Time to get in action(part 2)

Moving along the side of the street, he killed anyone with weapon in their hand silently. Not like the village men or women would likely have a strode on the street with a weapon in hand and bandits around. He started to get the feeling that he's more suited for assassination than being in the military or it could be the effect of that weird knowledge-of-ancestors Nirashi gave him or it could be the side effect of playing too many games before joining the military when he was "still" in the world of modern culture.

He took a turn in the corner of the street and saw that there were four guys cornering a little girl. He didn't want to waste time and letting those jerks have their way with that girl, but he didn't want to draw much attention too. He ransacked his brain and said, "Ah fuck it! If they all come at me then I'll send them on their way to kingdom dipshit!". He then darted towards the four men at top speed.

The four of them had a look of lust in their eyes and a creepy smile on their face. The girl was freighted beyond words and her face was as pale as a paper. The girl closed her eyes and gritted her teeth. The man in the right corner reached his hand to touch her. The next moment everything happened so fast, they didn't have time to take what happened as the man who was about to touch the girl lost his right hand.

Saito didn't give them much of a break and beheaded the one who lost his hand and thrust his blade into the heart of the second. He didn't even care if they took their weapon or not, he didn't care if it was a fair fight or not, he didn't care if the other would come here to fight him all at once or not. He just wanted to save the helpless girl and was on an adrenaline rush.

The other two weren't doing so great as one tried fleeing and the other trying to draw his sword. Saito couldn't help but get a feeling of excitement due to the rush of adrenaline. His eyes fixed on the guy trying to pull his sword from the sheath. He withdrew his blade and spin as he cut the throat of the guy who he stabbed and darted at the other guy who had finally took his sword and took a stance.

Saito didn't mind the formalities and went straight for his neck. The sword was on the way to his target so hacked his blade at the sword and kicked his face with a half spin.

The guy stumbled sideways. Before he could assume a stance, Saito gave him an extra hole to breath in his eyes by stabbing it. The other guy was gone and he knew he was in deep shit now. He turned towards the girl only to find her staring him wide eyes filled with fear.

He went near the girl and crouched down. He asked in a gentle tone as possible, "Are you okay? Did you get hurt?". The girl was brought back to reality with his voice and she looked at him cautiously. Looking that the girl don't trust him, he smiled warily and said, "don't worry I'm not going to hurt you, now get to safety and hide till its all over, I'll save your village". He then left the girls side and processed forward.

Just as he turned to the right, what greeted him was clearly not something pleasant. More than ten of the bandits stood there with their weapons drawn. There were four archers on the roof of the houses. "I don't know if I should consider this as a luck or deepshit" he said in a low voice.

The archers cocked the arrows in their bows. "Definitely deepshit" he said in a low voice once again and drew his blade. One in the middle of the group took a step forward and asked in a loud voice, "Now I'll give you 20 seconds to law down your weapon and tell us who the fuck you are and why are you interfering with our business!".

Saito lifted the corner of his lips and said in a voice loud enough for them to hear, "I'm from the welfare committee of the neighborhood taking a stroll and hitting the flies! Got a problem with that!?". The others looked at him with a confuses face.

He didn't give a damn and threw one of the kunai he had with him at the archer over the left side rooftop. His attack hit home and the archer fell from the roof. The others if the ground charge at him while the archers sent arrows at him. He dodged the arrows and parried the sword coming his way. He was half surrounded and had arrows coming his way. His eyes became bloodshot and his lips turned to a vicious smile. He sent a kick towards the little brother of the guy who was in a sword vs blade situation with him. As the guy reacted to his kick and staggered, a blade pierced through his abdomen.

From the beginning of the fight till now, Saito targeted the vital places which could kill them for sure. He retrieved his blade and glanced around and saw there was still nine swordsmen and three archers.

He locked his eyes on the archers and send three kunai one after another continuously. All hit the targets headshot and they fell from the roofs. He then turned his attention towards the nine on the street.

Licking his lips, he lunged at the one near. He didn't give the bandit time to react as he sliced his throat, nice and clean. Blood sprout out but he didn't care as he swifted towards the next one.

One after another they fell. All of those who had fallen could be seen with a cut in their throat or a stab in the heart or in the abdomen. There were only three standing and struggling to handle him. They were all panting heavily.

Somehow this group of three had gears better than the bandits and fought even well than them. Saito didn't even break a sweat going through that massacre, he didn't even flinch a bit. He was excited.

"Just.....who are you?" One of the three asked him, still panting. Saito smiled and said, "don't you think its rude to ask someone's name before introducing yourself?". The three looked at each other before speaking, "my name is Bruferd, we three are members of the Swiper Mercenaries group, now announce yourself!". Saito thought for a bit and asked, "how many of you Mercenaries are here?". The man looked confused and said, "there eight of us are here, so even if you kill us, you won't be able to kill the five others, they are stronger than us". Saito chuckled and said, "who said I was going to fight five? I already killed one, so don't worry, I'll send your friends right behind you" his eyes shone in a different light as he launched at them.

The three didn't last long at his furious attacks. They all lay dead on the ground as he stared at the scene in front of him. He felt like a part if his humanity went missing as he stared at the corpses on the ground. The moment of trance was all it took to take lives like these with ease. He felt like he was losing a portion of himself.

He suddenly thought of Iori, his first love, his lips turned into a smile and he felt a warm feeling in his heart as he remembered the time when they both were in the academy and the time they spent on that faithful rainy day. He resolved himself to find wherever she is in this world.

He then went near the archers and took the kunai from them and started scavenging the bodies of the dead just in case he might find something that could be of use to him in future. He found 147 copper coins, 32 silver coins, 10 gold coins and a dagger which seemed well made.

He signed to himself as what he became and started to walk towards the square. "Its time to get in action and end this quick". With that he strode towards the square.