
Monday, the week full of tiring work begins for everyone in Japan. In a office for paperwork in a JSDF base in Higashimatsushima-shi, Japan, an officer who is in his mid twenties was completely focused on the paper before him. To his left is a whole stack of papers at least 40 centimeters high. Looking at the papers he let out a soft *sigh*. "Why did I have to go through this....." he said that with pity in his voice and was on verge of tears.

Right when he was thinking 'could this be his punishment or sort for doing nothing?' there was a knock on the door. The knock brought him back to earth and he cleared his throat and said, "come in". A man in military formal attire came in after hearing his approval. He stood in front of him and saluted him and addressed him, "Major!". Looking at his attitude, Saito let out a *sigh* and said, "at ease second lieutenant and drop that formality, you know you can talk normal with me when we are not around officials". The man smiled and sat on the chair before him and started a friendly chat with him, "well that doesn't change the fact that you are still a superior officer than me and I gotta salute you whenever or wherever I see you, *sigh* such a drag in the ass! I mean seriously, come on! We both went to the same school and enrolled in the same university and luckily the same battalion and yet you are my superior officer? Why do I have to be a second lieutenant when you get to play the role Major!? This is so unfair!". "Well, its simple actually, you are dumb and inferior to me in the physical tests, where I'm smart and physically fit for the Major role" Saito said it simply as its nothing to him and he don't have a single care about it, whereas a soul was crying hard inside to be in the face of the fact.

"So? What do you want now, Eiji?" Saito asked the him. There was an another *sigh* and he said, "you completely see through me, don't you?". "Well I've known you since the time when you don't even know how to wear a diaper" Saito said bluntly while writing something on a paper. "Oi, not like you knew how to wear a diaper at that time too!" Eiji rebutted heavily. "Are you hear to talk about diaper times? Or is there something else? I got a small mountain of papers to fill up and it ain't easy!" Saito said with an indifferent look on his face. Eiji let out one more *sigh* and said, "ok I'll get down to the bussiness, Mirai is giving birth coming Wednesday the docs said and you know I gotta be there, more over it would be great if you are there. So there's the thing, I need two three days off for the birth and....." Before he could finish, Saito passed him the paper he was writing with a smirk on his face. When Eiji saw the contents his eyes bludged out in surprise. It was exactly what he wanted and as a bonus as a congratulations. He looked at Saito wondering if he hired a spy or something to tail him.

Seeing his look, Saito knew exactly what he was thinking, so he laughed heartily and said with tears in his eyes, "you are a total idiot aren't you? Now you should have understood why you aren't the Major. You stupid, Mirai is my little sister first and only then she's your wife and did you really think my little sister won't tell me the great news first and tell you first? Hahahahahaha, oh my god I can't stop it!". Eiji smiled bitterly looking at his best friend laugh so heartily like that. "Ha. Ha. Ha very funny, now you better don't forget to come or we will face the wrath of a women to a Titan" Eiji said. "Rodger that lieutenant, now I got work to do and you need to be somewhere else right now, so off you go shoo shoo" Saito chased him out of the office room and returned to his work while thinking about his sister and what he should buy to her when he visits her.

After a few hours, finishing half the Mountain pile of papers he decided to go home for now. Just as he stepped out of the building he realized that it was already dark and showering a bit. He started walking towards the parking lot to get his car. As soon as he reached the lot and entered the car, his bad luck started to surface as the car didn't obey him and stood there without starting. *sigh*. "Is my luck really that bad today!? First the pile of papers and then rain, now this!? If there is a god or something, YOU DEFINITELY SUCK!" he shouted in frustration. He let out a small sigh and only took his wallet and phone as he got out of the car and started his walk towards the station.

As he exited the compound, he bumped into someone unexpected. "Ah, Major! Sorry I didn't see you there, I'm really sorry Major!" Said a women in green military uniform with black hair, holding an umbrella with a beautiful smile on her face, she looked really beautiful. Saito flushed a bit and averted his look and said in a flushed tone, "ah- no it was my fault, I didn't pay attention to the surroundings and bumped into you...I'm really sorry, sergeant!" He bowed to hide his flushed face as he apologized.

The women just smiled and said, "we both are at fault, so can you please raise your head and stop this? Its kind of embarrassing....." The last part was in a hushed tone. He raised his head and gulped and thought, 'just how can you be this damn beautiful!?'. The women looked at him and asked, "what happened to your car? Don't you always go home in your car? What happened?". "Ah, well my luck finally kicked the bucket I guess, it didn't budge" he replied in a playful tone. She giggled as she heard his story as they walked side by side under the same umbrella. "Say, Iori...why are you walking alone to home?" He suddenly asked her. She replied in a casual manner, "well I always go home like this, I don't think this is something abnormal or something". "O- oh is that so! Well I just thought that you might had a fight with your boyfriend or something" he said in a flustered tone again which caught her attention this time. "Why would you think something like that suddenly Saito? I'm still single and I don't have a boyfriend or anything like that, I'm not in a relationship like you think I'm in one, you are just mistaken" she replied with a helpless tone. 'So she's still single and not in a relationship! Note taken!'he inwardly said. "But why are you still single? You are beautiful and got good academics, your even good in combat, you are like the ideal goddess for any men in our base" he said. She raised her eyebrows and asked in a surprised voice while her cheeks have a tinge of red in them, "I am?". "You don't know that!? Well they even ranked you in the top of the beauty list" he said it, just like that.

