Time to get in action (part 1)

The moment the got out of the house, he left the area and proceeded to the next one in stealth. "So there is not only bandits but also mercenaries too huh? Let's put their skills to the test, hehehe~" he mumbled under his breath and proceeded towards the next target.

The town was quiet except for the cries coming from the square and rustling sound inside some houses. "I better move fast, the more I take time, the more things will get complicated!" He said in a low voice only audible to himself. Nirashi, who was silent till now spoke, "Master, do you need my help?".

Saito was shocked when she spoke at first, because there was no sound on the outside. "Hey now! Did you use telepathy? Why didn't you say that earlier!?" he asked her in his mind. He received a question instead of an answer, "Tele...pathy? What is that, Master?".

He just shook his head and said in his mind, "Never mind that now, I'll tell you in details later, but how can you help me?". The wolf-girl sword replied, "I can help you with combat master! I can teach you the techniques of the Araya family! Of course I do know the secret techniques and forbidden ones too!" the sword boasted itself in a prideful way.

He can't believe that their family had this much things hidden in a damn katana and yet they don't own a dojo. He pushed the unwanted thoughts aside and asked, "Can you teach me now? Its kinda urgent here". There was a moment of silent and she spoke, "Its not a problem to teach you, but......" her voice trailed off which got him suspicious. "But? Is there something like a side effect or something? But the situation at hand is more bigger than some side effects!" he said to her in his mind.

"You are just like you ancestors, master. Always helping the weak and righteous" she said in his mind. "I never knew them till now and we can talk brief about history and geography, but right now can you do it or not?" he asked seriously, this sword is not reading the situation at hand at all!

"Ok Master, I'll teach you so brace yourself" the voice ended with that leaving him puzzled. He was about to called out for her in his mind but a heavy headache bombarded him with pain. "Arghhh!" he cried and clutched his head with his hands and knelt down on the ground as the pain didn't seem to lessen. Vains started to Bludge on his forehead and his face color changed to red.

Even though he was wearing the armor and the scarf, the change was visible on his face. After three minutes of pain, he was about to pass out but the pain stopped immediately. He gasped for air and let out heavy breaths.

"Nirashi! What the hell was that!?" shouted in his mind. Nirashi replied, "Master I told you there will be side effect, and that was it! Now, I doubt anyone can beat you in terms of blade skills" there was a hint of pride in her voice which didn't escape him. He ate the words he was about to say and replied, "Thank you". "Don't be master, it was because master was strong enough to endure it that it became possible for you to learn it" she said. 'Well I am from the 'S' and the ranger battalion anyway, so its only natural that I got a strong will power' he thought but forgot that both he and Nirashi were still connected. Confused, she asked, "what is 'S'....and 'ranger battalion', master?". "Let's talk about it later, we got work to do" he cut her off and returned to reality. What greeted him was a sword on his neck while four guys stood around him.

He took a quick look at them all. There was a bald guy, an archer, a swordsman and the other one who is pointing his sword on his neck. The bald guy spoke, "Well well well, looks like a cat ran out of its home and into the lions den! Hahaha! Now, tell me who you are and strip off your weird armor or I'll do it myself". Hearing him say those words, Saito felt creeps running inside his skin.

Darting his eyes towards the guy who was pointing the sword at him, he took a coin from the coin purse which was hanging on his hip and threw it towards him. Reflexively he caught the coin but let his sword go.

Seeing an opening, he instinctively took something from inside the robe and threw it at the archer. The object hit his head and he fell backwards on the ground.


The three of them looked at their fallen brother and burned in anger. Before they could turn their head, Saito got up from the ground and darted towards the guy who pointed the sword at him. He drew his blade half way at him and stabbed him right in the heart.

The bandit looked him in the eyes with disbelief and fear written all over his face. His eyes made him look like a devil from hell.

He withdrew his blade and slit his throat. The bandit body fell as he holded his neck with his hands. Saito then turned towards the rest and saw them scared off their pants. "Mon- mon- Monster!" The guy with hair on his head shouted as he drew his sword and pointed it at him while trembling. The bald guy was not in a better situation either as he too had fear all over his face.

The temperature went down a few degree as he stared at the two bandits with coldness in his eyes. He asked in a cold tone, "Monster? Me? Are you even qualified to call me a monster when you ravage towns and women? Who is the real monster here? I'm just serving the right". His voice sent chill down their spine as they both took a step back.

Seeing that his fear tactic worked, he lunged at them. They both have not recovered from the fear as they helplessly stood there. He went past them and stood five feet behind them. There was a brief moment of silence and the both bandits fell of the ground with a *thud* as their heads leave their shoulder.

"I did not think I can be that vicious! That was scary and awesome at the same time!" He said in his mind with excitement and kept a calm face on the outside. He went near the archer and picked up the object he threw and looked at it. It was a black kunai. He didn't think too much and returned it where it was in his robe and picked up the coin he tossed and put it in the purse.

He looked at the street and lifted a vicious smile and darted in that direction.


Meanwhile inside the 7th Hell's Shadow Palace,

"Wow! Did you see that Ageil? He splendidly performed a vicious murder! Hahaha! I knew it was worth while choosing him to be my champion!" said the lord of the 7th hell. "My lord always knows the best and he does pique my curiosity on what he will do, let's see if he can entertain us more" Ageil lifted his corner lips to a smile. They both smiled while seeing the fog screen in front of them.