue met the creator of the universe of which she already know because of her fate being sealed by an unknown beings. But that is not just the reason why she knows that their is another being in this universe. The other reason is that she meat him in her dream when she was still a Nascent Soul Realm. His face was clouded and misty that seems to be covered by a veil. They talked to each other while Zheng Tian introduced himself as the creator of this universe.


"I can't believe it was you all along master." Xian Jixue said while full of emotions. How can she not be full of emotions! She always search for him everywhere but to no avail, even when she was already strong and reach the peak cultivation of the universe, she still search for him, she search from fate, from every living beings, from past, form present, from future, and even from reincarnation! She even search from her karmic ties in this universe but to no avail. It was as if he was just a dream, an illusion, this gives her hope to be vanished by 1/1000000000000000.

But after she know that the creator of this universe she can met, she directly met him, only to find that the one she is looking for is here right now on her front.


The two stare for a while that feels like billions of years before Xian Jixue leaped towards Zheng Tian sobbing in his embrace.

Another wife of his, of course Xian Jixue is a virgin and only loves him dearly and truly.


Zheng Tian's adventure still going but our story ends here.

Title: THE END