"Then.....what about you?" She asked in a hushed voice which made her even more cute like a little kid. Saito couldn't help but be shocked after receiving such an attack, 'Major! Get hold of your self! We made it this far! We can't give it up at this point! Medic! Get the medic here!' His mind was in a total dilemma. He somehow calmed himself down and answered, "well.....personally speaking, I think you are the most beautiful women I ever seen, apart from that little sister of mine yes and you are beautiful on both the outer appearance and personality vise".

A certain sister in a certain hospital sneezed and thought as she looked out the window, 'who is it that's thinking about me at this time?'.

"Do you think....that I'm beautiful?" She asked his pretty embarrassed. "Eh? Ah that- well you are beautiful and we known each other for long and there's that thing about the beauty ranking and stuff so I got really flustered and forgot everything as I bluntly spoke, since I like you since we were in high school, I really get flustered when talking to you like this and..... Eh?" He realized what he just said and his face just went beet red and he was having trouble with words not coming out of his mouth. "You.... You.... You like me? Like like me like me? Or the other like me?" Her voice became soft and slow in the later half and her face had a look of embarrassment. He let out a sigh and said, "ok, I give up! Yes, I liked you, I liked you when we were in the same class in Highschool, I liked you when we entered the same university, then when we reached the final year I realized that I never liked you to begin with..... I fell in love with you at first sight, I was in love with you right from the beginning of Highschool till the end of the academy we went to, I mustered up my courage to ask you out but...when I saw that you turned down the popular guy in the university and said that you already have someone you like....I lost hope and never tried to confess to you and here I am, saying all those pathetic things to you and making you bored, I'm sorry, the station is nearby and I'll walk alone from here, thank you for accompanying me till this far, bye" he said and was about to leave. Just as he left the umbrella, he felt someone hugging him from behind. As he turned around he saw Iori hugging him with her face on his back. "Iori, what are you doing...." He was so very confused as what the hell is happening here. Just as he was about to ask her again, she lifted her head smiling brightly with tears at the corner of her eyes she said, " idiot, it took you so long to do that? Do you know how long I've been waiting for those words to come out of your mouth?". Her words left our protagonist in total shock as his mouth is wide open that it could fit a whole burger. He asked, "then does that mean you too....." Before he could finish saying, there was a soft sensation on his lips. Only then did he realize that she took the initiative and kissed him. He didn't struggle or anything, he too gave in and started kissing her passionately as he hugged her back.

The two of them kissing in the rain seemed like a painting that came alive and brought color to the world even in this dark raining suitution where there's only street light glowed and gave light to the beautiful scene. Just as they were about to part lips a shout came out of nowhere, "WHOA! IT'S THE MAJOR AND THE GODDESS! HOW DID THIS HAPPEN!". both of them immediately separated and looked at the direction of the sound. They saw two soldiers who were leaving for home after their shift. Iori was totally flustered while Saito was very embarrassed as he said, "what are you guys doing here!? Don't you guys have a home to go? Beat it!". The two men got stiff when they heard his talk which was more like a growl. One of them said, "leaving us aside.....Major! What were you doing to our goddess!". The other guy also stepped up, "yes yes! What were you doing to her!". They both looked at him fiercely wanting to know what was happening. Just as he was about to reply them, Iori stepped up and grabbed his hand and smiled at him as she said, "well we both love each other so I believe it is normal for lovers to be intimate with each other, don't you guys also think so?". If looks can kill, then those guys would have died a hundred times over and over already. They were stunned by her reply, holy fuck their goddess who was single all this time is now actually in a relationship! How can they not be shocked by this?. They spoke as they started weeping, "wahhhh, Major you are one lucky bastard, you better make her happy and there should be no tears in her eyes or else!" Their eyes started emitting killing intent. Saito could only shrug as he said, "did you guys forget who I am? You guys have grown cocky haven't you? I'll show my true self tomorrow to you fellas hehehe" he giggled at the last. The two got scared and hurriedly left. Before leaving they both shouted, "You two love birds have a great night!". They left with that.

The couple just stood there, holding hands. After a bit they started walking towards the station and the rain stopped showering. When they reached the station she stopped and asked him, "say Saito, do you wanna come to my home tonight?". He was shocked above heaven when he heard that. That one sentence was all it took to make him almost faint from shock! He held her both hands and was about to say, but before he could say anything there was a *BAM* and everything went black for the both of them.