Shocking news for the Shadow Lord.

Alathia came back from her past memories and started to take the matters at hand a bit serious. She was then started to get covered by a white fog and vanished with it.


Back in the Shadow Palace of 7th Hell, Lohar was looking at the black fog screen before him with Ageil to his side. The fog showed Saito chatting with Herjar as they walked along the forest pathway.

Suddenly, the black fog dispersed and white fog took its place. A beautiful women, whose beauty could turn heaven and hell upsidedown, came out of it. The women smiled at Lohar and Lohar, was having his mouth hanging and same could be said for Ageil. Both of them had the same thought running in their mind, 'WHAT THE FUCK IS THE NATURE GODDESS DOING HERE!' they screamed in their mind.

Lohar took the the initiative to suddenly ask, "My lady, what may be the reason for your visit?" his tone was full of respect, even if he's the Lord of 7th Hell and the Lord of Shadows, she is a freaking Supreme God!

Supreme Gods are the ones who became Gods in the earlier times. Their power and knowledge and anything they posses, other gods couldn't even compare it.

Here, Lohar may be a lord of a powerful Hell, but still he's a middle ranked God, so he doesn't want to anger the Nature Goddess, who could possibly destroy the Shadow Palace or even the 7th Hell.

Alathia smiled beautifully, that even the sun has to hide in shame, she said, "Oh my, am I not invited here, little Lohar?". Her voice was very sweet, no man could resist by submit to her, but Lohar was running cold sweat! His thoughts were, 'EHHHHHHH! did I anger her!? Is she mad!? Oh fuck please don't be that way! She will destroy the whole fucking hell if she's mad! Sugar coat it Lohar! Your the goddamn Lord of this goddamn Hell!'.

He then smiled welcoming and said, "How could I!? You can come here anytime or every time you want, my lady, you are always welcomed here" he then bowed as courtesy followed by Ageil.

Alathia smiled and said, "If that's so, shall we talk something? Its pretty serious" her voice turned serious. Lohar and Ageil were running cold sweat! 'Not good! She's mad!' they said in their mind. "Of course! Of course! Let's talk over some tea! Please, this way" he then gestured her to the way, which leads to the guest hall.

After they both entered the hall and took their seats, Ageil got them some tea. Both of them drank the tea, one had a pleasant mood while the other was very tensed. Lohar then took the initiative to talk, "What brings the Nature Goddess to a place like 7th Hell, my lady?" all the while he forced a smile. She took a sip from her cup and said with a smile, "It's about the new soul who seems to have come through 7th Hell in a long time, so I thought I would just come here and have a nice little chat with you and ask what the HECK ARE YOU PLANNING TO DO WITH HIM! like that". Lohar almost peed his pants when she raised her voice, it was even scarier than Asuraz, Lord of the 1st Hell!

"Him? Oh yes! His soul came here for some reason which I clearly don't understand but, I gave him another chance to live as a gift! He is the first soul in 3000 years to come to the Shadow Palace, so I just thought of giving him a gift and all.... " he said to her in a very respective manner and a sugar coating tone.

She just took a sip from her cup as he heard his reason and said, "You know what will happen if you lie to me, right?" she released her over powering Aura and pressured Lohar, Ageil and heck! Almost all of the 7th Hell is being pressurized by her dominating Aura!

Lohar quickly said, "Of course! I would never lie to the great Goddess of Nature! I don't want to die yet!". She smiled at his words and said she still pressurized the whole damn Hell, "Then, what do you plan on doing to him?".

Her question made Lohar dumbfound, but he still answered truthfully, "Well..... I made him the champion of 7th Hell, It will be useful to him as every champion receives blessing from their respective places and he has the blessing of the Shadow! And as far as I know, he was a soldier in his previous life! So as far as it's not a hero or the gods, he can beat anyone!" he said the last sentence with a bit of seriousness in his voice.

She smiled to her ears when she heard him. With the blessing of the Shadow and the blessing of the Nature Goddess, even the heroes will have a hard time dealing with him! Its better they don't mess with him or else they will have a taste of what is called as defeat!

She put her cup on the table as she retracted her Aura and stood up to leave, "I guess my goal for coming here is finished, thank you for the tea, it was good and you can come to Garden of Eden anytime you want, they won't stop you unless you come to cause trouble, I shall take my leave now" she said. Both Lohar and Ageil were petrified! Just what the heck was there for you to come here! This doubt was running through their mind, over and over again.

