
They ran for about 30 minutes and finally they were about to reach the clearing when Saito stopped them. The mother and daughter stood there rooted on the ground with confusion written on their face. Saito explained, "Madly running while the enemy is at bay can be considered as suicide, so we need to learn about the situation first then act accordingly to that". The pair nodded their head when they heard him and couldn't help but think he was a genius warrior. Little did they know, he had learned about tactics when he was under training in the military in his past life.

He crouched down near a bush and observed the situation at hand from behind it. He was completely loss for words when he saw that the bandits overran the village defense. Shaking his head he continued his observation. He counted there should be at least, 40 to 45 men in the bandit group. A lot of corpses lay dead on the ground. Looking at the scene, he felt nauseous.

He looked around to see if there was an opening that he could use. He saw the villagers and the village guards are tied up and knelt down on the ground with 12 bandits as guards. He saw that many were looting the houses and with 12 as patrol to guard the perimeter. Suddenly an idea flashed in his mind. He went back to the pair and said, "I'll go clear out the bandits and save your fellow villagers, meanwhile you two stay here! I'll be back and get you".

He turned to leave as a hand grabbed his wrist. He turned around and saw the young girl looking at him with determination flashing in her eyes. She opened her mouth and said, "Lord, I can fight! Let me help you! I'll make sure not to get in your way!". Looking at her he tried his hard to suppress his laughter. He then said, "I'm not saying you to not help me, but I don't want to put you guys in the harms way that's all" he smiled and patted her head and said, "stay here till I come back" he left as he said those words.

He then returned to his previous position. He waited there for 3 minutes before locking on his first prey. "It's time to play assassin hehehe~" he laughed creepily in low voice. A bandit was coming in his direction. The bandit looked around and entered the bush and went forward a bit before coming to a stop. Saito's face went black when he saw what the bandit did. He flashed his dick out of his pants and was about to relive himself.

Saito's face darkened too the extend that he could even hide his face without a cover. he immediately drew his blade and instead of cutting off his neck which he originally planned on doing, he accidentally cut off his little brother. There was a total silence in the forest for a moment. The bandit's face started to show changes. He looked at his little brother which was supposed to be in his lower part of his body but currently missing. He was about to scream, but he couldn't. He then felt a coldness in his neck. He grabbed his neck and blood started sprouting out like a fountain. Last thing he saw was a shadow with blade in it's hand with blood dripping from it.

Saito just experienced a traumatic experience. Cutting of a dick was something new to him and he never even heard if it, even in the military torture! He then clasped his hand together and prayed for the poor soul which died in the most unfortunate way possible. He turned his head and saw the beheaded brother of the bandit. A chill ran in his spine, especially from the abdomen of his body! He then prayed for the poor brother and headed back while thinking, 'worst way to kill a guy? Check!'.

He changed his location to another bush nearby. He heard a women crying and struggling. Knitting his brows, he looked from the bush and saw that three of the bandits were dragging a poor girl with lecherous look on their faces. Seeing this, Saito gritted his teeth and clenched his fist. He looked at the rest of the villagers who were still tied up, they didn't move and their face had tears running down and the guards had their teeth's gritted like him. Looking the guards expressions one of the bandit came near them and gave a kick right on his face. The guard spat a mouthful of blood. And looked at the bandit with eyes filled with hatred. The bandit didn't stop after seeing the look on his eyes, he started beating the crap out of the defenseless guard.

Saito's rage reached a level which he couldn't hold back and wanted to charge straight in and massacre those bastards, but he holded back him impulsiveness and moved towards the house where the three bandits who were taking the girl going. He entered the house through the window while the bandits used the door to come in. Saito looked around and saw that he barged into a bed room. Smiling viscously, he hid behind the door and waited for the bandit to come.

He heard the bandits talk, "Hey brothers, I'll go first and you guys can come in after me , is that ok?" One of the bandits said. The others snorted, "Heh, you get to enjoy while we wait for you to finish? Go fuck yourself! I'm going in first!". The third one didn't stay quiet either, "you didn't forget that I'm also here right? I'm going in! You old people can get after the younger generation!". The two others turned speechless. "Newbie, its better that you back off or we will make you!" A muscular looking bandit said. "You old geezers do remember my powers right? If you don't want to mess with me then give up!" He young looking bandit started releasing a terrifying aura. The old ones gritted their teeth and said, "alright you win! Go have fun and come out quick! Or we will barge in!". The young guy just snorted and picked up the girl who fainted due to the aura released from him earlier and moved towards the bedroom.

The two bandits snorted in silent, "tch! If boss didn't hire those damned mercenaries, then we would have had fun than that kid who's supposed to be drinking milk from his mother!". The other one let out a *sigh* and said in a light tone, "leave it! If boss didn't hire those mercenaries then we would be the ones to suffer loss, you saw how those guards fought right? We wouldn't have stood a chance if we didn't have those mercs, they saved a lot of our brothers asses". The former didn't speak a word and kept it to himself.

Little did they know, the young mercenary who went inside the room was already on the highway to hell. The moment he closed the door after entering, he completely dropped his guard as he dropped the girl on the bed and didn't even bother turning back as he closed the door. He was about to remove his clothes but he felt a cold feeling on his chest. He looked at his chest and saw there was a blade pierced his chest. His eyes went wide and was about to move but the blade retracted. He then turned around to see who it was, but its too late as his head was removed from his shoulders. Saito did all this without even an expression shown in his face.

He trusted his blade the moment he closed the door. He then retracted the blade and did a spin as he sliced mercenary's head off, nice and clean. The body of the mercenary's body fell on the ground with a *thud* and his soul left his body. Saito then looked at the girl for injuries and let out a *sigh* of relief only after confirming that the girl was unharmed. He turned towards the door and waiting for the others as he folded his arms and closed his eyes, listening to the surrounding.

Nearly ten minutes passed and there was no noise. The two bandits started to grow suspicious. One of them said, "did he kills the girl? Or is she passed out?". The other one said, "I don't know, but I think we should check just in case". The former nodded and both of them moved towards the door. Saito opened his eyes and drew his blade as he took a piercing stance front of the door. When the sound got very closer to the door, he pushed his blade through the door. *Guah* there was a sound on the other side and he retrieved the blade and did a half spin as he send the blade again. *gah* there was another sound followed by two *thuds*. He then opened the door and saw that the two bandits were clenching their stomachs and struggling. He put an end to their struggle by slicing their necks.

The girl inside the bed room opened her eyes and was about to scream again, but she holded her breath when she saw what greeted her eyes. The body of the young bandit who was with two others lay on the floor lifeless and headless. She then looked towards the door and saw the back of a guy whose clothes she never saw in her life before and besides him was the bodies of the remaining bandits. She got terrified and was about to scream. But before she could do so, a hand closed her mouth.

She looked at the man whose hand was shutting her mouth with tears running down her eyes. She closed her eyes but she opened them wide when she beard him talk, "don't worry, I'm not with those bandits! I'm here to save you all". She then looked at him with hope in her eyes. He removed his hands and she said, "thank you my lord! Thank you....." she started crying again while holding his hand. She looked to his sides and asked, "is there more of you, my lord? Where are they?".

He then laughed wryly and said, "its only me and I'm enough to take them". Her face dropped when she heard that. "Bu- bu- but there's at least 45 of those bandits! How could you take them all alone!? That's suicide!". "Well let's see if the odds turn to our favor or not shall we?" He then stood up and jumped out of the window. Before he did he said, "stay here and don't move!". With that he jumped out through the window, leaving the girl in daze.