The demon blade and the devourer

Holding down his flow of emotions, he got back to his previous self. He looked at the direction where young guy stood before he vanished. He let out a sigh and said, "Gods and demons and all these ball crap! Why am I in middle of it!? Did I get an amazing ticket for the highway to hell even though I came from there just now? *sigh* what kind of eventful things are going to happen to me in this world of whatever it's name was and shit?". He once again let out a sigh and resolved himself, "well at least I got a clue on what happened and since that kid doesn't seem like someone who will lie, then it must be true, Iori, wherever you are in this world, I will find you and we will be together once again and live happily" he said that gritting his hands as he noticed the existence of the blade. "Didn't he say this is a demon blade and its from my ancestor.....Wait What the fuck!? The family heirloom!? That damn blade!? How can you call that busted ass rusty blade which was never once touched as long as I known! Just what the heck is that guy even thinking?" He was shocked at first, but the shock later turned into something unexpected. Well, not every protagonist gets the chance to get the heirloom of their family from their old world when they get reincarnated in a new one. He then took hold of the handle in his hand and the saya¹ in his other as he draw out the blade from it.

His eyes went wide from shock, the was rusty and useless af! He couldn't understand the reason as to why that guy would gift him a rusted ass blade in the first place. "Hmmm.... Didn't dad always say that there is a trick to really release it? What was that...." He started to mumble himself and thinking about what his dad told him at that time. He suddenly remembered what his dad thought to him. He held the saya in his left hand a little below his waist as he placed his right foot forward. As his right hand held the handle of the blade, he closed his eyes and tried to feel the blade. He let his consciousness wrap around the blade. Unbeknownst to him, the blade started glowing inside the saya. Right then, he opened his eyes and drew the demon blade! It was surrounded by a black aura which was clearly visible to naked eye. He saw the blade in awe but dared not to touch it, the former rusty blade was replaced by a blade which seemed like it came right out of a forge. The blade was now shinny and sharp. It was as though it never saw battles and newly made. The dark aura surrounding it gave off a mysterious yet powerful feeling. There was something written on blade. He brought it closer to him to read what it is. It said, "The Blade that devoured a thousand lives as it protected ten thousands". That was a really a good line. He smiled upon reading it and looked at the saya as there was something written on it too which was not there before. Curiously, he brought it closer. Upon bringing it close enough to read it said, "thy descendent of the Araya family, the guardians of the living, may you accept this humble servant whom passed down to the 57th generation of the great Araya family with a duty to watch over this line from potential threat from the evil, what say you?". He was clearly flabbergasted by this yet another weird incident. He thought for a while, 'well it's nothing to be afraid of I guess.....the privacy policy and terms and conditions are not like the insurance company give anyway.....'. He then decided to accept it as he said, "I, Saito Araya of the 57th generation of the great Araya family accept you as my servant". He said all that while holding the saya in front of him as he thought that it looked cool. The words on the saya changed right in front of his eyes as the new words said, "I, Itonirashi, the devourer of thousand and defender of tens of thousands, accept you, the 57th generation of Great Araya family, as my master! Now, seal the pact with your blood!". He was once again stunned yet at another abnormal event. He didn't think much of it and returned the blade to its saya and left it a little opening as he used the opening to cut his thump finger and let the blood drip down inside the saya by the blade. The saya started glowing along with the blade and a strong aura surrounded him and it formed an orbit like structure around him and got intense. A strong masculine voice said in a high pitched voice, "I, Itonirashi, accept the blood pact made by the 57th generation of Araya family and will serve you until your last breath". Then suddenly he got wrapped in a bright light. Out of thin air, something like an outer layer started forming on him. It was silver. It covered his whole chest and still expanded till it envoleped him.

He closed his eyes the moment he got wrapped by some unknown light. When he opened them, he felt like he was inside something, like he was wrapped by something strong. He brought his hands to the front and saw that he was in some kind of armor. He suddenly got excited and turned to the river. Upon looking at the river, he was clearly stunned above heavens! Words could not describe what he was seeing. He was in a silvery armor that gave off a domineering feel and also a majestic presence from it. And the helmet he was wearing was also looked like made from silver and it had two horns and a bird like design in the forehead, it was as if a guardian angel came down to earth. And the mask he was wearing gave off an fearful aura as it looked like a demon with white mustache smiling wide. And last but not least, his weapons. He now had two katana like blades on his waist. Both gave off a feel like it was made to slice thousands upon thousands. he then holded one of the blade with his right hand and its saya in his left. He closed his eyes and poured his emotions into it. The blade as if feeling his emotions, started to emmit an unyielding aura. He holded it for a moment, everthing was silent, the birds, the wind, the dance of leafs in tree and the water of the unstoppable river, everything was silent as if Mother Nature is waiting for a marvelous performance from him. Feeling the nature as it was as if one with him, he did a *slash* too fast for naked eyes to see! But it was beautifully performed. He opened his eyes to see where he slashed. The moment he opened his eyes a tree in front of him fell. It was clean cut. He was stunned once again by the prowess of the blade. It was only one cut and it was done in an elegant way. Even he could not believe that it was him who did this, it was that perfect! A perfect Samurai slash.

