
Saito gripped his blade's handle, while Herjar was keeping his hands on his daggers, this is clearly not a welcoming situation! The guards had sharp look in their eyes and an aura of enmity.

Saito and Herjar were scanning these guys to see if they would prove to be hard to deal with. Sadly enough, they aren't even worth a second look. Too many flaws in their formation! Its as if, if one of them lost balance and stumbled, the whole formation will be wrecked under a second.

Seeing that these guys aren't worth their time, they took their hands of their weapons. Saito then looked at them with a scary look and said, "BOO!" the guard in front of them lost all morale and fell down. Everyone backed up with just a "BOO".

Saito and Herjar thought, 'What the fuck is wrong with this guards!? Aren't they supposed to be strong and brave and shit? Surprised this town is still standing with this type of security!'. Just as they were thinking, a man with a well built body and a great sword on his back, came towards them. His looks were that of a guy who fought a deck lot of wars and came back with scars.

He looked at them right in the eyes, an eery silence..... Both parties looked for a long time without even speaking a single word. The man spoke, "Disperse!". The guards were dumbfounded! Why the heck is he teaming up with these new guys!? Or is he trying to protect them by sending them away and have a fight with them!? They might look mysterious, but that doesn't mean they are strong!

The guards mind were in a turmoil! They couldn't make out the north and south of their commander's words. Just as they were about to refute, their commander spoke, "Did you not hear me? I SAID DISPERSE!" his voice sounded very angry. "Understood, Commander!" they said in unison and saluted him by keeping their right hand on left chest.

The guards all finally left and returned to their post. Only when there was no one, he let out a *sigh* and said, "Thank you, for not killing them all". He then looked at him and this time, his eyes were not hostile but friendly. He then asked, "Allow me to introduce myself, I am Bolgan, a swordsman and the commander of this gate, Welcome to Forgwell city!". Saito introduced themselves, "I'm Saito, a Samurai and this is my friend, Herjar, an Assassin! We both came here to get ourselves registered as mercenaries and seems we come to the wrong place" he smiled awkwardly, but of course! His red scarf hid that! Bolgan gave them a questioning look and asked, "How so? This is not your destination?".

Saito replied, "No, this is our destination, but at the same time, it's not". Saito's reply confused him even more as he said, "How....?". Saito then took out the map and showed him that. Bolgan's face became clear at the morning sky after seeing that map.

"This map is pretty old, at least 6 years or so I would say, where did you get this?" He asked them. Saito said, "A village far from here and it seemed like this is the only big town close to us so we came here". Bolgan smiled and said, "Don't worry, you are in the right place, this was a town four to five years ago, now it became a city due to the rate of development! You guys can rest at ease".

Both Saito and Herjar let out a *sigh*, now they don't have to worry about being lost and couldn't find the right place. Saito then asked with a side look, "Earlier, you said thanks for not killing them, why?".

Bolgan now *sighed" and said, "Because I know these soldiers are very weak compared to you both, I am sure that at least one of you must be over powerful than them" his gaze was pointing at Herjar, who was standing with his eyes closed like he was deep in thoughts.

Herjar said without opening his eyes, "He knows I'm a dark elf and as a dark elf Assassin, I can slaughter them pretty easily you know? And by the looks of it, he most likely have fought a dark elf Assassin before" he opened his eyes and eyed Bolgan.

Bolgan smiled and said, "That was when we were at war with the dark elves, I fought with a lot that I forgot the count, but that doesn't mean I will forget those days and yet, I couldn't believe that there will even be a party of a human and a dark elf, a weird one if you'd ask me". Saito said, "Well, things do happen in a weird way and there's the thing called fate that plays with us". Bolgan laughed at Saito's words and said, "Hahaha, what you said is so true that I can't find a reason to deny it!".

Saito then asked him, "Commander Bolgan, if you would, could you point us to the Mercenary Guild and recommend a good inn?". The commander thought for a while before answering, "Well the guild is that way and there is a good inn at an affordable price, but I suggest you to go to the inn first get yourself a place to stay before going to the guild as the rooms might be filled if you go there late" he said with a smile. Both of them nodded their heads and said their goodbyes to the commander before going to towards the inn.

They had to take a lot of twist and turn before finally reaching the inn. No one on the way helped them with direction, whenever they asked someone for direction, they would just ignore them and walk faster. This is because of Herjar being a dark elf. Dark elves are hated among humans and other races as we all know it clear as the day. Helplessly they wandered around before finally finding it.