Lohar asked before she could leave, "My Lady! If I may, what is he to you?". She smiled once again, only this time, it was beyond what men can handle, "He's like a very great grandson to me" she said and the same white fog surrounded her and dispersed with her. Lohar and Ageil were standing there with their jaws dropped. "Wha.... Wha..... WHAT THE HECKKKKKK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HE'S HER GRANDSON!? did I hear it right!? Am I sleeping!? Was that really the Goddess of Nature!? Is it someone else!? How the fuck did the descendent of "HER" end up in 7th Hell!? The fuck is with the order!". He then took the cup he drank tea from and saw it very closely and even used appraising skills to check if there was something mixed with it. The result was that the cup was clean and there was only tea inside it before and nothing else.

He turned towards Ageil and shook him hard as he said, "Ageil! Get back!". He finally came back to reality and looked at Lohar and said, "My Lord! Is what she said true!? Is he really the descendant of the Nature Goddess!? Are we done for!?" he was even more paranoid than Lohar.

Lohar was relieved that his most trusted companion and the commander of the Army of Shadow Hell haven't got himself paralyzed due to shock. He then said, "Seems like there's is something messed up for him to be sent here or it could not be a coincidence, either way he is still the champion of Shadow Hell and descendant of the Nature Goddess which means, he is currently the most powerful being in the mortal world without him knowing!" he said and let out a *sigh*.

Ageil also let out a *sigh*and said, "So that means he doesn't need our help right?". Lohar smiled and said, "If nothing else we would be asking him for help than him asking us". Ageil let out a laugh.

"Let's hope he won't get into any big trouble" Lohar said. "If needed, I shall send over our warriors" Ageil said. Lohar just shrugged and didn't say anything, they both knew that it won't be necessary at all.


Back in the forest, without knowing what happened and with no care in the world, Saito and Herjar were walking towards the town while snacking on the apples they got from a tree on the way. They chatted heartily on their way while munching their apple.

"Just how long is it till we reach the damn town? We been walking for like half the morning and we still haven't reached any where near, have we?" Saito asked. Herjar said, "We will get there when we get there". Saito thought, 'why do I feel like I heard this line before?'.

They finally reach the borders of the town in the afternoon. The way to the town now looked clear as they got out of the forest path and onto the road way. The side of the road was filled with farmlands and some farmers could be seen.

While farmers were on their land, tending to their crops, there were people walking and riding carriages on the road. Saito noticed a lot of them were different. Herjar also noticed Saito as he was looking like a kid who saw carnival for the first time. He then said to Saito, "The ones with weapons and staffs are Mercenaries and the ones coming in the carriages are probably merchants and the ordinary people, Mercenaries sometime take requests like guarding a caravan or a single carriage, it gives money to some extend but I wouldn't just rely on it". Saito knew he need information about this world, even something that's well known or never known could help. He asked, "Then what would you rely on?".

Herjar thought for a bit as they both walked along the way, he then said, "Killing monsters requests pay good money, if you wanna make a living and need money to settle down, that's one way to go! But there are also risks in it, even a strongest group could fall prey to a group of goblins if they don't watch out". Saito knew what he meant clearly, stay sharp or stay home.

Many, almost everyone looked at them while traveling. Of course its natural! One was wearing weird costume and the other was obviously higher than most of the ones that walk around. The face of the Mercenaries were no good, they were glaring at them. Saito thought, 'Why the heck are they throwing daggers at us!? We didn't even do anything!'. He looked at Herjar and he just shrugged his shoulders. Herjar thought, 'Of course they would glare at us! I'm a dark elf and most of passers by would have fought the Dark elves and heard about how we are, so its only natural they suspect us!'.

Saito asked Herjar, "Say, how do you know so much about the human town? I mean you are a Dark elf and you are supposed to be enemies right?". Herjar smiled, but it was not visible as he was covering the lower half of his face. He said, "Did you forget I'm an assassin? We are supposed to spy and assassinate our targets, so I learned s few thing on the way and I don't think this is a big deal". Saito smiled and didn't say anything.

After walking for 30 mins, they finally arrived at the gate. When they entered the gate, a guard came near them and looked at them. His face showed a frown when he saw Herjar and he signaled. Immediately, more than 30 guards surrounded them with spears aimed at them while shielded swordsmen trapped them. Both of them thought, 'We are in trouble now!'.