As if hearing his thoughts a voice said in his ears, "this is all because of master's skill, you naturally inherit your ancestors bloodline and their skills in blade techniques. The armor master is wearing is the armor of the Silver guardian, the Devourer of life". He was amazed hearing the explanation from his blade. He then asked, "then can I summon and unsummon the armor whenever I want?" It was the question in his mind, can he summon the armor to his will? The blades answer made him almost jump in happiness, "if master wishes, then this humble servant shall do so". He was very happy to get something like this. He couldn't help but think of a certain figure that gave him this pleasant gift.


In the same certain palace of the 7th Hell, a certain figure was sitting on his throne with the same smile only with a bit of amusement in it this time.

"What do you think, Agiel? Pretty eye catching right? I never expected that blade to have this kind of power, it was truly a surprise to even me! All I knew was that the blade had some unknown power and it felt not that much of a presence, but now its powers are even on par with my Filadiam, this is truly a pleasant surprise" he said as he smiled while holding two daggers in his left hand and using his right hand to support his chin, he still looked captive in this posture. Ageil on the side, was having his mouth twitch as he watched the screen in front which showed Saito still looking at his armor and blades. "Well my Lord, if you want that we can get it with ease and I'll go there personally" he said while looking at the screen. "Eh? I never said anything about wanting that blade or anything, I am just saying that it was a pleasant surprise that the blade had this kind of power, don't get me wrong and mess things up" he looked at Agiel like he's a retard, when did he say that he wants that blade or anything from a guy who was the first soul that caught his interest after waiting 3000 years only to rob that guy? The fuck is wrong with his subordinate's brain? Did it start malfunctioning?

Feeling his Lords 'are you a retard?' Gaze he smiled apologetically and said, "I'm sorry for being an idiot my Lord, but what are you expecting from this human? I clearly can't understand it". "Hmhmhm~ I'm not expecting anything great from him, just that will he keep me entertained after being bored for almost 3000 years doing nothing I can't take it anymore, even the calmest person will run out of patients" he said to his subordinate with a smirk plastered on his face. Agiel only shrugged his shoulders and looked at the screen where Saito was testing out what he can do with this armor.


Back in the forest, Saito who clearly didn't know that two figures were watching him, without him knowing. He was testing out what he can do with this armor for the past hour. He found that the armor is so strong yet it didn't feel like he was wearing the armor, if it wasn't for the feel of touch then he would even think that there is no armor, it was that light. Then he checked his martial arts techniques to see if the armor is restricting his movements, but amazingly it didn't, it was as if sliding through butter. His punches and kicks were all powerful with the armor on that he shattered a hard and thick branch from a tree nearby with less effort, he felt like a superhuman. And lastly he checked his both blades. Both of them were on par but one had soul and the other didn't.

He then removed the mask from his face and saw his face on the water. His face can be considered a little above the average but not to the level of being called prince charming. His face looked young and a bit low on healthy part, he was a bit pale for some unknown reason. He tried asking his partner, "nirashi, is something wrong with this body? Why is the face of this fella I possessed pale? Is he sick or something?" And yes he called the blade nirashi as Itonirashi is a bit odd to call casually. The blade replied him in a bit serious manner, "master this body's real owner seemed to be dead by some cause, poisoning it seems, if master wants I can show master what happened from the memory of this body's original owner". Saito was surprised at first and quickly changed to serious mode, "poisoning you say? Can you show me the memories of this body's previous owner?". "Yes master" nirashi replied as a tsunami of images and voices started to flood his head. Saito held his head and gritted his teeth as memories flashed in his mind. After 30 seconds, he finally passed out from such strong memory imprinting.

"Master! Master! MASTER!" that was the last thing he heard before he totally black out once again.