Saito *sighed* and said, "I didn't know dark elves were respected this much that they won't even bat a second eye towards us" he teased him. Herjar also let out a *sigh* and said, "ah will you leave it already? I'm completely exhausted by all that walking! I never been this exhausted even when I was hunting! I wonder from whom I got this from?" his eyes pointed Saito from the side.

Saito looked back at him with a wronged expression, "Oii! That's because you became lazy! Don't blame it all on me!". Herjar laughed and said, "Hahaha, sorry sorry, just thought about getting back at you, truth is my wound is not fully recovered and you treatment also seems to be working but slowly, so my physique seems to be weak right now" he waved his arm around.

Saito then said, "Ok we can chat all we want after we complete the things that need to be done" Herjar nodded his head and both of them entered the inn. The moment they opened the door, all eyes and by that I mean every single one of them, looked at the duo. Both of then just kept a poker face on and walked towards the reception. The place looked like a typical inn from an anime. A lot of them here were mercenaries and some others like merchants and lot. They were drinking, eating and chatting heartily, before the duo came in. Now, the atmosphere seemed tense, like a battle will break out any second.

Due to Herjar being a dark elf, this all happened, and Saito being in a weird costume could be added too. The Mercenaries kept their guard on and the merchants and others also did the same. Saito knew that a fight would break out if a single move was done wrongly. He just kept his left hand over the hilt and walked towards the reception.

When both of them reached the reception, they thought the same thing, 'Bunny..... Girl?'. This was Saito's first time seeing one and as for Herjar, he had seen beastkin before and even fought with a lot and bunnies, were not one of them. Saito then smiled to ease the tensed up girl and said, "Hello, can we both get rooms to stay?". The receptionist staggered while saying, "Ah- n- no, I me- mea- mean all the rooms are booked and ah.... So...". Saito and Herjar knew that this girl is saying all those things voluntarily, he knew he had to use his cards if he wants a roof over his head at the night.

Saito said, "The gate commander Bolgan sent us here, he suggested that this place is pretty good and there are rooms available here, but I'm clearly disappointed! We'll just go back and tell him that they said there are no rooms and they are giving us a cold shoulder! We'll just go find some other place to stay, let's go buddy" he then turned to leave so did Herjar while he thought, 'wow, my bro is a sly fox' his mouth had a smirk but it was hidden by his black bandana he was wearing.

Just as they were about to leave this place, the bunnygirl receptionist called out to them, "Wait! Wait! Wait! Did you say commander Bolgan sent you here?". Saito and Herjar knew that she took the bait, so he continued, "Yeah, he did send us here, but too bad we gotta find somewhere else to stay, farewell" they then turned to leave again.

The receptionist hurried to them and said, "Please stop! I think there are rooms available for you two! I didn't see it clearly, please forgive me!" she bowed before them. Herjar kept on teasing, "Why should we? Didn't you say that there is no rooms for "us"? So why should we stay here? We'd better off going back to him and ask for some other place to stay" he turned his head. The girl looked like she would cry any minute.

Saito giggled at the side and said, "I think we teased her enough bro" Herjar also followed him up and stared giggling. Herjar then said, "Yea, I think that's enough". The girl then looked St them a confused expression. Saito then said, "Sorry for that, can we get done with the procedure? We got things to do". The girl nodded her head and lead them to the counter.

She then took out a big book and asked them to fill up some details like what work they do, what is their name and sort. She then asked, "Its 1 silver for a night and since you asked for two rooms, its 2 silvers per night and with food it will cost you 4 silvers".

Saito then said, "We would like to stay for a week and with food charges it will be 28 silvers" he then took out two gold and 8 silvers and put them on the counter.

She counted them and was surprised, "Wow, you could do mathematics pretty good! Its exactly as you said". Saito then said in his mind, 'Oii! That's some simple math! Why are you surprised!? Wait! Could it be that literacy in this world is actually shit? Fuck!'. He smiled and got the keys to the rooms.

Their rooms were in the second floor and straight next to each other. They got their stuff in order and left the inn quickly, which stirred up the suspicion of everyone in the inn.

Upon leaving the inn Saito said, "Well that went smoothly! Now let's get the registration done and get some rest before actually doing something" Herjar nodded his head. They then headed straight to the Guild without a care for other while in the dark, trouble followed them like shadow.

A fight might soon take place before their journey even begins! The rest is on their hands to face it!