I'm kidnapped! No wait..........

Chrip chrip ~

'What's this sound....birds?' Saito thought as he tried to move his limbs but he couldn't move, 'huh? I can't move? And why is everything blacked out? Did I have an accident? Then what happened to Iori!? I gotta move and see what happened to her! I gotta move! Move damn it!' He started cursing himself, as all he cared about at the moment is the well being of the one he loves. After numerous times he still couldn't move his muscles at all, 'what's happening!? Am I by chance....paralyzed? No! It can't be it! I'm just blacked out! I'm not paralyzed! I'm a fucking S and a damn Ranger for crying out loud!' He resolved himself to move. He tried hard was able to feel his fingers. Just then a male voice said to him in his mind, "oh...seems like your resolve and willpower is more than what I would have expected for a mortal like you would have, as a reward for your efforts I'll give you a gift, hmhmhm~" then the voice faded away. 'Huh? What the hell was that all about! Is this some comical show or shit? If yes, then I'm gonna fucking kill the guy who did this!' he was raging to an extreme level, if he can move then there will be a massacre. At last, all his efforts gave fruit! He was finally able to see light and move his body parts. Finally, he was able to see surrounding.

"I'm in a.....forest? What the hell is going on here!? Have I've been kidnapped!? No wait.... This forest doesn't feel familiar at all...where the hell did I end up? This topography is off scale than what I've seen..." He humbled. Suddenly, something struck him and he realized he was not wearing what he was supposed to but something like a rag-tad like dress which looked like made from sack or something. "What the heck am I wearing!? Where is my uniform? If I lost it then General will literally have my head rolling!" Thinking about that ruthless General his body started to shiver like crazy and his back was running cold sweat. He then started to scout his surroundings and he luckily found a river running nearby. He then became escalated and quickly got to the river. Just as he was about to drink water from the river, he froze and his face was full of shock and disbelief. What he saw in the water was, not his face but someone else who he never saw before in his life.

"Wha.....just what the hell is actually going on here.....who's this guy!? What happened to my old self!? Just what in the actual FUCK IS GOING ON HERE!" he shouted with anger clearly visible in his voice. Then suddenly it struck him, "did I.....actually die? Am I reincarnated? Why did this happen to me? What happened to Iori!? Did she also.....? If yes, then is she here in this world? So many questions unanswered...". He then suddenly grew more angry, "is this also one of those clichè story plotted by that fucking useless of a god!? If there is really a god then, YOU MASSIVE MOTHER FUCKING *************(Author's note: For the sake of English the following words have been kindly censored , if you are really curious about it, then you can use your own words for that)" he started cursing like a mad man.


In a certain palace which looked like a dark palace but was actually the 7th hell of 9 Hell, the shadow palace.

Inside the palace was nothing like its exterior. If its compared to the medieval castles of the Kings and Queens, it will put them into total shame. Inside what seemed like a throne room of this magnificent palace, two figures can be seen. One of them is standing to the left side of the throne, whereas the other seemed to be sitting on the throne eyes closed as his right hand was providing support to his chin, there was a faint smile on his face which made him look more captive. The man to his side took the initiative to talk since the latter didn't seem like he will talk, "My lord, that man seem restless, he doesn't seem to be stopping at all, I really don't understand why you are so calm about this and what do you see in that mortal?" He asked in a timid voice. The one referred to 'Lord' looked like a someone in his teenage, but only god knows what his age is. He spoke in an attractive voice, "well, what do you think Agiel?". The man to his side whose name is Agiel spoke in a respected manner, "if you would allow me, he's clearly lacking respect and is vulgar, you gave him a second chance in life, he died and you gave him a second life! Yet he's clearly disregarding your kindness! The great Lord of the 7th hell, the ruler of shadows! If possible I would like to torture him for a 100 years before killing him" he started emitting a bit of killing intent and a strong hatred. The guy on the throne laughed heartily, "hahaha, Agiel you really are funny! Did this guy say anything that insulted me? He just cursed those bastards and whores in Heaven, I have no connection with them other than being an eternal foe, they successfully bannered us hell beings as pure evil force while they enjoy the place in other races heart and be worshipped by them, What the creators of the world my ass! They are just treacherous bastards". There was pure distain in his voice. Agiel could only sigh to himself and say, "sorry for my unsightly exposure my Lord, but what is it about this human that caught your attention? I'm not comparable to you in judging aspect, as I believe my Lord is incomparable in everything, I believe my Lord will enlighten this fool...". He could only sigh seeing his attitude, he is after all the most loyal subordinate of his even before he became the lord of the 7th hell. He then said, "its not that big of a secret to be hidden, have you noticed? His willpower is more than normal level of what a human in his state would have, but what got my attention is not only his willpower but he is the first human to come to the 7th Hell in the last 3000 years, someone actually came here...." He then seemed to daze off on the ceiling. Recollecting himself he said, "that's why I've taken an interest in him, no one comes to the Shadow palace without a reason and if they do, then their reason will be something that can't be predicted, I want to see what kind of miracle this human can create, only time will tell".

He then stood up from the throne and walked down the small steps in front of the throne.

"My Lord, where are you going?" Agiel asked him as he was about to follow him. "Well I'm just gonna go meet this human and have a little chat with him" he replied with a smile on his face. "Bu- but my Lord, is this even worth you going to that place? He's not even a strong being to begin with!" Ageil strongly opposed the idea of his lord going down to the earth just because there's a human whose should came to the 7th Hell in such a long time. Seeing Agiel act like this he could only shrug and continue before vanishing in thin air leaving Agiel speechless. Agiel let out a sigh and said to himself, "I can only hope there won't be any trouble to my Lord or if trouble finds him, then I will....." He started radiating suffocating killing intent and calmed down after a bit as he carried on with his work.


Back in the forest, Saito calmed himself down and started assessing his thoughts as he progressed his next course of action. Just as he was arranging his thoughts, a figure suddenly came out of the forest in his direction. Saito's sense told him someone is coming. So he immediately got alert and took a Defensive stance in hope if a fight arise. The figure only smiled as it closed in on him. After it came out to the clearing, Saito saw that it was a teenage boy with some eye catching clothes. He calmed himself down and asked, "hey kid, do you know where we are? I'm lost and don't know how I got here". The kid before him only smiled as he sized him up. After sizing him up he spoke, "hahaha, well you have to figure it out on your own, Major Saito Araya".

Saito was shocked beyond words. Someone from this place actually knew him and he's only just a kid who he never saw in his previous life before. Before Saito could ask a question he was cut of by the young boy, "don't worry, I'm not here to hurt you or anything, I'm just here to have a small chat with you". Saito now looked visibly calm but he was on heavy guard inside in case the boy in front of him attacked him. The boy clearly know what's on his mind, but he still shrugged and spoke in a calming tone, "as you have already noticed this is not your world, this is the world of Tiriat which in your world can be called as a fantasy world or something like that, and you came to this world because you died in your former". Saito was in disbelief! Dying right at the moment when a beautiful girl asks you to come to her home for the night? What kind of situation was that? Just as he was having a debate in his mind the boy in front of him spoke again with the same smile on his face, "well it was an unfortunate accident, but I gave you a second chance in life I hope you won't let me down I guess?". Saito came back to sense and calmed down as he spoke, "first I have some questions, why choose me to reincarnate? Do I have any purpose or something in this world? And who are you? Speaking like this...are you perhaps God?". The boy laughed, "hahahaha, you are funny! Do you really think those excuse of an astral beings who call themselves God will come down here and what? Give you blessing and say something like go and save this world from the wretched demons and bring peace? Hell no! As far as I know they won't even bat an eye on you'. Saito asked this time in a confused manner, "then who are you? If not god, how did you pull of something like the reincarnation?". The boy replied in a majestic tone this time, "I am the Lord of the 7th Hell of the 9 Hells, the Ruler of Shadows. I'm not a godly figure, but I'm on par with the mid level gods, even stronger than them but still weaker than the supreme gods".

Saito nodded his head and asked, "then why choose me?'. This time the young guy let out a sigh and said, "its because you were the first soul with strong willpower than normal humans to enter the 7th Hell in 3000 years, so I thought I will check on you". Saito nodded his head again and asked once more only this time his voice was a bit serious, "then I have a last and the utmost important question to ask you". Seeing his serious manner, he became confused what he was going to ask him as he simply said "yes". Saito then asked his most important question, "what happened to the women I was with before I died? Where is she? Is she also dead?" These were the question that concerned him at the moment. Hearing his questions, the young man said with a faint smile, "well she is also dead in the same accident at the same night as you". Hearing his reply Saito's eyes and mouth wide in shock, but the next words gave him a shocking surprise, "but she was also reincarnated, though it might not by me but by one of those god figures, about her details in this world or her whereabouts are unknown to me right now". Hearing those words he felt confident again.

The young guy came near him and said, "now that what I came here to do is done, I'll give you a welcome gift and you better be sure to treasure it". Just as he finished, he brought forth his hand and a Katana like blade materialized in his hand. It looked black and long just as the cursed demon blade, Murasame. The young guy explained, "as you expected this is a demon slayer blade and its called Itonirashi, something that your ancestor used which still holds unparalleled powers even now but it will only obey the one it accepts as its master and unleash its full power, with this you can do what you want to and what you want to do and going to do, is in your hands, I'll not come to your aid if you are in a death situation, so you better watch yourself". He handed over the blade to Saito, who was still in daze of such magic that took place in front of his eyes.

After handing over the blade, the young guy walked past him and stopped after five feet as he said without turning to look at him, "oh yea, by the way, your little sister gave birth to a beautiful girl and both of them are healthy, congrats". He vanished into thin air once again after finishing his sentence. When Saito heard about his sister and his new born niece, he couldn't hold back as tears started rolling down on his cheeks.